by Amanda Katz Jermyn
The original version of Amanda Katz Jermyn’s story “The Ruch Family” was
published on the Rokiskis Kehilalinks website,
For this publication, she has updated the story.
Katz Jermyn holds the copyright to this story, which may not be used
without her permission.
Reuben Ruch was born in 1927 in Rokiskis (Rakishok), Lithuania, the son
of Henna-Rocha Gurvitch and Yerachmiel (who was known as Rachmiel) Ruch.
Reuben is my second cousin since his grandmother, Rochel Kavalsky, was a
sister of my grandmother, Riva Kavalsky.
However, he is affectionately known to me as Uncle Ruvka.
In January of 2005 Uncle Ruvka
sent me the first part of his memoirs, written in Russian, regarding the
tragedy that befell the Jews of Rokiskis during the Holocaust. He
knew that I was writing a book on our family history and wanted me to
include his story to make sure that the fate of the Jews of Rokiskis
would be known and their memory honored. I am currently writing this

Photo taken in 1935. Back row, from left to
right: Sasha Ruch, Liebke (Ahuva) Ruch,
Chanan (who was also known as “Honeh”) Schneiderman, and
Sonya Ruch. Front row: Henna-Rocha Ruch, Reuben Ruch, and Yerachmiel
Sasha, Sonya and Reuben were the children of
Henna-Rocha and Rachmiel Ruch. Liebke (known later in Israel as Ahuva)
was Yerachmiel's sister, and her husband was Henach Schneiderman.
Reuben Ruch
The Ruchs were a prominent Jewish family in Rokiskis. Reuben’s
father was a photographer. His cousin Pesach Ruch had an iron
goods store, and their two families lived in a large house over the Ruch
businesses. Before the Second World War, Reuben’s father Rachmiel used
most of his money to send his siblings to safety in South Africa, so he
didn’t have enough left for his own family to leave. In 1938, at
the age of 17, Reuben’s sister Sonya developed tuberculosis and was sent
to a sanatorium in Switzerland for treatment. She remained there
throughout the war.
On June 15th, 1940, the Soviets occupied Lithuania. At this time the
population of Rokiskis was about 7,500, of whom about 4,000 were Jews.
A year later, on June 14th, 1941,
over 17,500 Lithuanian citizens were deemed to be enemies of the Soviet
occupiers and deported to Siberia. Some members of the Ruch family were
among them.
In accordance with the terms of the August 23, 1939,
“German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact,” also
known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Agreement, in September 1939 the Germans
seized the western half of Poland and the Soviets seized the remainder.
In the German-held area, Jews (and Poles) were considered
“untermenschen” (sub-humans) and subjected to highly discriminatory laws
that were enforced with severe punishments.
June of 1941, two Jews who had escaped from Poland came to Rokiskis with
first-hand accounts of the Nazis’ atrocities against Jews in Poland.
On June 22nd, Germany attacked the USSR, which included Lithuania. That
same day Radio Kaunas proclaimed an interim Lithuanian government and
announced that the Soviet regime had been deposed. The new pro-Nazi
government made it known that 100 Jews would be shot for each dead
German soldier. The next day the government ordered Jews to turn in all
radios to the police. On the evening of June 24th, 1941, the Soviets
began to depart from Rokiskis and panic erupted amongst the Jews.
Almost half of the Jews tried to leave, including Rachmiel Ruch, his
wife Henna-Rocha, and their sons Reuben, 14, and Sasha, 17.
They were among the few who succeeded in reaching the comparative
safety of Russia. The decision to flee was heart-wrenching for the
Ruchs because it meant leaving behind three close relatives who lived
with them in Rokiskis, namely, Reuben’s maternal grandparents,
Hinda-Racha and Motel Gurvitch, and his aunt, Beile Kavalsky.
They were elderly and could not have survived the arduous
journey. Reuben told me he remembered that Beile, who was deaf, had come
to live with their family after her father Shabse Kavalsky, died. She
was also my mother’s aunt. She had her own room and talked to herself.
Rachmiel told Reuben to be nice to his aunt because she had no one in
the world except them. He remembered that she sewed gloves and other
items, and wore a long apron. Hinda-Racha and Motel Gurvitch and Beile
Kavalsky perished in the Holocaust.
When the Ruch family set out on their journey, they had no horse and
cart, only two bicycles, a couple of trunks, backpacks with food, and a
jug of water. Initially they planned to walk to Dvinsk. However, when
they reached the Obeliai train station they found a train there about to
depart for Dvinsk, and they, along with many other Jews, were able to
board it. The Jews hoped
that from Dvinsk they could transfer to a train heading east.
At the time, the Russians were using the train to send KGB documents and
officials out of Lithuania and they cynically assumed that if the
Germans saw that there were many civilians on the train the Germans
would be less likely to bomb it.
When the train arrived in Dvinsk, however, the KGB plan became
clear to the Jews: Only
Russian officials and documents were allowed to leave the train, which
was then sent back with the Lithuanian Jews on board.
This happened three times.
As it became apparent that the KGB did not want the Jews to cross the
Russian border, the Jews disembarked and began to walk to Russia.
During this time, the German troops were advancing toward the
major Russian cities of Leningrad (now, St. Petersburg) and Moscow.
As a result, the Jews traveled on foot through the forests, When
they heard bombs drop in the distance, they felt temporarily assured
that the German soldiers were not nearby; but when the forests were
quiet they were worried because they never knew where the German
soldiers would strike next.
Reuben told me it took him and his family three weeks to walk to Russia.
En route, one of their trunks was stolen and one of their bicycles
taken. During this time his mother fell three or four times, asking the
family to leave her there because she couldn’t walk any further, but
each time she got up and started to walk again. Reuben said he tried to
think of a way to make a wheelchair for her out of the remaining bicycle
but he couldn’t.
Fortunately for the Ruchs, when they came close to the Russian border
they encountered a retreating Soviet army unit that let them follow them
across the border along an unguarded side path. The Ruchs were so
grateful to those soldiers for saving their lives that they gave them
all of the cigarettes they had, along with their two pens.
The Ruch family was lucky to escape. Most Jews who fled were
stopped by Lithuanian or Soviet soldiers at the borders and forced to
return to Rokiskis and almost certain death. As those Jews made
their way back, they were shot at by Lithuanian partisans and German
On July 9th, 1941, the Nazis, together with
Lithuanian collaborators from the area, rounded up all of the Jews of
Rokiskis and imprisoned them in a temporary “ghetto” that was created on
the grounds of Count Tyzenhof’s estate. According to a secret SS report
for the Kaunas area known as the Jäger Report, between August 15th and
16th, 1941, 3,207 men, women, and children were murdered in the
Velniaduobė woods near the village of Bajorai and on August 25th, 1941,
1,160 men, women, and children were murdered in the Antanašė forest.
Meanwhile, the Ruch family continued their eastward flight, finally
settling in a small village in Uzbekistan near Tashkent, where they felt
it would be easier to survive. There they remained until the end of the
war. The village experienced terrible starvation during the war
and many people died. Rachmiel and his family managed to find some
way to obtain a little bread, and were thus able to save both themselves
and many in the village. Reuben notes that during those tough times his
mother, Henna-Rocha, fed her children at the expense of her own hunger,
dropping from a weight of 154 pounds at the start of the war to 86
pounds at the end. She was also imprisoned for three years for
attempting to make some extra money for her family by exchanging money
on the black market. While she
was in jail, Reuben would visit her every two or three days to give her
some food and other necessary supplies.
Reuben told me that during the war his mother bribed the authorities in
Uzbekistan to change the dates of birth on her two sons’ passports,
making them appear younger than they really were. So Sasha’s date of
birth was changed from 1923 to 1926, and Reuben’s from 1927 to 1928. She
did this in order to delay or avoid their conscription into the Red
Army, as she was concerned for their survival. Nevertheless, in 1944
Sasha enlisted in the Red Army. He did so because he was grateful to the
Soviets for saving him from the Nazis, and also because the early
under Lenin, were against pogroms and the anti-Semitism of the Czar.
While traveling with the Red Army Sasha met his future wife, Maria
(Masha) Spector.
As noted above, Sonya Ruch spent the war in the sanatorium in
Switzerland. While her father was still in Rokiskis, he was able
to send money for her care and she was well-treated.
However, once the family fled Rokiskis and the money dried up,
she was moved to an inferior part of the sanatorium and poorly treated.
My parents visited her there in 1953. Later, she moved to South Africa.
In 1962 she married an engineer from England and they moved to
Since Sonya’s parents and brothers lived behind the Iron Curtain, she
never saw them again. From 1962 to 1973, her mother, Henna-Rocha, was
bedridden, partially paralyzed from a stroke, but managed to write
letters to Sonya by attaching a pen with Scotch tape to her left hand
because she couldn’t use her right hand to write.
After the war, Sasha chose to continue in the military, where he served
for seven years. In 1945 he was posted to Riga, Latvia, and all the
family who had survived the war in the Soviet Union joined him,
including his parents and brother Reuben. Sasha later became a
marine engineer. The family was very close, and each year they spent
holidays together on the Black Sea. Their parents, Rachmiel and
Henna-Rocha, died in Riga. In 1972, when the Soviets allowed Jews to
emigrate, Sasha and his family moved to Israel. Sasha and his wife Masha
have both passed away. Their children and grandchildren all live in
Israel, and their daughter Bella has become my friend.
In Riga Reuben first worked in a factory. Then he trained to become an
electrician. After that he studied for a Ph.D. in electrical engineering
at a university in Leningrad. However, when his brother applied to
immigrate to Israel, Reuben was no longer allowed to study because the
government said, in essence, “you’ll just follow your brother, so
there’s no point in educating you.” In Riga he worked for the government
railway company. In 1977 he too left for Israel, where he worked in a
similar field. His wife didn’t want to leave Riga, and divorced him when
he left for Israel. In 1980, she and their daughter and her family
immigrated to Sydney, Australia, and in 1984 Reuben moved there too. He
has lived there ever since. In December 2007, I finally got to meet
Reuben when our family visited Sydney. He turned out to be just as
wonderful as I had imagined.
After the war, some Lithuanians who had collaborated with the Nazis were
identified. Among those was Andrushka, who had been employed by Reuben
Ruch’s uncle, the bagel-maker Chaim-Yerachmiel Ruch
(not to be confused with Yerachmiel Ruch).
Chaim-Yerachmiel and his whole family, except for one daughter, perished
in the Holocaust. Andrushka had worked for Jews all his life and
spoke fluent Yiddish. Reuben Ruch remembers him but says that he
was not the worst. In his view the worst were the Lithuanian SS
Einsatzgruppen who traveled from town to town each day killing thousands
of Jews. In 1954 a number of Lithuanians who collaborated in
executing Jews in Rokiskis were put on trial, having been named by Jonas
Pupenis, the sole survivor of the massacre. Of the many involved,
only eight were convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison. They were
released in 1980 and became honored citizens of Lithuania.
The greatest number of the town’s Jews were murdered in a wooded area
just north of the village of Bajorai, about 3 miles north of Rokiskis.
Each year from 1965 to 1975, on the anniversary of the massacre,
August 15 and 16, about 60 or more of the surviving Jews from Rokiskis
met at the monument at that site for a memorial service at which Kaddish
was recited and speeches were made. About 50 came by bus from
Vilnius, including a rabbi, and Reuben and Sasha Ruch and their families
came from Riga. The group would
also visit similar sites near Obeliai, Miliūnai, and “Vyžuonai”
(probably the village of Vyžuona, just north of Bajorai).
These gatherings ended once the
last Jewish residents of Rokiskis left Vilnius for Israel.
In Israel, Reuben Ruch joined a Landsman Society of Jews from Rokiskis.
This group raised money for survivors, helped them re-establish
themselves in Israel, and created a memorial in Holon. Each year,
on the anniversary of the mass murders, they meet there to commemorate
the tragedy that befell their community during the Holocaust.
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