Mordechai Eliashberg, son of Reb Yosef Rumsisker, was born in 1817
in Cekiske (Chikishok), Kovno District. He married Ester, daughter of
Markil Kadishon. They had three sons and two daughters born in Kovno: Itzko (Yitzchak)-Leib
(b. ca. 1834), Movsha-David (b. ca. 1835), Yonathan (b. ca. 1847),
Rona-Mariya (b. 1833), and Rockhe-Leya (b.1840).
After the death of his wife Ester, Rabbi Mordechai remarried to Hadel
(Godel); they had a daughter Yocheved-Beila (b.1871 in Bauska, then in
Courland Province, now in Latvia). Rabbi Mordechai Eliashberg died in
1889 in Bauska.
According to the
1874 Kovno Family list, Itzko-Leib, son of Mordkhel
and his wife Tziproa-Feige (b.1849), lived in Lunna, Grodno
District. Itzko-Leib was a tavern keeper. They had five sons and one
daughter, all were born in Lunna. They were, in order of age: Sarah-Frume
(b. 1862), Chaim-Arie (b. 1866), Movsha (b. 1869), Yosel (b. 1872),
Abraham (b. 1873), and Yehoshua-Ovsey (b.1878). Itzko-Leib died in
Lunna sometime before 1910.
Rabbi Mordechai Eliashberg, son of Reb Yosef Rumsisker (ca. 1880)
(collection: Yitzchak Eliashberg) |
Reb Yitzchak, son of Rabbi Mordechai Eliashberg (ca. 1900)
(collection: Yitzchak Eliashberg) |
The Children of Itzko-Leib Son of Mordechai Eliashberg
1. Sarah-Frume (b. 1862), married Yosef Kutchinski (b. 1860). They had
two daughters, born in Lunna: Ester (b. 1884) and Leah (b. 1894). They
moved to Izablin, Wolkowysk District. At the beginning of the 20th
century they immigrated to the United States and changed their last
name to Kuchen. Their families live in the USA.
2. Chaim-Arie Eliashberg (b. 1866) lived in Kovno and later left
for Eretz Israel, where he died.
3. Movsha (Moshe) Eliashberg (b. 1869) married Chana (b. 1866 in Zelwa),
daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Shabtai Ha'Cohen Kaplan. They lived in
Lunna and had a son named Yitzchak who died in childhood.
According to Moshe Alperstein (a family relative), Moshe Eliashberg
was an enthusiastic supporter of the 1905 Russian Revolution against the
Tsar. Several years later he "returned to religion" and was an
active member of Vaad Ha'Yeshivot (Council of the Yeshivas) located in
Vilna. Moshe owned a fabrics shop in Lunna. He died in 1935 and was
buried in the Lunna cemetery. His wife Chana perished in the
4. Yosel Eliashberg (b. 1872) married Yaffa-Sheine. They had three
daughters, born in Lunna: Ester (Etel, b. 1905), Leah (b. 1907), and
Yehudit (b.1910). Yaffa-Sheine died while she was giving birth to the
youngest daughter. Yosel remarried to Chaya Zatz. He worked
in ironmongery in Lunna. Yosel and Chaya perished in the Holocaust.
The three daughters left Lunna for Eretz Israel before the war; their
families live in Israel.
5. Abraham Eliashberg (b. 1873) married Fanya Prozhanski (b. 1887).
They had a daughter named Rivka. Abraham owned a fabrics shop in Lunna.
He died in Lunna before the war. Fanya and her daughter Rivka
perished in the Holocaust.
6. Yehoshua-Ovsey Eliashberg (b. 1878) married Batya Kosowski (b.
1882). According to the Vsia Rossiia (All Russia) Database, Ovsey, son
of Itzko-Leib, lived in Lunna in 1899 and worked in a dry goods/fancy
clothing shop. Later, he owned a liquor store and was a partner in the
lumber mill in Lunna. Yehoshua was among the founders of the Hebrew
school "Torah Ve'daat" in Lunna. Yehoshua and Batya Eliashberg had
five children. They were, in order of age, Malka (b. 1906), Yocheved
(b. 1907), Yitzchak (b. 1910), Chaya (b. 1914), and Leah (b. 1917).
Yehoshua died in Lunna in 1934. Yocheved, Yitzchak, and Leah left Lunna
before World War II and settled in Eretz Israel. Their families live in Israel.
Batya (Kosowski) Eliashberg and her daughter Chaya perished in the
Holocaust with all the other Jews of Lunna on December 8, 1942. Malka
(Eliashberg) Bialoblocki, her husband Avigdor, and their two children
were living in Rozyscie, Poland, before World War II; they all perished in the
For more information about this branch of the family, please refer to the
Kosowski Family at:
Family Albums/Kosowski and also to:
The four photos below are from the collection of Itzko-Leib's
Abraham, son of Itzko-Leib Eliashberg (ca. 1905) |
Moshe, son of Itzko-Leib Eliashberg (ca. 1910) |
Yosel, son of Itzko-Leib Eliashberg (ca. 1910) |
Yehoshua-Ovsey, son of Itzko-Leib Eliashberg (ca. 1932) |
From the Collection of Yocheved (Eliashberg) Rutenberg
(Photos submitted by Shuka (Yehoshua) Rutenberg (Yocheved's son))
Yocheved ("Yochke") was born in Lunna in 1907 to Yehoshua and Bayta (Kosowski)
Eliashberg. She had three sisters and a brother: Malka (b. 1906), Chaya (b. 1914),
Leah (b. 1916), and Yitzchak (b. 1910). In Lunna,
Yochke was a member of The "Zlota Szostka" ("Golden Sextet"), a
company of six young women who performed in town and in the neighboring
area. Their performances included singing, dancing, and acting.
Yocheved left Lunna for Eretz Israel in 1932 and married Moshe
Rutenbeg; their family lives in Israel.
Students & school teachers Lunna (ca. 1917–1920) |
Jewish children at Zaleski Forest (Lag Ba'Omer, ca. 1919–1921) |
The two pictures above were also received from the collection of Fruma
(Friedman) Weinberg who was a friend of Yocheved (Eliashberg).
It is most likely, then, that Fruma (Friedman) is also in these
two pictures, though she was not identified. Unfortunately, the years in
which those two pictures were taken are not indicated. It is most
likely that the picture on the left was taken before the Jewish
schools were established in Lunna when the students attended a Russian or German school.
The picture on the right was taken during the Lag Ba'Omer holiday between 1919
and 1921. Liza (Welbel) Shwetz, a former Lunna resident, who
identified several students in the pictures, recalls:
On Lag Ba'Omer the Jewish children used to collect contributions for
the Jewish National Fund and for that they gave small flags that they
held inside a hard-paper bag. The girls sitting in the middle of the
front row hold such a hard-paper bag with the symbol of the Star of David.
The children in the picture were born between 1907 and 1915.
The "Golden Sextet" (1924) |
In front of a house in Lunna (1924) |
Five girlfriends in front of a Lunna house (1924) |
Mordechai Kosowski's residence (ca. 1926) |
Mordechai Kosowski's residence (ca. 1926) |
The Bridge over the Niemen River (1927) |
Five friends in front of a Lunna house (1927) |
Reverse side of five friends photo (1927)
"Yochkele, Remember the supper at my home on Saturday. Signed: Yaakov(?)" |
The steps leading to the bridge over the Niemen River (1928) |
Below are two photographs of the small bridge over the brook located near
the flour mill of the Lunna estate; the Niemen River flows behind the
The small bridge over the brook (1928) |
The small bridge over the brook (1928) |
Friends in front of the Lunna guesthouse (1928) |
Yocheved (Eliashberg) Rutenberg (right) and Zisel (Zlotoyabko) Sfard
(left) (1928) |
Zisel (Zlotoyabko) Sfard (1930) |
Fruma (Zalutzki) Geizler at Zaleski Forest (1930) |
Reverse side Fruma (Zalutzki) Geizler photo
Yochkele: "It is better in the summer. What will come next? Long and
dark nights; It is hard to be alone. [Signed]: Fruma" |
From the Collection of Yitzchak Eliashberg
(Photos submitted by Ruth Marcus (Yitzchak's daughter))
Yitzchak ("Itzel") Eliashberg was born on October 14, 1910 in Lunna to
Batya (Kosowski) and Yehoshua Eliashberg. He had four sisters, born in
Lunna: Malka, Yocheved, Chaya, and Leah. Yitzchak graduated the
"Torah Ve'daat" Hebrew elementary school in Lunna. Between 1926 and
1930 he studied at "Tarbut" Gymnasia in Grodno where he graduated in
1930. He was active in the "Ha'Shomer Ha'tzair" youth movement in
Grodno and was one of its leaders. In 1929 he visited the General
National Exhibition (Powszechna Wystawa Krajowa, PWK) organized in
Poznań (photo below). The PWK was an overview of economic and
cultural achievements of Poland, prepared on a grand scale and visited
by 4.5 million of people. At the end of 1932 he left Poland for Eretz
Israel. At the end of the summer of 1937 he traveled to visit his
family, who had remained in Lunna. His father had died by 1937 but his
mother Batya, his two younger sisters Chaya and Leah, and other
Eliashberg and Kosowski relatives remained in Lunna. In 1938 Yitzchak
married Ahuva Wigisser (b. 1912 in Jerusalem). They have family in
For more information, please refer to:
Students and Teachers sixth grade Torah Ve'daat School (1922) |
"Tarbut" Gymnasia Grodno (1930) |
Ha'Shomer Ha'tzair youth movement group Ha'Emek (ca. 1929) |
Ha'Shomer Ha'tzair youth movement group "Laor" (Ostrika, 1932) |
Ha'Shomer Ha'tzair youth movement, group "Bnei Yaar" (Vishneva, 1932)
Three Fiends Zaleski Forest (1929) |
Yitzchak Eliashberg and a friend General National Exhibition (PWK) Poznań, 1929 |
Basha (Batya) Eliashberg (center), her son Yitzchak, her daughter Yocheved (ca. 1930) |
Reverse side of the photo |
Eliashberg & Alperstein Families Alperstein's Residence (Grodno, 1932) |
Below are five photographs taken by Yitzchak Eliashberg using his simple
box camera during his 1937 visit to Lunna.
Avigdor Bialoblocki & his son Shmuel-Arie (Lunna, 1937) |
Yitzchak Eliashberg; mother Batya (Kosowski) Eliashberg (right);
aunt Chaya (Kosowski) Alperstein (left) (Lunna, 1937) |
Yitzchak Eliashberg with his family (Lunna, 1937) |
Yitzchak Eliashberg (left) & brother-in-law Avigdor Bialoblocki (Lunna, 1937) |
Eliashberg & Kosowski family relatives (Grodno, 1937) |
Family relatives (Lunna, 1937) |
Eliashberg & Kosowski family relatives (Lunna, 1937) |
Bialoblocki family (1938)
Malka (Eliashberg) & Avigdor Bialoblocki; their daughter Aviva and
son Shmuel-Arie |
Bialoblocki Family near the Neimen (Zaleski, 1938) |
From the Collection of Leah (Eliashberg) Yanovsky
(Photos submitted by Erela Aloni (Leah's daughter))
Leah was born in 1917 in Lunna. She is the youngest daughter of Batya
and Yehoshua Eliashberg. In 1939, before the outbreak of World War II, Leah and
her sister Chaya were living in Lunna with their mother Batya. Their
older brother, Yitzchak, was already living in Eretz Israel. It turned
out that Yitzchak could only bring one of his two younger sisters to Eretz Israel.
So he decided to get his youngest sister, Leah, out of Poland. To do so he
paid the travel expenses
of one of his acquaintances in Eretz Israel, who traveled to Lunna,
married his sister, and brought her with him to Eretz Israel on an
official certificate at the "last moment", on April 5, 1940, and then
divorced her (i.e. "fictitious marriage"). Leah's other sister, Chaya,
and her mother Batya, remained in Lunna and perished in the Holocaust
with all the other Jews of Lunna on December 8, 1942, the fifth day of
Chanukah. Leah married Avraham Yanovsky, who came to Eretz Israel from
Ross (located close to Lunna). They have family in Israel.
Leah (Eliashberg) Yanovsky (Wola, ca. 1934) |
Leah (left) & her sister Chaya Eliashberg in front of their Lunna house (1934) |
Leah (standing, 2nd from right) & her friends on the way to Eretz Israel (Pireus, April 5, 1940) |
signatures of Leah's friends back of the photo (Pireus, April 5, 1940) |
From the Collection of Etel (Eliashberg) Prener
(Photos submitted by Amnon Prener (Etel's son))
Ester ("Etel") was born in Lunna in 1905 to Yosel and Yaffa-Sheine
Eliashberg (Yosel is Yehoshua's brother). Etel's sisters were Leah ("Leika",
b. 1907) and Yehudit (b.1910). Their mother died during the birth of Yehudit,
the youngest daughter. Yosel Eliashberg remarried to Chaya
Zatz, who raised his three daughters as a mother. The three sisters
Etel, Leah, and Yehudit came to Eretz Israel before World War II. Etel married
Nachman Prener, Leah married Tzvi Finkelstein, and Yehudit married
Abrahami. Yosel Eliashberg and Chaya (Zatz) perished in the Holocaust.
Family of Etel and Leah live in Israel.
In Zaleski Forest (ca. 1925) |
By the guesthouse at Zaleski (ca. 1925) |
Etel (back row, 2nd from right) & her friends in front of Yosel Eliashberg's (Etel's father) residence (ca.
1925) |
Three sisters daughters of Yosel Eliashberg (1929) |
Reverse side of the photo The photo was dedicated to Yochke "from the nice uncle and three
monkeys" |
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Compiled by
Ruth Marcus & Aliza Yonovsky Created
May 2007
Updated by rLb, March 2020
Copyright © 2007 Ruth Marcus
All the photos are presented
by courtesy of the families and are not allowed to be reproduced
without their permission. |