Huşi, Romania

46°41' N, 28°04' E

Alternate names: Huşi [Rom], Khush [Yid], Husch [Ger], Hussburg [Ger], Khushi [Rus], Huszváros [Hun]

Our Husi Families: Fibovich

Chaim Fibovich was a wealthy man and landowner. After the 1907 farmer's mutiny, he brought 400 workers from Bulgaria to work his land. Chaim married Mathilda Schwartz. They had four children: Esther, Paula, Nineta, and Chaskal. Chaim died in 1922.

Mathilda (Schwartz) Fibovich

The Fibovich family in front of their house in Husi

The Fibovich women on the porch of their house. Mathilda is on the left. The woman in the middle appears to be her mother, Feige Schwartz.

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