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News archive

 5/22/2012  New section "Videos"

Hi everybody,
A new section "Videos" has been added under the menu "Image Gallery".
A. Parkansky

 3/6/2012  4 new articles published

Two of the articles are published in the Education Section:
David Krasner and The last graduating class of Jewish School No. 83 by Alex Gliksberg.

The other two appear in the "Odessa Today" Section:
The first one is an 1991 article by Craig Terkowitz about The rebirth of the Jewish Life in Soviet Odessa
The second one is about Antisemitic demonstrations on Hannukah 2011 by Ariel Parkansky.

 2/27/2012  Another great article by Isabelle Nemirovsky

Isabelle has this time written about the biography and works of Mendele Moykher Sforim - pen name of Sholem Yacov Abramovich -, the "grandfather" of modern literature in Hebrew and Yiddish.
You'll find the article here or under the "Art & Culture" topic of the "Life in Odessa" section.
Many thanks to Isabelle for this great article.

 2/13/2012  Two new articles published

Two new articles provided by Alex Gliksberg have been published :

Jewish Odessa: Chapters from My Memoirs by Rabbi Gliksberg and Rabbi Gliksberg Biography.

Both articles can be found in the "Life in Odessa" section of the menu. The first one under the General subsection, the second under the Inteligentsia one.

 1/15/2012  Translation Project Completed !!! Inscriptions of tombstones in the Jewish Cemeteries of Odessa

Hello everybody,

I'm very pleased to announce that the translation project of the Tombstone Inscriptions Books has been completed and is already online.

My deepest gratitude to Yoni who has done the translation of the book, and to Lara and Shalom who have reviewed, corrected and completed it.

The data can be accessed in several forms:
- Through a search in the database (the search engine will be improved in the future). The search is available at the database homepage.
- Navigating through the book (the corresponding records will appear below the page image). The book is accessible on the Books Database page but also through the "tombstone collection" on the database homepage. When you navigate through the book, the records corresponding to a page (if any) appear just below the page image. By clicking on the magnifying glas you'll be able to see the record details.
- For the next 60 days the records and pages will also appear in the What's New page of the database.


Ariel Parkansky
Odessa Town Leader

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