Family Album
Reb Zanvil Rabinovich

Student Schochet in Răducăneni

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Certificate that
Reb Zanvil Rabinovich
received in Răducăneni
in 1939
from his teacher
Chazan Moshe Zvi Fruchter

to Fruchter family

וע"ז (ועל זה) באתי על החתום,
  היום יום א' שמות, טו"ב (י"ז) לחודש טבת

תרצ"ט (1939) לפ"ק פה רידיקינען

נאום הק' משה צבי פרוכטער
שו"ב (שוח
ט ובודק) דפה     

HAHÁM, Persoană însărcinată cu tăierea rituală a vitelor și a păsărilor la mozaici.

(Haham is a Shochet - שוחט ) - Person responsible for the ritual slaughter of livestock and poultry in mosaic religion.

HAHÁM Persoană însărcinată să taie vite și păsări conform prescripțiilor religiei mozaice.

Person responsible for livestock and poultry cuts as prescribed by the Jewish religion.

Reb Zanvil & Miriam's wedding

Miriam is the daughter of
Solomon Leib from Iasi, Romania.

Reb Zanvil & Miriam
with family in Bucharest