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To the Children and Grandchildren of the Kremenetser "Landsmen," Wherever They Are

Dear Ones,

We have come to greet you from the pages of this review and to express here our friendly feelings towards you.

We should like so much to have read our publications and the two books, printed in Hebrew and Yiddish. Unfortunately, we have not got the facilities to do it in English. But you may be helped in this by your parents. Do it, please, and you will not regret. You will learn who your folks there were, their way of life and their martyrdom.

All this may help us to establish a contact with you, a thing we have always dreamt of. And it depends upon you only to make it a reality.

We have to see to it together that the memory of our martyrs be not given up to oblivion with the passing away of the old generation. Can there be something more terrible, more inhuman, than such a perspective?

R E M E M B E R ! ! There is no doubt that our folks there, on the edge of the blood-flooded trench, waiting for their turn to be shot down, were thinking about us, so far from them.

And alongside with the last groan, they heaved into the ether, fluttered also their hope, that that so tragic end of them would reach our ears. And as it did reach us will we forget them??

So join us and your parents in the effort to keep their sacred memory in our hearts forever, and remember what was done to them.

Avraham Argaman-Buts
Manus Goldenberg
Shmuel Taytelman
Yitschak Rokhel

Tel Aviv, April 1967

From Booklet 1 (of 19), published by the Organization of Kremenets Emigrants.
Submitted by Norman Kagan

"They would be pleased with the efforts of the Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP/JRI-Poland, and the Yizkor Book Translation Project."


Copyright © 2013 Ron Doctor and Sheree Roth. Last updated 2023.