Burial Registry30 June 2005Dr. Ronald D. Doctor,Project CoodinatorDr. Josef Ash, Translator
This database provides burial data for the "New" Uman Jewish Cemetery.
There are four Uman Jewish cemeteries included in the US Commission
for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad list; the description
of these cemeteries do not appear to match the cemetery shown here.
This cemetery is located on level ground, surrounded by a fence, and has a
gate. There is a full-time caretaker, who maintains the cemetery grounds
reasonably well. There do not appear to be broken or toppled headstones.
The earliest burials date from 1941; the most recent burials recorded in the
burial registry occurred in 2001.
During a September 2002 visit, Dr. Ronald D. Doctor photographed the cemetery's
burial register. The register, written in the Cyrillic alphabet, contained 2,587 names.
Additional names were taken from a dedication plaque located at the cemetery entrance.
Each page of the register was photographed and is reflected in the following database
(except pages ten and twelve, whose photos are blurred). The dedication plaque located
near the cemetery entrance indicates that the cemetery fence was dedicated on 30 September
2000. The plaque lists the names of the Jews who donated the funds to build the fence. The
plaque, translated by Judith Springer, states:
In fond memory of the Jews who found peace on this soil. The following made
donations for the construction of the fence: [list of names]
Organizer of work: Granovskij, Gennadij
30 September 2000
Dedication Plaque
The cemetery burial registry has been translated into English and can be found in the EXCEL
workbook accessed by clicking on "Registry" in the "Cemetery" drop-down menu above. The
workbook has two spreadsheets. The first spreadsheet, labeled "Surname", is the registry
sorted by surname; this is best used for an initial search. Once an individual is located,
the page and
plot location can be used to search the second spreadsheet, labeled "Row & Grave", to search
for other people that may be buried in the vicinity of the first burial. The page number
can also be used to view photographs of the burial registry pages. This is accomplished by clicking on
"Original" in the "Registry" sub-menu of the "Cemetery" drop-down menu above.