Alan R. Ludmer, U.S.A. part 1: Introduction |
Fuchs/Fox Family History
To know who we are, we must know from
where we came. To learn from where I came, I’ve spent the last 30 years
researching the history of my mother's family.
Recently, with the global pandemic and my professional
retirement, I've been able to devote more time and energy. However, this
project has remained a labor of love. It is my hope that this project
will be of value to our family decedents determining who they are and
from where they came.
Much of our history comes from
personal memories and general Fuchs family lore. I can't vouch for 100%
accuracy, but as a famous western movie once noted, "When the legend
meets the truth, print the legend."
Again, many thanks to all who helped with their time, efforts,
stories, and photos; your help was invaluable.
Alan Ludmer |
to part 2
© 2020 Dora Boom |