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Compiled by
Sylvia Walowitz Updated  August 2015 *
Copyright © 2012  Sylvia Walowitz
Email Sylvia
Webpage Design by Ronald Miller



Sylvia Walowitz First Birthday, surrounded by her parents, uncle, grandparents and paternal great grandmother. Santa Fe, Argentina. July 9, 1953.
From left to right: Adela Itte Grinker. Born in Novopoltavka in 1884. Died in Santa Fe, Argentina in 1966. (Mother of Moises, Nahum and Tobias); Nahum Perman; Maria (Miriam Esther) Schurjin Elimelej; her father, Elias Waibsnaider Cozodoy; her mother, Flora Lear Waibsnaider Perman. Died in Jerusalem, Israel in 1984.
Lazaro Vidal Perman. Died in Santa Fe, Argentina in 1975.
Sara Waibsnaider Cozodoy
Julio (Chaskel) Waibsnaider was born in Yampol on June 15, 1898. He died in Santa Fe, Argentina on August 12, 1975.
Sara Cozodoy was born in Pokatilovo on 1902. She died in Santa Fe, Argentina on Feb 18, 1964.



Abraham Itzjak (Zeidel) Waibschnaider. Born in Yompal in 1858, died in Moises Ville, Argentina in 1930.
Jane Clara Malamud. Born in Yompal in 1858, died in Moises Ville, Argentina in 1950.
These are Sylvia Walowitz's great grand parents. My father Elias remembers his grandmother Jane with a lot of love. He spent some summers at her house. She had a long life and she was able to see without glasses until she was older than 90.


Abraham Itzjaq Waibschnaider (1858-1930) and Jane Malamud (1858-1950)
Cemetery of Moises Ville, Santa Fe, Argentina


Isaac (born in Yampol) & Doba Rosen


Julio Waibsnaider, born in Yampol, dancing with his granddaughter Sylvia at her 15th Birthday.
Santa Fe, Argentina. July 9, 1967.


Family of Isaac & Doba Rosen taken
c Winnipeg, 1887 on arrival from Yompol.


This photo was taken of Sylvia Walowitz father in the Army, 1949.
Her grandfather Julio (Chaskel, Jaiquel) Waibsnaider, born in Yampol on June 15, 1898. Died in Santa Fe Argentina in 1975.
Her father, Elias Waibsnaider born in Elisa, Province of Santa Fe, Argentina on August 8, 1929.
Her grandmother Sara Cozodoy, born in Pokatilovo, on 1902. She died in Santa Fe, Argentina in 1964.


Adofo Waibsnaider and Catalina Kaplan


Sara Cozodoy and Julio Waibsnaider, at their farm in Nanducita, Prov of Santa Fe, Argentina


From left to right:
Jacobo Malamud ( born in Yaruga or Yampol in 1910, died in Kibutz Mefalsim, Israel in 1971)
His wife Sara Waibsnaider Malamud, born in Moises Ville Argentina in 1913, died in Kibutz Mefalsim, Israel in 2006. I, Sylvia Waibsnaider, has loving memories of her. When I moved to Israel she used to bake me cookies and visited me.
Their three daughters, all born in Argentina, living now in Israel:
Ines Malamud Yedlin
Nora Malamud Maler
Silvia Malamud Cohen
Next to them in the middle, the grandparents Adolfo Veivl Waibsnaider, born in Yampol 1889, died in Argentina in 1967, and his wife Catalina Gittel Kaplan, born in Sislovich in 1890, died in Argentina in 1962.
Next to them, Adolfo Veivl's sister, Gise Waibsnaider Malamud, born in Yampol in 1885, died in Argentina in 1969.
Her husband Itzjak Malamud, born in Yaruga or Yampol in 1885, died in Argentina in 1963. They are the parents of Jacobo Malamud.
Adolfo and Gise are two of the children of Abraham Itzjak Waibschnaider and Jane Malamud (portal picture)


Basilia Bachke Waibsnaider, daughter of Adolfo Waibsnaider and Catalina Kaplan, with her husband Samuel Carlos Liebenbuk, and her children Hector L. And Ana Z. The picture was taken in front of their house in Monigotes, Argentina.


This family photo was taken in Yampol just before Jack Oliver's grandparents left for the new world in 1911. They arrived to the US in December 1911. This is his description:
My grandparents are on the far right, sitting down. My great uncle Alexander Boikis, the man standing on my grandfather’s right, is the only other sibling to come to this country, following my grandparents a year or two later. The woman standing in the rear is a sister named Inda.
Nathan Harry Boikis was married to Esther Frea Schneider
Jacob Boikis
Morris Boikis
Inda Boikis
Alexander Boikis, was born on May 15, 1893
My grandfather Hyman Boikis, was born on March 8, 1888
My grandmother Sarah Charegrodsky, daughter of Josef, was born in 1888.


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