Gargzdai (Gorzd), Lithuania

Town Diagram - Vilnius Archives (1853) - Bottom Part

"The 1853 plan of the state village of Kvietniai and parsonage of Gargzdai which are situated among the lands of Mr. Baron Renne"

The 1853 Diagram is evidently based on magnetic north rather than true north, a difference of about 20 degrees.

The 1853 diagram, Bottom Part may be compared to the 1860-1880 Karte des Deutschen Reiches in the picture below.

Discrepancies could be due to migration of the river, the difficulty of surveying close to the river or in elevated areas, changes in road locations, and possible inaccuracies in the maps.

1853 matched with 1880

The 1853 Diagram may also be even more closely compared with a map from 1886, from Lietuvos valstybinio istorijos archyvo f. 544, ap. 1, b. 4531, k. 1-3, which is shown at Gargzdu Miesto Parkas and Gargzdu parkas. Faktai, p. 3:

1886 map

Although not yet translated from Russian into English, the 1886 map evidently shows the lands surrounding Gargzdai owned by Baron Rönne, from which two narrow rectangular strips are omitted.  The strips from the 1853 diagram fit into the 1886 map as shown:. 

1853 match with 1886

There is an excellent correspondence between the top empty strip in the 1886 map and the lands shown belonging to the parsonage in the 1853 diagram.  The middle empty strip in the 1886 map only partially corresponds to the 1853 diagram.  The 1853 diagram reaches farther to the east than does the empty strip in the 1886 map.

1853 on 1886
same area
                    without strip
Strip from 1853 diagram inserted into 1886 map
Same area of 1886 map without insert

Some lands in the eastern portion of 1853 strip were apparently acquired as part of the Estate by 1886.  These changes may be related to the government's confiscation of church lands following revolts of 1831 and 1863. For information regarding the confiscation, see Janina Valanciute, Gargzdu miesto ir parapijos istorija, Vilnius: Diemedzio Leidykla, 1998 (ISBN 9986-23-047-0) 501 - 502; see also istorija (History) portion of the Town of Gargzdai website; Wikipedia article regarding the "January Uprising." 

For further comments regarding the church, and buildings at the far left of the middle parcel, see the similar Town Diagram for 1862.

Gargzdai main page
Town Diagram - 1853
Town Diagram 1853 - Top Portion

Copyright © 2006-2013 John S. Jaffer