Huşi, Romania

46°41' N, 28°04' E

Alternate names: Huşi [Rom], Khush [Yid], Husch [Ger], Hussburg [Ger], Khushi [Rus], Huszváros [Hun]

Links and Resources

The Botosani research group has acquired copies of all available Husi municipal and vital records (1865 to 1910). The records have been indexed and searches are performed by the group for a fee. (Fees collected help pay for new records acquisitions.) To contact the research group for a search, you will need to join the Jewish Genealogy in Romanian Moldova Facebook group and then ask for help.

The JewishGen Romania Database is a multiple database search facility, contributed by the JewishGen Romania Special Interest Group (ROM-SIG) and individual donors. It incorporates all of the following databases: JewishGen Family Finder, JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry, JewishGen Holocaust Database, 1942 Census of Jewish Males, Podu Iloaiei 1898 Census, and much more.

Interact with others interested in the Jews of the Romanian region by subscribing to the Romania Special Interest Group (ROM-SIG) online discussion list. If you sign up for the digest version, you will typically get one email per day. Requires JewishGen login to subscribe.

On Facebook, there is a very active group page for Iasi Jewish Ancestors. There is no Facebook group page for Husi ancestors at this time. However, Husi was included in the initial invitation for the Iasi group and you will be welcome there.

There are Romania message boards on where you can ask questions or seek people researching your family or area of interest. There is no specific board for Husi; people have posted queries about Husi and Husi ancestors on both the General and Iasi boards.

The Israel Genealogy Research Association offers this comprehensive Resource Guide: Searching Your Jewish Ancestors from Romania, written by Marcel Glaskie in 2014 and revised in 2019. Glaskie describes his personal experiences finding, accessing, and photographing civil records (i.e., birth, death, marriages) from Raducaneni, which are now housed in Iasi. The pre-1900 civil records for Husi should be found in Vaslui. However, accessing the Husi civil records has already been done by the Botosani research group (see above).

The Romania Genealogy site on FamilySearch is deceptively deep. There are many links in the Topics menu on the left (e.g., Guild Records, Population Registers) worth exploring. Clicking on the Jewish Research link opens a new page with another lengthy list of Topics links on the right.


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