Variant shtetl names: Kalish, Kalusz, Kalusz Nowy
WARNING: There is a different town in the current borders of Poland
called Kalisz. Beware of potential confusion when doing research.
Language notes to keep in mind, especially when encountering spelling variations of names and places during research.
Lattitude/Longitude: 49°01´/24°22´
Other information: In addition to the resources linked directly from our maps and photos pages, the following are various sources that Kalush researchers may wish to consult. These references take you outside of our Shtetlinks website and will open in a new browser window or tab. You may just select the "Back" button on your browser to return.
- Jewish cemeteries in Kalush: Photos and information on the Photo Page
- There is a Yizkor Book:
"Kalusz, hayeha ve-hurbana shel ha-kehila" (Kalusz, the life and estruction of the community). Eds: Shabtai Unger, Moshe Ettinger. Tel Aviv, Kalusz Society, 1980. 325,330, 15 p. Languages: (Hebrew and Yiddish, and some in English) Search for contact and location information about this Yizkor book.
- To find the location of additional Jewish vital records from Kalush, consult the book by Miriam Weiner, "Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldavia," 1999, YIVO & Miriam Weiner Routes to Roots Foundation.
- Ancestral Trip: Travel to Kalush - A 1997 trip by Susannah R. Juni
Gesher Galicia - an organization of people researching Jewish Ancestry in the former Austro-Hungarian region of Galicia.
The Jewish Genealogical Society, Inc. (New York) website whas several resources of value to Kalush researchers. A listing of 918 landsmanshaftn in YIVO's archives, with Record Group (RG) numbers .
A listing of 1487 organizations are listed in The Jewish Landsmanschaften of New.
At another JGSNY site there is a list of New York metropolitan area cemeteries so that you can travel to NYC and search for your ancestors' tombstones
Yahad-in Unum page for Kalush:
This is part of the following set: Yahad interactive map of execution sites of Jewish Holocaust victims, Yahad-In Unum is a French organization conducting research on the Holocaust by bullets throughout Eastern Europe by interviewing eyewitnesses and identifying execution sites. Each village's profile includes video testimonies, archives and photos. (URL:
YIVO's Landsmanshaftn Collection has the following :
• Independent Kalushiner Benevolent Association - Record Group: RG 123 – File #: 115
• Independent Kaluszer Sick Benevolent Society - Record Group: RG 123 – File #: 116
Kalusz Landsmanshaft Cemetery Plots in the New York Area:
• Independent Kaluszer Sick & Benevolent Society, Inc – Mt Zion Cemetery – Path 14, left – Gate 11
• Kaluszer Young Men's Benevolent Society – Mt Zion Cemetery – Path 44, Gate 17
• Kaluszer Young Men's Benevolent Society – Mt. Moriah Cemetery – Section B
• Kaluszer Young Men's Benevolent Society – Beth David (Elmont) Cemetery – Section AA, Block 1
• Kaluszer Young Men's Benevolent Society – Beth Moses Cemetery – B;ock 22, Section 2
• Kalisher Independent Society Inc. (post) – Mt. Moriah Cemetery – Section B.
Organizations listed in the American Jewish Year Book - 1919-1920
• Manhattan and the Bronx Congregations:
• • Kaluszer Independent Kranken Unt. Verein.
• Mutual Benefit Societies / Landsmanshaftn:
• • Kaluszer Independent Unt. Verein
• • Kaluszer Young Men's Benevolent |