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Historical Maps

All maps appear here courtesy of Andrew Kapochunas of 

1772 map detail
"No. 6: "Część połnocna Pruss Elektorskich, Woiewodztwo Trockie y Xięstwo Żmudzkie." (Northern part of the Elector's Prussia, the Voivodship of Troki and the Duchy of Żmudź.) From SDL

When possible, the maps have been trimmed to show Wiżajny framed by Suwalki to the south-east and Kalvarija (now in Lithuania) to the north-east. It is interesting to note how the name of the town varies in different time periods, jurisdictions, and languages. On the left is possibly Wiżajny's first appearance on a map. For any of the maps on this page, you click on the picture to see a larger image. Visit to see the full map and many other maps as well.

1781 map
Giovanni Antonio Rizzi-Zannoni (Cartographer) - Antonio Zatta (Publisher): "Atlante Polacco " (Atlas of Poland), Venice. “"Li PALATINATI di WILNA, TROKI, INFLANT coi Ducati di Kurlandia E Smudz..."
1788 map
F. A. Schraembl: "Generalkarte von POLEN, LITAUEN...," Vienna, from "Allgemeiner Grosser Schrämblischer Atlas."
1790 map
Edme Mentelle: "N° 4 (bis) Dantzig," Paris, possibly from "Carte de l'ancien royaume de Pologne," published with P.G. Chanlaire
1791 map
Franz Johann Joseph von Reilly (publisher) - Anton Friedrich Busching and Johann Ernst Fabri (map compilers): a set of four maps of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, published in Vienna - "Des Grossherzogtums LITAUEN...” Map detail from “...nordwestlicher Theil, Nro. 49" (northwest)”
1796 map detail
(Anon.): "Polen, Litauen und Kurland...."
1808 map detail
Robert Wilkinson: "Prussia," from his "A General Atlas," published in London from 1800 to 1816
1813 map detail
A.P.H. Nordmann: "CARTE des vormalignen ganzen Konigsreich Pohlen, nach seiner dermaligen Eintheilung..“ (Map of the entire Kingdom of Poland, after its partition…) based on the atlas of Imperial Russia of General Suchtelen. Newly designed by A.P.H. Nordman, Vienna.
1815 map detail
John Pinkerton: "POLAND," London, from "Pinkerton's Modern Atlas." Pinkerton’s map is eight years out of date, showing Wyszamen as still in New East Prussia.
1819 map detail
Adolf Steiler: "OSTSEE-LAENDER von der Oder bis zur Newa," Gotha, Sweden, from his "Hand-Atlas," showing Wyzayn in “Polen”
1826 map detail
Juliusza Colberg: "Wojewodztwa Augustowskiego," Krakow, from "Atlas Krolestwa Polskiego" (Atlas of the Polish Kingdom),
1827 map detail
Philippe Vandermaelen: "PARTIE DE LA RUSSIE, No. 9," Brussels, from his "Atlas universel de geographie physique, politique, statistique...,"
1828 map detail
J. Kośmiński, "Karta Królestwa Polskiego,"
1829 map detail
Wilhelm Ernst August Schlieben (geographer) - Georg Joachim Goschen (publisher): "Russland Gouvernates" and "Polen," Leipzig, from Herman's 1830 "Atlas von Europa."
1850 map detail
Friedrich H. Handtke: "GENERAL-KARTE VOM WESTLICHEN RUSSLAND nebst PREUSSEN, POSEN und GALIZIEN," Glogau (then in Germany, now in Poland).
1862 map detail
(Anon.) Карта европейской России и Кавказского края (Map of European Russia and Caucasus): IV. Санкт Петербург - Гельсингфорс - Ревель - Рига - Вильно - Стокгольм (St. Petersburg, Helsingfors [Helsinki], Revel [Talinn], Riga, Vilno, Stockholm). Вижаины (Vizhany)
1907 map
Pow. Suwalski. Atlas geograficzny ilustrowany Królestwa Polskiego / J. M. Bazewicz
Wizajny map
Karte des westlichen Russlands, "M24"
detail of 1925 Polish map
Polish-produced map
Wizajny map
Übersichts Karte von Mitteleuropa
Wizajny map
Ostpreussen map