To be inclusive, we contacted all of the Eger researchers with an e-mail address listed in JewishGen (as of 18 Dec 2009). We asked each person contacted for family photographs or anything else to make the Eger shtetl web pages in JewishGen's KehilaLinks more interesting for all current and future researchers. Our sincere appreciation is expressed to all who responded.
Below, you will find photographs of families that once lived in Eger. In most cases, the photographs you see survived the Holocaust only because they were mailed to relatives in the United States and elsewhere.
If you a family photograph to contribute, click HERE to contact me.
~ Eger Individual Family Photographs ~
* Murdered in the Holocaust
(Click the image below to view a larger image.)
István SCHWARCZ c. 1860 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary (first Jewish settler of Eger in 1840)
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Miklos MAJZLER c. 1908 Photo: Courtesy of Janos GARDONYI, Canada
Frida (née WEISZ) LÕW c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Sámuel LÕW c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
(owned a press) |
Nandor LÕW c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Bela LÕW * c. 1905 Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Ilona (née SCHWARCZ) LÕW c. 1920 Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Lili (née WIDDER) GRÓSZ c. 1930 Photo: Courtesy of Edit (née NAGY) WIDDER, Hungary
Sarolta (née ENGLANDER) FISCHER c. 1875 Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
unknown FISCHER c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
Dr. Albert FISCHER c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
Dr. Miklós FISCHER c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
Márta (née SEILER) FISCHER * c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
(Dr. Mikós FISCHER's first wife) |
Sarolta (née EHRENFELD) FISCHER c. 1900 Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
Mór BILLITZER c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Imre CSERÉPFALVI c. unknown Photo: © Imre CSERÉPFALVI's autobiographical book
(publisher) |
Gyula DANCZ c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
Dezso KÁNITZ c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Géza STEINER c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Éva DANCZ c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
Mór DOMÁN c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Menachem GLÜCK c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Juda KLEIN c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Dr. Stephen S. WISE c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
(the first rabbi Joseph WEISZ's grandson) |
Miklós FRISCH c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Hungary
Zoltán KLEIN c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of András EBERGÉNYI, Hungary
Rabbi Lázár SCHWEIGER c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Gabriella SZÉKELY c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Eszter RÓTH c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Endre SZÉKELY c. 1937 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Eszter (née PROTOVIN) ROTH c. 1930 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Katalin (née ROTH) SZÉKELY c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Józef ALTMANN c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Miksa RÓTH c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Soma FEKETE c. 1935 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Sándor BRÓDY c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Hungary
(writer) |
Mrs. István SCHWARCZ c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Szidónia (née SCHWARCZ) WIDDER c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Edit (née NAGY) WIDDER, Hungary
Alfréd WIDDER c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Edit (née NAGY) WIDDER, Hungary
Árpád WIDDER c. 1920 Photo: Courtesy of Edit (née NAGY) WIDDER, Hungary
Hajnalka WIDDER c. 1923 Photo: Courtesy of Edit (née NAGY) WIDDER, Hungary
Sándor LUSZTIG c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Ignác UNGÁR c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Jenõ POLATSIK c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Adolf BLASZ c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Jakab ROSENFELD c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Patrick ROSENFELD, France
Aranka (née FLEISCHER) FRANK c. 1926 Photo: Courtesy of Anikó (née FRANK) VÉRTES, Hungary
Bernát GOLDNER c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Anikó (née FRANK) VÉRTES, Hungary
(station master) |
Ede GOLDNER c. 1935 Photo: Courtesy of Anikó (née FRANK) VÉRTES, Hungary
(bakery owner) |
Malvin GOLDNER c. 1918 Photo: Courtesy of Anikó (née FRANK) VÉRTES, Hungary
Rózsa RÓTH * c. 1944 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Sándor SZÉKÁCS (SINGER) c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
unknown c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
Eduard ZEISLER artist rendering Photo: Courtesy of Bonnie (née ZEISLER) FREDERICS, USA
(born CZEISLER) |
Rabbi Joseph ZEISLER 1905 Photo: Courtesy of Bonnie (née ZEISLER) FREDERICS, USA
(born in Eger) |
unknown c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
unknown c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
Armin SCHON c. 1930s Photo: Courtesy of Ilana BURGESS, USA
Ilona SCHON c. 1930s Photo: Courtesy of Ilana BURGESS, USA
Thomas (SCHON) SZASZ c. 1930s Photo: Courtesy of Ilana BURGESS, USA
~ Eger Multi-Person Family Photographs ~
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
MAJZLER family c. 1901 Photo: Courtesy of Janos GARDONYI, Canada
Left to right: Bela, Theresa, Margit (née CZEISLER) and Miklos |
László and Lili * LÕW c. unknown Photo: Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
(Nándor LÕW's children) |
Mr. and Mrs. Béla LÕW 1912 Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Bandi and György LÕW 1931 Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Anna LÕW and Sándor KLEIN 1938 Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Sámuel FLEISCHMANN and grandson c. 1936 Photo: Courtesy of Ibolya (née FLEISCHMANN) FISHER, Hungary
Mr. & Mes. Imre CSERÉPFALVI c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Katalin CSERÉPFALVI, USA
SZÉKELY sisters c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Left to right: Judit (born 1936) and Gabriella (born 1928) |
József TARDOS and wife c. 1925 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. László TARDOS, Hungary
Katalin (née SÉLINGER) and Sámuel DEUTSCH c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Katalin CSERÉPFALVI, USA
SZÉKELY c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Mrs. Gábor SZÉKELY (Endre's mother) and Gabriella SZÉKELY |
Feri, Sanyi and Misi WEBERMANN c. 1924 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor VÁRHEGYI, Hungary
Feri and Sanyi WEBERMANN c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor VÁRHEGYI, Hungary
Endre SZÉKELY, wife and daughter c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Right, Éva (née KLEIN) EBERGÉNYI c. 1945 in Casablanca Photo: Courtesy of András EBERGÉNYI, Hungary
Jozsef and Terez (née WEBERMAN) KLEIN c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Judi (née GYORI) MISSEL, USA
Dr. And Mrs. Lajos FISCHER c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
Left to right: Dr. Lajos FISCHER * (lawyer) and his wife *, unknown, unknown and unknown
Dr. FISCHER was the richest Jew in Eger and received high honors during WWI, but was murdered in the Holocaust. |
Erzsébet and György ROSENFELD c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Patrick ROSENFELD, France
Aranka (née FLEISCHER) and Oszkár FRANK c. 1928 Photo: Courtesy of Anikó (née FRANK) VÉRTES, Hungary
unknown c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
unknown c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
unknown c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
LÕW Family c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Seated, left to right: Mrs. Ilka LÕW, Bandi LÕW, György LÕW and Sámuel LÕW
Standing, left to right: Miksa GOLDNER, his wife Margit LÕW, Frida (née WEISZ) LÕW, Béla LÕW, Nándor LÕW, Andor LÕW, Dezso LÕW and his wife, Fifi |
FLEISCHMANN and GLÜCK family c. 1942 Photo: Courtesy of Ibolya (née FLEISCHMANN) FISHER, Hungary
Seated, left to right: unknown, unknown child and unknown
Standing, left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, Ibolya (née FLEISCHMANN) FISHER, Vilmos FLEISCHMANN and his wife |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., |
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
LÕW family c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
Seated, left to right: Mrs. Ilka LÕW, Bandi LÕW, György LÕW and Sámuel LÕW
Standing, left to right: Miksa GOLDNER, his wife Margit LÕW, Frida (née WEISZ) LÕW, Béla LÕW, Nándor LÕW, Andor LÕW, Dezso LÕW and his wife, Fifi |
Simon BRAUN Family c. 1935 Photo: Courtesy of Rózsa (née BRAUN) BREUER, Hungary
Left to right: Gyõngyi BRAUN, Mrs. BRAUN, Simon BRAUN, Rózsa BRAUN and Lola BRAUN |
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
NOVAK family * c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Imre NOVÁK, Israel
SZÉKELY family c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Seated, little girl, Judit SZÉKELY
Seated, left to right: unknown, Gabriella SZÉKELY, unknown and Mrs. Gábor SZÉKELY
Standing, unknown |
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
WIDDER family c. 1920 Photo: Courtesy of Edit (née NAGY) WIDDER, Hungary
Left to right: Alfred WIDDER, Hajnalka WIDDER, Szidonia (née SCHWARCZ) WIDDER and Lili WIDDER |
KLEIN family c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
PRESZLER family c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Edit (née NAGY) WIDDER, Hungary
HELLER family c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
Left to right: Mrs. József HELLER, unknown girl, György HELLER, Lili HELLER, unknown boy, Zoltán HELLER and Dr. József HELLER |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Mor and Munci (née KORNSTEIN) BALLA (BORNSTEIN) wedding c. 1920 Photo: Courtesy of Anikó (née FRANK) VÉRTES, Hungary
(1) Ilona (Helen) KORNSTEIN, (3) Irene KORNSTEIN, (4) Etta KORNSTEIN, (7) Groom - Mor (Morris) BALLA (BORNSTEIN), (8) Bride - Munci (Margaret) (née KORNSTEIN), (17) Mother of bride - Pola (née SCHNEEWEISZ) KORNSTEIN, (18) Father of bride - Soma KORNSTEIN, (32) Miklos KORNSTEIN and (36) Aladar KORNSTEIN |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
VÁGÓ family and friends c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Anikó (née FRANK) VÉRTES, Hungary
Foreground: The baby is (Dr.) Gabriella VÁGÓ, the only survivor of her family
Left to right: unknown, unknown, Imre VÁGÓ * and Erzsébet (née LUSZTIG) VÁGÓ * |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
DEUTSCH family c. 1890 Photo: Courtesy of Judy PETERSEN, USA
Karoly and Pepi (née DRESDNER) DEUTSCH with their two eldest children, Endre and Iren. |
~ Eger Miscellaneous Family Photographs ~
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Visiting a patient c. 1935 Photo: Courtesy of Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
Seated, Dr. Miklós FISCHER |
Preparing for Chanukah c. 1927 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor VÁRHEGYI, Hungary
Left to right: Gizella WEBERMANN, unknown WEBERMANN (father), Sanyi WEBERMANN and unknown (née unknown) WEBERMANN (step-mother) |
At the swimming pool I c. 1933 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor VÁRHEGYI, Hungary
Gizella and Rozi WEBBERMANN |
At the swimming pool II c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Jewish ETE Swim Club c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Amateur theater group c. 1927 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor VÁRHEGYI, Hungary
Seated, Gizi WEBERMANN
Standing, left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown (little boy), unknown, Gyuri WEBERMANN and Misi WEBERMANN |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
Friends I c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
| |
Friends III c. 1939 Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
Friends II c. 1930 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor VÁRHEGYI, Hungary
Seated, Gyuri and Misi WEBERMANN
Middle row: Gizella and Sanyi WEBERMANN
Top row, András and Miklós BREUER |
Friends IV c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
Friends V c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Pál DANCZ, Hungary
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Masquerade party 1931 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
~ Eger School Photographs ~
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Jewish Grammar School Class I c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Seated on the floor, left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown and unknown
Seated, left to right: unknown, unknown, Anna LÕW, unknown and Sándor KLEIN
Standing, left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown and unknown |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
Jewish Grammar School Class II c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Seated on the floor, left to right: unknown, unknown, Sándor KLEIN, unknown, unknown and unknown
Seated, left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown and unknown
Standing, left to right: unknown, Lulo KLEIN, Ibolya FLEISCHMANN, unknown, unknown (foreground), unknown, unknown, unknown (foreground), unknown, unknown (foreground) and unknown |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Jewish Grammar School Class III 1930-31 Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Foreground: unknown
Seated, left to right: unknown, Ibolya FISCHER, Lulo KLEIN, unknown Headmaster, unknown, unknown and unknown
Standing, left to right: unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown and Anna LÕW |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
Catholic Secondary School c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
The following Jewish girls were students in the Catholic Secondary School: Ibolya (Ibi) FLEISCHMANN, Kató NOVÁK and Magda NOVÁK (twins), Anna LÕW, and Éva VÉRTES |
If you can identify anyone above, contact: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. |
~ Eger WWI Military and WWII Forced Labor Photographs ~
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
Miklos MAJZLER c. 1891 Photo: Courtesy of Janos GARDONYI, Canada
Dr. Imre SZÁSZ c. 1918 Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Imre SÁNDOR c. 1940 Photo: Courtesy of Péter SÁNDOR
Mór GOLDNER c. 1916 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. László TARDOS, Hungary
Jeno DÓMAN c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Vilmos FLEISCHMANN c. 1916 Photo: Courtesy of Ibolya FISCHER
Sándor DOMÁN c. 1916 Photo: Courtesy of a cousin in Israel
Military friends c. 1916 Photo: Courtesy of Dr. László TARDOS, Hungary
Dr. Bela ALFÕLDI c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Dr. Jenõ BALÁZAS c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Miklós BRAUN c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Simon DEUFCH c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Dr. Simon GÕRÕG c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Miklós GROSZ c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Mártin KERTÉSZ c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Zoltán KLEIN c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Zoltán KRIEGER c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Bela SEBÕK c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Gyula SEILER c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Jozséf TARDOS c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Zsigmond RÓNA c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Jeno DEUTSCH c. 1917 Photo: Courtesy of Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Dr. Imre SZASZ c. 1945 Photo: Courtesy of Ilana BURGESS, USA
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Hungarian Forced Laborers I c. 1942 Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
Hungarian Forced Laborers II c. 1942 Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
~ Eger Holocaust Survivors ~
(Click the images below to view a larger image.)
György KRÓÓ c. unknown Photo: Hungarian Wikipedia
(an excellent music historian) |
Endre SZÉKELY c. 1970 Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Ibolya FISCHER c. 2005 Photo: Courtesy of Ibolya (née FLEISCHMANN) FISHER, Hungary
György ILLÉS c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of the Internet
(famous cameraman) |
Tibor BREUER c. 1960 Photo: Courtesy of Rózsa (née BRÜLL) BREUER, Hungary
Rózsa (née BRÜLL) BREUER c. 1960 Photo: Rózsa (née BRÜLL) BREUER, Hungary
Imre SÁNDOR c. 1960 Photo: Courtesy of Péter SÁNDOR, Hungary
[mouse over to magnify or click image and use Ctrl + to enlarge.]
Gathering of Survivors c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
(Click the image below to view a larger image.)
BRÜLL sisters c. 1965 Photo: Courtesy of Rózsa (née BRÜLL) BREUER, Hungary
Survivors I c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Left to right: Endre SZÉKELY, Tibor FRIED and Pál DANCZ |
Survivors II c. unknown Photo: Courtesy of Anikó VÉRTES, Hungary
Middle, Mrs. Oszkár FRANK and unknown girl
Rear, left to right: Anikó (née FRANK) VÉRTES, unknown lady, unknown man, Piri FRIEDMANN, Rózsika FRIEDMANN and Ibolya (née FLEISCHMANN) |
Survivor III c. unknown Photo: ©1975 Jews of Eger Yiskor Book
This page is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc., a non-profit
corporation. If you feel there is a benefit to you in accessing this site,
your JewishGen-erosity is appreciated.
Created by: Marshall J. KATZ, USA Compiled by: Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Hungary with assistance from
Imre CSERÉPFALVI's autobiographical book
Jews of Eger Yiskor Book, Israel
Wikipedia HU
Amos Israel ZEZMER, France
and the following JewishGen members/descendants and contributors of Eger Jewish families:
Rózsa (née BRÜLL) BREUER, Hungary
Judit BÜRG, Hungary
Pál DANCZ, Hungary
András EBERGÉNYI, Hungary
Mrs. Valeria FISCHER, Hungary
Ibolya (née FLEISCHMANN) FISHER, Hungary
Janos GARDONYI, Canada
Anna (née LÕW) KLEIN, USA
Avraham KLEIN, Israel
Imre NOVÁK, Israel
Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D., Hungary
Patrick ROSENFELD, France
Péter SÁNDOR, Hungary
Gábor SZÉKELY, Hungary
Dr. László TARDOS, Hungary
Gábor VÁRHEGYI, Hungary
Anikó VÉRTES, Hungary
Edit (née NAGY) WIDDER, Hungary
Updated: June 2020
Copyright ©2010 Ágnes (née SZEGÕ) ORBÁN, Ph.D. All rights reserved
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