
Stanisławów Town Square




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Town Square


The current city hall replaced the original city hall around the turn of the century. The Ivano Frankivsk Historical Museum is  located on the ground floor

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[photo source: S. R. Juni, Sept. 1997]


Cobblestone street leading to town square.

[photo source: S. R. Juni, Sept. 1997]

Original City Hall


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[photo source: S. R. Juni, Sept. 1997, copy made from a photographic copy of a pre-WWI antique postcard in a collection created from various private collectors. The collection of copies is located at the Ivano Frankivsk Historical Museum, located on the ground floor of the Ratusha, old city hall building in the center of Rynek, the center town square.]

Original City Hall


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[photo source: S. R. Juni, Sept. 1997, copy made from a photographic copy of a pre-WWI antique postcard in a collection created from various private collectors. The collection of copies is located at the Ivano Frankivsk Historical Museum, located on the ground floor of the Ratusha, old city hall building in the center of Rynek, the center town square.]

 Photo information provided by: Susannah Juni

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Webpage created, compiled and maintained by Susannah Juni until 2001; compiled and maintained by Suzanne Scheraga since 2013.
Webmasters: David Richter and Suzanne Scheraga; Webpage Design by Ron Miller and Suzanne Scheraga
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