Photogalleries and/ or stories from descendants

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Nava Shulkin:

part 1    part 2   part 3

marketplace before 1941


List of  houses where lived Jewish families before 1941, in October 1990 compiled by Yehuda Grodnik, Baruch Gofer Grodnik and Alter Kaplan- a former inhabitant of  Shadeve ( Seduva).

 Baruch proposed to list houses in order from the center – the marketplace. There were 4 main streets diverging from the center: Shavly, Ponivezh, Keydan and a smaller one, Varishky. Around the marketplace there were stores and houses all inhabited by Jewish people. At the center of each street live the Jews. The gentile Lithuanians lived at the section of the streets farther away from the center.

Hebrew version of the list of houses

Copyright © 2008 Dora Boom

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