There were two cemeteries in Lunna and one in Wola near
Zaleski. The "old" cemetery in Lunna became active 350 years
ago and the "new" was active from the end of the 19th century
until September 1941, when the Jews of Lunna-Wola were forced
by the Nazis to move into the Wola Ghetto. The Wola cemetery
was active until the Jews were deported from the Wola Ghetto
to Kelbasin transition camp (on November 2, 1942).
Headstones at the "new" cemetery in Lunna (pictures taken
before WW2)
Headstone of Basha Yogiel
(1934). Standing: Kalman
Yogiel (Basha's son)
From the collection of Eli Shalachman |
Headstone of Kadish Friedman (1936).
Shneier-Zalman son of Kadish
Friedman (right)
From the collection of
Shulamit Friedman |
Headstone of
Yehoshua Eliashberg. Around the headstone are members of
Kosovsky and Eliashberg families.
taken by Yitzchak Eliashberg, 1937) |
Headstone of Moshe
taken by Yitzchak Eliashberg, 1937) |
Chana Arkin poses at the gravestone of her husband
Moshe Yudel in the Lunna cemetery (ca. 1930)
gr_pages/gr_portraits.html [#grd-p-2]
Note: Moshe Yudel Arkin was buried in Lunna cemetery, and not in
the cemetery in Grodno city.
Headstone of Feigel Kosovsky
taken by Yitzchak Eliashberg, 1937) |
The gravestone of Avraham Tzvi Sorin
From the collection of Reshka (Sorin) Janowski
Funeral of Henie Yogiel's relative (ca. 1934)
From the collection of Henie (Yogiel) Margulis
In 1958, Yaakov Margulis, a former Lunna
resident who moved to Russia in 1916, went to visit in Lunna. He took
photos in Lunna and sent them to his brother Aba Margalit who was
in Tel Aviv. Yaakov Margulis found that the old cemetery was destroyed,
reportedly by the Russians. The "new" cemetery looked like a fenceless
field with broken stones scattered in the grass.
Lunna Cemetery (1958). From the collection of Aba (Margulis)
Margalit |
In 1997, Harriet and Harvey Kasow went with an
organized tour on a visit in Belarus. They took a private trip
to Lunna and managed to see the "new" cemetery in Lunna. They
reported that it was extensive and untended but not destroyed.
Its location "out of town" (two streets from the main street)
and next to the Christian cemetery, probably explains the
benevolent neglect.
Lunna Cemetery (©1997, Harriet and Harvey Kasow)
In 2000,
Sandy Eisen and her brother, Alan Eisen, traveled to Lunna and visited
the two cemeteries in Lunna. They took several photos of headstones
scattered in the forest where the "old cemetery" was. One headstone had
the inscription of Moshe son of Reuven, who died on the fifth day of
month Tevet 5588 (1828).
headstones in the "old" cemetery in Lunna (©2000, Alan S. Eisen)
In 2005, an expedition led by Rabbi Boraz from Dartmouth
University, USA, rescued tombstones in the "new"
cemetery of Lunna. They not only constructed a fence around the
cemetery and cleaned up the area, but they also catalogued a large
number of the headstones. The earliest catalogued headstones are from
the 1890s (#51, #122, #150 and #210). The latest headstones included
Sarah Basha Kalman, who died on the 28th day of Adar 1, the year
5700 (1940) and
Elka, daughter of Yaakov Ha'Cohen, who died on the 14th day of the
month Tamuz 5702 (July 9, 1941) and was a victim of the war.
In August 2006, I accompanied Eliezer Eisenshmidt, his granddaughter
Liat, and Mira Feingold (her father Aba Margalit was born and grew up in
Lunna) on a visit to Lunna. We found that many gravestones in the "new
cemetery" are sunk in the ground and others are hidden beneath high wild
Selected photos can be seen at:
Hopefully in the future more restoration work will be done and more
stones can be reset.
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Compiled by
Ruth Marcus & Aliza Yonovsky Created
May 2007
Updated by rLb, March 2020
Copyright © 2007 Ruth Marcus
All the photos are presented
by courtesy of the families and are not allowed to be reproduced
without their permission. |