Gargzdai (Gorzd), Lithuania

Town Diagram - Vilnius Archives (1853) - Top Portion

"The 1853 plan of the state village of Kvietniai and parsonage of Gargzdai"

The top portion of the 1853 diagram has numerous subparts and does not indicate where they or located or how they fit together. Some or all evidently show Kvietiniai (Kwieciany on the 1921-1929 Karte des Deutschen Reiches) and not Gargzdai. [Note: Due to large size of original, scans of several photocopies were assembled to make the above picture.]

The upper right portion of the Diagram shows the Minija River, but not necessarily by Gargzdai.

The numbers on the Diagram evidently corresponded to a list of property owners, but unfortunately, this list has not been located in the Archives.

Correspondence of Right Side of Town Diagram with Kvietiniai

Although the river on the right side of the Town Diagram shows a resemblance to the river adjacent to Gargzdai, the diagram corresponds more closely with Kvietiniai (Kwieciany), particularly as to the elevated areas. The Diagram is evidently based on magnetic north rather than true north, a difference of about 20 degrees

Portion of 1853 Town Diagram superimposed on 1921-1929 Karte des Deutschen Reiches

Gargzdai main page
Town Diagram 1853
Town Diagram 1853 - Bottom Portion
Copyright © 2006- 2008 John S. Jaffer