Spector Family
JewishGen Kehilalinks

Izyaslav, Ukraine

Изяслав, Yкраïна

Yiddish name - Zaslov

See the photograph of the Spector family of Izyaslav

Ira and Matel  Spector and thier first grandchild. The Spectors came
from Zaslov in 1892-1894 and settled in Woodbine New jersey. The sons were, Louis, Samuel, Morris, Benjamin, Abraham, Zanvil, Max and William. Most of the documentation( manifest and certificates of naturalization) that I have is now online or in the Sam Azzez Museum in Woodbine, New Jersey

If you have any questions about this family, please contact
Walter Spector


If you have any questions regarding this site, or have some information or suggestions, please contact Barry Sieger. Or if you have any original vital records from Izyaslav in Russian - birth, death or marriage certificates - please let me know or send me an example of each, so we can post some of them as examples on this web site. We would like to include family trees of Izyaslav descendants, photos and stories from visits there, or tips regarding searching for related genealogical information.

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Compiled & Designed by Barry Sieger

Updated April 24, 2013

Copyright © 2013 Barry Sieger


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