Przemyśl Jews: Places of Annihilation

The following are the three major places of annihilation of Przemyśl Jews.
Click on the links to find out more information about Przemyśl families who perished.

Members of the Przemyśl Jewish Comunity also perished in other camps, including Treblinka. 

The Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance documented 62,000 Austrian Jews who fell victim to the Holocaust.
For information about those among them who were born in Przemyśl, click here.

Click for a Brief History of the Holocaust in Przemyśl and for Deportations to Belzec from Przemyśl County in 1942.

Also see Outline of Jewish History in Przemyśl.

Przemyśl memorial stone in Treblinka
©1999 Joyce Field

Memorial stone to the Przemyśl Jewish Community
Septemper, 1999 visit to Treblinka
(photo: Joyce Field)

Brief History of the Holocaust in Przemyśl

Source: Encyclopedia of the Holocaust
Date  Event
September 14, 1939 German forces first occupy Przemyśl (the whole city).
September 28, 1939 The Germans withdraw from the south/western part of the city (with the river San as demarcation line) and the Soviets take over that part of the city. The north/eastern part remains in German hands.
June, 1941 Beginning of the war between Germany and the Soviets. 
June 18, 1942 One thousand Jewish men are deported to the Janowska camp in Lvov.
July 14, 1942 The Przemyśl ghetto is established.
July 27 & 31, & August 3, 1942 The first Aktion takes place. 
November 18, 1942 The second Aktion takes place. The ghetto is divided into section A (for workers) and B (for non-workers).
February, 1943 Section A of the ghetto becomes a labor camp.
September 2-3, 1943 The liquidation of Section B of the ghetto begins. 
It is estimated that only about 300 of the Przemyśl Jews survived the war.

Deportations to Belzec from Przemyśl County, 1942

Source: Yitzhak Arad. Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, 1987
Town Date of Deportation Number of Deportees
Przemyśl July 27 - August 3 13,000
Dobromil July 29 1,700
Lesko (via Zaslaw camp) September 9 2,000
Ustrzyki Dolne (via Zaslaw camp) September 8 1,500
Chyrow July-August 900
Bircza (via Przemyśl) July 1,000


For questions about researching your family from Przemyśl, Poland contact Sheila Werter Schneider.

Compiled by Sheila Schneider.
Copyright © 1998 - 2002 Barbara U. Yeager
Copyright © 2006 - 2017 Sheila Schneider

Last Updated - April 2020

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