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 6/23/2012  Russian Jews Studying at Foreign Universities (Bern; Zurich)

Many Russian Jews sought higher education in countries other than Russia because of the limitations on Jews attending universities.

1. University of Bern has a handwritten database of students (alphabetical)--1805-1834;1834-1914 found at: http://apps.uniarchiv.unibe.ch/index.php?syst=stud_1804_1834 and http://apps.uniarchiv.unibe.ch/index.php?syst=stud_1834_1914

You can click on the desired letter for the last name or enter the name in a search box.

The pages (for the 1834-1914) include the student #, date (datum), name, birth date (geboren), faculty (fakultat), home country (heimat), rector (rektor), certificates (zeugnisse), and comments (obemerkungen) sections. This catalog appears to have many more Jews than the 1805-1834 catalog.

A few names are: Issak Abelin (Witebsk), Lestmann Yankel Salman (Riga), Sorkina, Malka (Cherson), Barsach, Moische ((Howel), Lipsky, Ephraim (Riga), Epstein, Meier (Pinsk), Goldenberg, Josef (Odessa), Kopp, Markus (Cherson), Raduzkaja, Bassija (Kiev), et al.

2. University of Zurich has an alphabetical catalog of students who matriculated 1833-1924. It can be found at: http://www.matrikel.uzh.ch/pages/0.htm.

It is sorted by year & student number, or by name. Click on: "by name "Data" (nach Namen-----"Daten") It includes matriculation year, name, country and region of origin, birth date, some student information, some parent info., etc. (see-- "Bedeutung"/Significance" for further information at: http://www.matrikel.uzh.ch/info/navigate.html)

A few names are: Rabin, Jankel-Kelman (Ekaterinoslav), Rabinovich Daniel (Odessa--born 1889 ?), Edlin, Moses (Gersch)--Gregory (8/12/1892) Yekaterinoslav (immigrated in 1906 to Zurich, naturalized 1920, a lawyer in Zurich 1919, Efron, Raissa (Moghiliev-1873, Dr. of Med.), Egis, (Miss), Vera (Odessa-1871), Kagan, Dawid (Kiev-5/19/1893--medical clinic), Kahan Dawid (1883-Vitebsk; med Physiol., Anat), Kahan, Miss Rachil ( 1887-Kiev), Kalusky (/Kalus), Mordko (1887 Alaki (or Ateki?) Bessarabia, (Rabinovich)-Eisenstadt, Mowscha ( 7/15/1882 Warsaw, died 6/14/1920), Sokolskaja, Revecca (11/3/1886-Ekaterinoslav) matriculated 1906, Sorkind, Chana (anna) 12/4/1881 (Kremenchug/Poltava, matriculated 1908, Soroker, Nechemia 4/8/1894-Odessa, matric. in 1914, home address?--S' Achille, Odessa, Protestant 4 Str, Soroker, Nehemiah, 4/21/1894-Odessa, matric. 1918, a note: "Due to lack of money I had to interrupt my studies, studying at home", home address?--Achille S'Evangel. Str 4, Odessa

Marilyn Robinson

 6/20/2012  New "Books Database" section on the Odessa KehilaLinks

Hi everybody,
I've got big news. After a lot of work new section "Books Database" has been added under the Research menu (at http://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/odessa/RES_Books_Home.asp).

The old "Online Resources & databases" section has disappeared. The books are now on the Books Database section.
All external databases have been moved to the Links section.

What's new on the Books Database?
a) Two new books have been added: "the 1876 List of Jewish Landlords" and the "1900 All Odessa Address Directory"
b) And more important, I started to treat the books to make them searchable.
The scanned images have been treated with the following automatic process:
1) digitized with an OCR,
2) converted to the reformed Russian orthography,
3) translated to English by Google.
Therefore it is expected to have many errors. As I could see with these first books the OCR errors will depend on the quality and the complexity of the original images.
The 1900 Odessa directory has many columns, pages with different sections, rotated adds, many graphics and symbols and therefore the automatic OCR has struggled and generated many errors. The other two books are much simpler and the OCR has generated less errors.

Despite the errors, this treatment allows you to perform searches both in Cyrillic and Roman. You can also browse the books page by page as before.
The digitized texts (corrected Russian and Translated to English) can be found below each page image of the book. As the texts are not formatted, a page with columns or sections will be hard to read but I think that can be still useful and after a search the searched text will be highlighted.

New books will be treated in the future.

As always the translation of the vital records continues its normal course and new records are included every week.

Hope you enjoy.

Ariel Parkansky
JewishGen's Odessa Town Leader

 6/15/2012  Alphabetical Index of 1902 Odessa Directory: Correction and indexation project finished

Hi everybody,

Long time ago I've published the Alphabetical Index of the Odessa Directory automatically treated by OCR, so many errors where there.

After a lot of work, this index (almost 7000 family names) has been corrected and integrated into the All Odessa Database. Now, you can search for a name (soundex or DM). The record will show you the name, the neighborhood and the pages on the directory where the information can be found. By clicking on each page number you'll automatically navigate to the directory page. Unfortunately the full page is not translated by the moment.

As always, you can also directly browse the Full Directory.
But now, when browsing the Index pages you'll be able to see all the transliterated names below and navigate to the corresponding records.

A big thank you to Gloria Geller who spent 6 months reviewing and correcting the index, and preparing it for its integration into the database !!!! THANK YOU GLORIA !!!

Ariel Parkansky
JewishGen Odessa Town Leader

 6/14/2012  Odessa: List of the Repressed ("Victims of the Soviet System. Odessa")

In Russian at: http://www.1archive-online.com/archive/keler/list.html

Alex Keller Archive (Director of IT, "Institute for Ethnic Studies", Odessa, Ukraine): Private electronic archive of personal funds and document collections

Alphabetical listing (Germans, Czechs, Poles, Jews, Bulgarians and others)--Many names

Averbukh Gedalia Ihel Borukhovich- 8/12/1885
Averbukh Moshkovich Zindel, 1872
Averbukh Nuhimovich Leiser, 1885
Yuzevich Isaac I. (Iosipovich) 5/22/1902
Zhirinovsky, Joseph Rabinowitz, 1888
Isaac Abramovich Rabinovich, 1893
Avrumovich Leo Rabinovitch, 1895
Leib Rabinovich Simkhovich, 1911
Rashkovan (Roscovan) Semyon Mikhailovich, 1896
Raskovic Isaac G, 1871
Cherkassky, Paul D. (aka Shutman Isaac Abramovich) 8/29/1911

Marilyn Robinson

 5/31/2012  Very Big News about the All Odessa Database

Hi everybody,

More than 40000 records have been added to the All Odessa Database.
I've just indexed the Ellis Island Passenger Lists (28226 records) and the Tashkent Refugees List (14747 records).

The Project of Census and Vital Records translation continue its normal way. There are already 335 documents and more than 3500 records and its number increases every week.

The correction of the index of the 1902-1903 Real Estate Directory is touching its end and will be soon also available online.

I remind you that the All Odessa Database is accessible at the Odessa KehilaLinks (http://kehilainks.jewishgen.org/odessa)

There are other big news coming soon so stay tuned :)

JewishGen, Odessa Town Leader

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