Tetiev Landsmanshaftn
Landsmanschaft = literally, an association of people from the same locality. The final "n" makes it a plural.
land = country
landsman = fellow countryman
landsmanschaft = association of fellow countrymen
Several such organizations were created in which Tetiev emigrants could associate:
New York Area
- Tetiever Progressive Society. Organized ...... Formally dissolved 1973. Records not yet found. Many burials in Beth David Cemetery, Elmont (Nassau County), New York. This cemetery has a memorial to commemorate the Tetiev pogrom of 1919-1920.
Cleveland Area
- Tetiever Anshe Svard. A section of Ridge Road Cemetery #2 in Cleveland, Ohio. It is marked by a large metal arch with a plaque that reads "Opened May 18, 1947 by Tetiever Ahavath Achim Anshe Sfard Congregation".
- Tetiever Sections. Sections of Lansing Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio.
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