Rabbi Tuvia Rotberg was born in 1886 in Olkeniki, Vilna Gubernia, to
his father Reb Avraham, who served as a medical doctor in Olkeniki. Rabbi
Tuvia studied several years in Slobodka and then became a disciple of
Rabbi Israel Meir Ha'Cohen, known as the "Chafetz Chaim", at the
Yeshiva in Radin. Before the First World War, Rabbi Rotberg served as
a Rabbi in Lipnishki, Vilna Gubernia. From 1921 until the Holocaust he
served as a Rabbi in Lunna-Wola.
Rabbi Rotberg married Rebbetzin Rasha Mina, daughter of Hirshel der
Magid from Eishyshok (in Vilna Gubernia). They had four sons: Avraham (Avreiml),
Saul (b. 1910), Zalman (b. 1913 in Lipnishki), and David (b. 1918), and
three daughters: Chana-Beila (b. 1907), Bluma (b. 1920), and Fruma (b.
Rabbi Tuvia Rotberg used to give lessons in the old synagogue in Lunna.
Every day he taught chapters from the six orders of the Mishna, Talmud,
and Ein Yaakov. He was an excellent lecturer and had bright speech
talent. He was known for his wisdom and his expertise in Jewish
Law. He used to solve conflicts among forest-merchants, among
teamsters, and others. He always reached compromises. Rabbi Tuvia never
took the slaughtering tax that he was entitled to take for himself, but
devoted it for the needs of Jewish public institutes in town, such
as the Bath House and the Gmilut Chesed Fund which provided
no interest loans to the under-privileged. More information about Rabbi
Tuvia Rotberg is posted on the page Polish
rule/Religious institutions. Rebbetzin Rasha Mina Rotberg
used to give candles, salt, and yeast to the poor Jews in town without
charging them any money. Her uncle, who resided in the United States, used to
help the Rotbergs by sending them several dollars every month. The
Rotberg's home was always open to Jews from Lunna and from the
neighboring shtetls, who needed advice or help.
Rabbi Zalman, son of Rabbi Tuvia Rotberg, was the first one of the Rotberg
family who left Lunna; he received a certificate and in 1936 settled
in Eretz Israel. After several years, Rabbi Zalman arranged
certificates for his brothers Saul and Rabbi David. The three brothers
have families in Israel and in America. Saul Rotberg died on 5 Adar
I, 1978; Rabbi David Rotberg died on Wednesday, 10 Cheshvan, 5761
(2000); and Rabbi Zalman Rotberg died on Sunday, 8 Sivan 5762
Chana-Beila (Rotberg) married Meir Lidsky. They had three daughters,
born in Lunna: Gitel, Feige, and Gela (b. 1929).
Abraham Rotberg married Hinda; they had a son named Zelig.
Rebbetzin Rasha Mina, her daughter Chana Beila Lidsky, and Gela (Chana
Beila's youngest daughter) were killed on Saturday, June 22, 1941 in a
German air raid while hiding in the basement of the Yedwab residence at
Podolna Street (the street leading to the Niemen River). Rabbi Tuvia
Rotberg, Meir Lidsky and his daughters Gitel and Feige, and Abraham
Rothberg and his family, perished in the Holocaust.
An article about "The biography of
Rabbi Tuvia Rotberg" has been written
(in Hebrew) by his grandson, Rabbi Tzvi
Rotberg, Machon Mishnas Rabbi Aaron (Lakewood, NJ).
From the Collection of Saul Rotberg
(Photos submitted by Niza Preis (Saul's daughter))
We are grateful to Liza (Welbel) Shwetz and to Eliezer Eisenshmidt,
former Lunna residents, for their help in identifying persons in the
Students and teachers at Torah Ve'daat School (ca. 1921)
Rotberg family (ca. 1930) |
Rotberg family
Rotberg family |
Rotberg family
Rabbi Tuvia Rotberg and family members) |
Rabbi Rotberg resting in Zaleski forest (behind him is the
guesthouse building)
Rabbi Tuvia Rotberg (right) at Zaleski forest |
Dancing near the Niemen River |
Friends in Zaleski Forest |
Friends in the garden
Five friends walking in Zagorynay Street toward the marketplace
Sailing in a boat on the Niemen River
Jewish youngsters and adults at the bank of the Niemen River |
Saul Rotberg and his friends
Near the Niemen River (or the small brook?) |
The guys pulling the rape
Rotberg and Berachowicz family members |
Five friends
Three friends |
Five friends
The big family at a meal on a porch
Friends (ca. 1932) |
Friends in Zaleski Forest (ca. 1936)
Friends (ca. 1936) |
Friends (ca. 1936)
Winter in Lunna (ca. 1937) |
Winter in Lunna (ca. 1937)
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Compiled by
Ruth Marcus & Aliza Yonovsky Created
May 2007
Updated by rLb, March 2020
Copyright © 2007 Ruth Marcus
All the photos are presented
by courtesy of the families and are not allowed to be reproduced
without their permission. |