History of Pokatilovo


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Sylvia Walowitz Updated  July 2012 *
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  • Pokatilovo

Town District Province Country
Before WWI (c. 1900): Pokotilova Uman Kiev Russian Empire
Between the wars (c. 1930): Pokotilovo Kirovograd Ukraine SSR Soviet Union
After WWII (c. 1950): Pokatilovo Soviet Union
Today (c. 2000): Pokotylove Ukraine
Jewish Population in 1900: 1,670 (in 1897), 1,426 (in 1926)

  • Holocaust testimony:
    From the testimony of Cyril Ivanovich and Topolsky Krivoschenka Trophimus Feodosievich, witnesses of the executions in Archangel Region, "February 15, 1942 at two o'clock in the morning, we heard people screaming and gunshots from automatic weapons. It was clear that people are shot, and next morning learned that the Germans and policemen herded into Jewish collective farms and stables, which were located at a distance of 200 meters over a cliff. People were killed in batches of 10-15. Corpses fell off a cliff. Shooting of innocent people was carried out before 10 am. Among those shot was a 16-year-old Sonia Kpilenko Minovna who first was abused and then taken unconscious to the place of mass execution. She was buried alive in the ground. "
    In the village of Pokotilov in the Archangel region in February 1942 , in the massacre were involved 70 employees of the district police officers (70 persons) and about 100 Germans from the gendarmerie, armed with assault rifles. Police were led out the Jews from their homes, and then escorted to the school, from where they got shot. Germans did the shooting, and police were standing in a cordon to block the way for those who try to escape from the village to the other side of the river Yatran. One Jew managed to escape, but then he came back to the village, saying that, he can be killed too, because his kids were taken away. A total of 333 Jews were shot. Cries of the doomed men were heard for miles. After that, the policemen were drunk ...

From the testimony of Officer Kamenka raypolitsii ZhilenkoVverhIz memorandum on March 29, 1946>
Source: Home News Register Kirovohrad True
The history of Kirovohrad
The Holocaust 1941-1944
From the Russian Jewish Encyclopedia

  • Pokotilov
    Pokotilov, is a village in the Archangel region Kirovograd region (Ukraine). Founded in the 1760s. In the 19th - early 20th century - it was in the town of the Uman district on the province of Kiev. Since 1927 -it was the center of the Jewish national village council in the Uman district.
    In 1897 lived in Pokotilov 1670 Jews (55.1% of the population). In 1920 - 1453, in 1923 - 1178 Jews, in 1931 1023 people (85% were Jews)
    Jews settled in Pokotilov in the 18th century. Since 1866 the Rabbi was Chaim Goldstein (born in 1845 ). At the end of 19th century there were two synagogues in Pokotilov. In the 1900's the official rabbi was Matthew Leonovich Halperin.
    In 1912, they had a Jewish savings and loan association. In 1914, there were three synagogues. Jews owned all three pharmacies, a warehouse of goods, the only bakery, both of Forest stock, both inns and 24 shops (including all 12 groceries, all seven manufactories). The only doctor in Pokotilov was Jewish. In February 1942, Pokotilov Jews were shot. Only a few dozen survived.
  • The following information is being provided by Alexander Lysenko:
    Regarding to the history of the village and the Jewish community, I know that before the revolution of the 1917, in the village lived a big enough community that there were two synagogues. In the south-east of the village, among the fields, was an abandoned Jewish cemetery. I remember as children, during the war, we used to play there. There weret tombstones in the form of tree trunks with branches. What is the fate of the cemetery today? Unfortunately, I can not say. There was a monument that was destroyed during the war. It was different in style. It was an obelisk in the form of a pyramid, and the inscription, I remember it well: "Here lie buried the victims of fascism ..." It was destroyed in the early 1990's .

"There, Where the Yatran Sharply Bends"

Author: Alexander Lysenko.
Original text (PDF will open in new window or tab)

Translation: Olga Lysenko

There, Where Yatran' Sharply Bends

This is what an old Ukrainian Cossack song says. We used to sing it at high school amateur performances, include it necessarily in festive concerts and perform it at a village community club, going to other villages, festivals and parades to the regional centre, and even the oblast city. We often used to hear it on the radio, performed by Kiev singers, but I believe that our amateurs performed it with much more rich and soft emotions than venerable performers from the capital. The song is Cossack as an area crossed by the Yatran River was inhabited by Zaporozhye Cossacks in those far-away years. The song appeared at time when Cossack outlaws were on the way out.
Yatran is a small river, its length hardly comes to a hundred kilometres and you will not immediately find it on the map. Narrow and shallow, Yatran flows, bending across dense forests of the Cherkasy oblast and endless fields of Kirovograd oblast. Yatran is surely not Volga, Dnieper, and Danube, it is less famous. It was there along these famous rivers where they had made the history, where empires had been born and died, where they had been masters of the mankind fate, where geniuses and evil-doers had been also born. And who can tell about this little rivulet, lost in endless Ukrainian steppes! However, here in these beautiful steppes with so much peace at first glance, such pictures had been drawn with the blood, which Europeans little dreamed about, but for some reason they are hardly mentioned in the history. Who so ever had crossed this land with fire and sword! There were wild Genghis Khan’s hordes, German invaders and Crimean Tatars, etc.
Once upon a time Rzeczpospolita - szlachta Poland - seized these lands. The Polish szlachta cruelly exploited Ukrainian people, scoffed the Orthodox faith of Ukrainians.

At the beginning of WWII here, on the slopes of the Yatranski hills, there was a fierce battle between Soviet forces and the German army. It was the first real battle in this war between regular armies. At the Uman was a battle between armies. For the first time since the beginning of the war, the Soviet Army offered a very strong opposition. This forced the German command to review their plan "Barbarosa".

The area was a boundless plain with deeply cut large and small rivers, rivulets and streams. The rain flows, leaving deep canyons, banks which slowly crumbled, and eventually turned these canyons in deep berms with gentle slopes. So nature determined the geographical area Ota: hilly plain and steppe zone. To the horizon were endless fields surrounded by forest. In gullies and valleys were oak forests, small streams, and rivers dammed to form ponds. In shallow shores were large villages which were buried in a thicket of gardens. The village houses and gardens were neat whatever was growing! Just dreaming about Shevchenko: "... villages in the fun, and people - fun!"

There were many villages in the Yatran flood plain. Earlier there were many people who distilled vodka from sugar beet. Now in this village there is a large sugar factory. The names Pidvysoke, Orlov, Lebedynka, Davydivka - speak for themselves. If you look into the distance the steppe is huge with sloping hills. It is here, from these inclined retreating hills, there was the village - Pokotilovo. This village is even mentioned in the Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and the Efron Dictionary: 'Pokotilovo - settlement of the province of Kiev, Uman County, population about a thousand people, the Orthodox church, two houses of worship, school, shop, market. During the Civil War, in Pokotilovo was the headquarters of one of Petliura divisions. Retreating from the Crimea and Odessa, the Red Army captured the village as well as the Petliura's soldiers were shot.

The village lies on both banks of the Yatran. Here, as the song says: "From under the stone hits the water." The right bank is the highest being rocky and steep in many places. The left Bank is also high but not as steep as a right. The right bank is the more gentle. Besides, the right bank extends within the village to the low bridge over the river. On this side are the houses and the strip gardens. At the high left bank the river stretches along the one street. There is rocky soil there with the houses and gardens around the top. The river falls rocky, overgrown with dense thickets, down the slope. Below, near the water there are dense thickets of Willows. Next is the bridge by the low shore with broad band gardens that come almost to the water. Both banks are thickly overgrown with willows whose branches tilt with the water except in those places where the surface breaks into rocky cliffs.

The group of cattle is on the second bank at the other end of the village. There are a few whitewashed long and squat buildings which previously held a considerable flock of sheep, as well as large herd of horses. Gradually, cars replaced horses. The sheep also slowly removed, Now the position is empty. Empty is also the situation on the right bank. Now market conditions in the countryside have left room only for dairy cattle. Both sections of the links between the bridge height is at least three meters. One end of it rests on the rocky right bank and the second on an earth embankment dam. The dam raises the water level in the river, in order to send it to a small hydroelectric turbine which clings to a small two-storey, whitewashed building in the mill on the left bank. The water spins the wheels of this mill.
The Yatran from the village Pokotilovo to the village Orlov, is three miles upstream, a broad river, its width about thirty yards, and next to the dam.

Old-timers say that before the war Pokotilovo was a small town where Jewish artisans lived. Sadly, during the war all of them were shot and the town burned down. After the war Pokotilovo was restored to a village. Echoes of the recent war have long worried parents of the rural boys. In the middle of the village were some ruins that was called "town hall" and rural kids played in those ruins and found it empty ammunitions belts, the ammunition, and crumpled metal buttons with stars. Apparently, during the war there was some administrative buildings near which were violent fights. Also in the river below the bridge were found mortar shells, People said that at this point in the river fell a car with ammunition.

In the center of the village stands a monument - a bronze soldier in the cloak-tent, with a gun on his chest, bowed his head, holds in one hand a helmet, and another hand holding a wreath at the feet. Next to the monument of granite slabs with the names of villagers who did not return from war. These tablets are a sad history of the names of almost all the inhabitants of the village: the war did not spare a single house!

I was born already the last volley of the war. The country rapidly rebuilt the destroyed villages and towns, factories and plants and slowly healed the wounds of war. Slowly from years rebuilt the Ukraine. Our village bloomed as the sod clay houses under thatched roofs were replaced by durable structures of brick or limestone and the roofs of those buildings were covered with iron or slate. In the seventies. Almost every yard had a motorcycle or a car.

I remember the time when the people went to the village harvest. The harvest was collected manually, ie, mowed wheat strips and sickles to reap corn. I have on my hand a sickle scar from this time. In the old days all labor in the village was manual with few machines and mechanisms. In the collective farms were mostly field crops harvested by women. Not only farmers, but all the villagers came to work in the fields. My mother worked in a rural hospital but also worked in the fields during the weeding and harvest. There were great rows of stalks extending far beyond the horizon. And it is necessary to weed and harvest! And the sun burned fiercely! We had a mad thirst, sweat fills the eyes, and also the repeated attacks by the flies! After this work your back, eyes, feet and hands badly. Then the village gradually acquired some farm equipment, manual labor slowly was replaced by machine, they introduced chemical fertilizers and to control weeds there were herbicides and other chemicals. Who will harvest the fields these days? The young people in the villages do not escape to the city, institute, school, or factory. Just to get out of the village!

  • Pokatilovo Jewish Community Oral History Research Project

This research project was conducted by Anatolly and Maryna Mikhelson. They are very committed to research, discover, maintain and preserve Jewish History in Ukraine. They provided the impetus, the energy, and the initiative to build the Holocaust Memorial in the town of Novopoltavka.

When they heard of the KehilaLinks JewishGen project about Pokatilovo, they offered their invaluable trip to the "Lost Civilization of Pokatilovo" as they called it. It wasn't an easy trip. Between the many hurdles, they were able to find traces of the Jewish community that now exists only in memory. In resurrecting even the smallest shard of the Jewish history of the area, Anatolly and Maryna pay tribute and deep respect to those who built then suffered and died in most horrible circumstances. This tribute is now shared by the descendants of the Jewish community of Pokatilovo now spread to Argentina, America and throughout the world. Thank you Anatoliy and Maryna for stirring our collective memories of the sweet flow of the Yatran and providing the documentation to be shared by our descendants. Thank you for honoring those who fell into the nameless pit. We will never forget them!  
"Godforsaken place" is the name given by many of the current residents of this beautiful area. The more proper geographic description of the area is: The Village of Pokatilovo, Newarchangel area, Kirovograd region of Ukraine.

The history of the village goes back to the mid-18th century and during those 300 years many people and cultural layers have left their mark there. It is very difficult to search for any information about Pokatilovo that occurred prior to the mass emigration of its Jewish residents to Argentina and America at the beginning of the 20th century. During our short visit of a few days, we faced meaningful problems tracing the history of the area and the genealogy of descendants of former residents of Pokatilovo. For example, descendants of former residents of Pokotilovo, Sylvia Walowitz-Kozodoy and her father Elias, are actively researching their heritage in this area. Sarah Kozodoy, Sylvia's grandmother, was born in Pokatilovo in 1902.

We met Alexander Trigub, a resident of Pokatilovo, who was born in 1974. He is the Chairman, not only of Pokatilovo (500 people), but also of two other villages with a total population of roughly 1,500 people. He holds essentially all the power in this remote corner of the center of the Ukrainian land: all the infrastructure, communication, school, kindergarten, club, shops, medical center,  cemetery and others. He conducts all orders, regulations, and directives of both  central and local government. No significant events in the life of the village can occur without him whether it is the celebration of national holidays, or a wedding, birthday and, funerals. Three times he was elected to this position by an overwhelming majority. People see him as a real defender of their interests, although his capabilities are very limited. His salary is a little above the minimum in the Ukraine.

It should be said that hardly half of the working population really work. The  people of Pokatilovo have  their own small plots of land, which they  received from the privatization after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But almost all the land is leased to the big agricultural producers who were organized by the  former Communist Party and the Soviet government leaders. Thus there is poverty and despair among the majority of the villagers. Many of  them do not work and drink alcohol thus barely making both ends meet in this situation. They don't produce anything because of the lack of money and materials. They live by leasing their plots of land. All machinery is in the hands of the oligarchs.They collect pennies for cheaper milk, sending it to the refineries.

However, we met with an enthusiast person, striving not only to change the situation, but also to learn the history of his native village. He knows that the glorious history of the village derived from the Jews who had build up a town far away from the highways. The town was called Pokatilovo. It had  three synagogues, schools, hospitals, pharmacies, 24 shops, a large mill which was driven by a water turbine that ran on the small and beautiful river, the "Yatran". The school has been  restored thanks to the efforts of the young Chairman Alexander Trigub and an oligarch’s money. This oligarch is a deputy of the Ukrainian Parlament. The school is reputed to be the best in the area. Now, apart from the school, all this is now only abandoned buildings and a derelict mill, an old bridge, near to the new bridge and the old Jewish Cemetery. That cemetery is 200 meters from the last street.

Unfortunately, or misfortune (in my opinion) for local residents, the Cemetery has deteriorated from mischief and is overgrown with grass and thick prickly thorns. We were able to find there only fragments of the traditional stone tombs in the form of a tree trunk with branches chopped off with barely legible words of Yiddish or Hebrew. That's all the remnants that exist on this earth from more than 200 years of Jewish civilization.

That Jewish civilization had disappeared. What are the reasons for it demise? It's no secret that relations between the local population and the Jews were less than ideal. Even during the "Koliivshchina", the so called peasant uprising against the Poles in the middle of the 17th century, the Poles and the Jews suffered. By some estimates up to 100,000 Jewish lives were lost in the Ukraine amidst the looting and violence by the forces of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and other small and large Hetman chieftains during their "liberation" in the war against Poland. Naturally, the Jews had no military forces and were only a source of plunder and profit.

After the partition of Poland, The Tsarist government took Polish lands and greatly increased its population in the area. They were up to 1.5 million Ashkenazi Jews. The "Laws of the Pale of Settlement" forbade Jews to live in big cities. A special way of life formed in small towns and villages. The Jewish villages (Shtetls) comprised Jewish craftsmen, artisans, milkmen, tailor, sellers, a rabbi, a teacher, a doctor, a pharmacist.  We heard about it from our grandparents and read the stories of Shalom Aleichem in our childhood. It was their  ghetto with their own culture which the non-Jewish residents  called "alien", i.e. "not ours." However, these cultures coexisted through the amazing ability of Jews to adapt to any conditions, even the most hostile. And besides, these cultures have influenced each other and created many beautiful works of art, music, dance, and literature. The ancient Jewish civilization created the foundation for the future of European civilization and Christianity which were founded upon the moral values of the Jewish Torah.

There were severe trials endured by the people in the period before and after the revolutions. In the early 20th century, after a series of pogroms, the Jews began mass emigration from Ukraine to America and Argentina. This process did not escape our Pokatilovo.  The grandmother of Sylvia and her family were part of the emigration to Argentina. They were part of the community created there from former Pokatilovo residents. Chairman Alexander Trigub said, "The most intelligent and sensible, who made the history of Pokatilovo, left". Then, the Soviet government followed with its debunking of ideals and religion, expropriating land and creating the image of the communist Jew. Thus they denied all the Jewish ancient history and traditions".

Trigub continued saying: I  don't want to offend those who stayed, but their life was tragic. Almost all of them were killed during  the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" by German Nazis and their helpers many of whom were active Ukrainian nationalists.This was a tragic page in the life of Pokatilovo. Considering that in all the villages, colonies, cities and towns, the Jewish population was about about 2.5 million souls. These events are not adequately reflected in the documents and in the history of the village. Almost no one knows what precisely happened in the village during the war. We do know that 85% of the population was Jewish before that Holocaust.

A monument to "victims of the Soviet people against the German fascist "was erected by those who survived. However the word "Jew" was shamefully hidden under the monument. Then it fell into neglect, collapsed, and was overgrown with grass. Young people of the village had been ignorant and indifferent to the fate of their village and its history. But now, they started to listen  to family descendants of those shot and killed during that horrible period. We are grateful that Ida Sanilevich Stepanova and her husband provided the resources and their dedication to the restoration of the monument. It is sad that the dead villagers were not buried according to Jewish tradition and worse that their exact place of burial is not known. Thank God, there are people in this environment that genuinely want to start to change  life by changing the mentality of the people by spiritual purification and repentance. It is beyond horrible to know that about 70 local residents, some from neighboring villages, and the police took part in the executions. Police from Pokotilovo went through the village shootings their Jewish neighbors. The killers and their victims had played together as children in a sandbox.Yes, it’s a long way until repentance!

The news that Jews from America were coming to learn the story quickly passed through the village. We managed to meet the only survivor of one of the firing squads, Boris Bilomlinsky. He was born  8 months after the shooting. His mother was Ukrainian. She then stood at the edge of the ravine before the execution and begged the killers to let her go because she was Ukrainian, unlike her husband, Moses ben Leib who was killed at the front.
After the war, only two Jewish front-line soldiers returned to the village. That was Boris' Uncle Vladimir and the orphan Boris Broitman.
Jewish life in Pokatilovo has stopped since. It disappeared, not only into the wet ground, where were "put" some 500 Jews who were the descendants of those who created a story that is only stored in the ruins of synagogues and Jewish homes. It has disappeared from the memory of the people living here. They are ashamed to even say the word "Jew" as a leper.

This emphasizes  why this ground below our feet is called
"God-forsaken land."
Maryna and Anatoliy Mikhelson,
     Pokatilovo KehilaLinks website 
     "The history of the Jews," Paul Johnson
     Personal meetings and audio with local residents:
     A. Trigub,  B.M. Bilomlinskiy, N.B. Ivanova, Alexander Barkov

  • Pokatilovo History official soviet version "Seda Pokatilovo History" written by soviet historians

While the english translation of this 'official version of the Pokotilovo History' is quite difficult to read (copy below), it is however a very compelling story (and history), and would be even more compelling with additional editing using American english grammar and style. The spirit of the original language would not be lost with context editing; the history would be enhanced for english speaking readers.
Select this link to view the Russian text and english translation (Typed copy of the original)(PDF).
Select this link to view images of the orginal Russian history book text (Text may be blurry)(PDF)

Pokotilov - the village, the center of the village council, is located in the lower reaches of the river Yatran, 36 km south-west of the district center and 20 km from the railway station Emilovka. The area of ​​the village 315 m, population - 558 people. Rural settlements are subject to the advice of the eagles, Tarasovka. Orlovo village - 38 km from the district center and 2 km from the village council, the population - 241 people. Tarasovka village - 31 km from the district center and 5 km from the village council, the population of 93 people.

On the origin of the name of the village Pokotilov survived two legends:

1. 300 years ago on the left bank of the Milky Yatran on a path that took place there, established his tavern Zaporizhia Cossack Pokotilo. Near the inn began to settle Chumak (this people carry solt from the Krimea), Cossacks and peasants, serfs, who had fled from their masters further south, in more undeveloped steppe. Thus arose the village Pokotilov.

2. Milky way was in the place where now is the village. River Yatran Chumaks wading. By the river had to go down a steep hill. In the valley Chumaks waited coolness, good rest, and oxen - juicy grass. Chumak, preparing for the night, said:

- Where to spend the night tonight?

- Under the Pokot - meet others.

When, in this place there was a tavern, and then a few huts, this village became known Pokotilov.

Once shore Yatran were covered with wood, which was a lot of different animals. There were wolves. They attacked the village and bring people a lot of trouble. A legend that villagers recruitment, running away from the wolves, moved to s.Pokotilovo. First settled Yatran left bank, and only later settled on the right. Thus arose the village Pokotilov.

History of Ukrainian lands XV-XVI centuries draws tragic scenes of our ancestors who suffered in foreign captivity. Through the Green Brahma and our village was a road which flew “catchers of people”. They rob, kill sick people and healthy were taken into captivity and sold in the bazaars of the Crimean cities.

In 1644, our territory was a terrible attack under the Perekop (at the Krimea) nobleman, but horde suffered a crushing defeat.

Became intolerable oppression of Polish magnates who were forced to work for farmers panschine. The people rose to fight. In 1648, Uman regiment, which consisted of our residents, and destroyed the Polish rulers. In June 1651, Colonel Uman Gluh caught on cyanosis and defeated 10000th Tatar groups.

In 1726, our village was owned by tycoon Francis Potocki. Village ruled by his managers.

In 1768, during Kolomeevschiny Pokotilov passed through the way in which the Polish ezdilo panstvo. Haydamaky gathered in a convenient location from which you can see the path and observed. When the Lords came out from hiding and staged violence. Especially famous among the villagers Haidamaks Vasyuta.

Our villagers took part in the conquest of Uman under Zalizniak Maxim and Ivan Gonta.

On the second partition of Poland in 1793, our village was a part of Russia.

In 1861, the Lord took pastures, forests, and the peasants were miserable land. The peasants were burdened with payments to the ground and it was taken up to the fight.

In 1904, the residents of our village, dressed in soldiers' uniforms were torn from krestyaskoy work and sent to the bullets of Japanese soldiers.

Participant heroic Auburn Port Arthur was a resident s.Pokotilovo Kovbasyuk Timothy P.. He saw the Admiral Makarov, the chief knew the land defense of Port Arthur General Kondratenko.

In 1905, the peasants rose against s.Pokotilovo. Gospodska mill burned, burned manor stack. To pacify the peasants were called Cossacks s.Zhuravlinki.

The village was a Marxist group, led by a teacher of a parochial school (last name unknown), which included Timothy and Petrenko Vikhrenko Markian Rudenko Gregory etc. Teacher arrested, his fate is unknown.

In 1905-1907 Pokotilov was a place with a population of 3153 people. Were Ukrainians, and Jews. During the reaction between the two often had wars in which the winners went Ukrainians. Since part of the village, inhabited by Ukrainians, called Ochanovkoy (from the word desperate.)

Tsarism in 1906 created for itself a secure base in the countryside - the new landlords and kurkuls. Has the Stolypin reforms. The peasants came out of communities, Gorgol also made their cuts and hamlets. So, a few kurkulskih families settled in forest gently. Pick up a best land and pastures. In the period of the Stolypin refermy been formed called areas. Peasants who come from the community settled on a small tributary of the left Yatran. Stolypin's reform dealt a heavy blow to the rural poor. Poor farmers sold their holdings and moved to seek work in the cities or become laborers. The village has a growing number of protests against the landlords and kurkuls.

The First world war was start in August 1914. Many men have gone to war from the village of Pokotilov - Romanschak Oleksa, Lischepovsky Peter Lischepovsky Canon, Vdovichenko Amos, Suslenko Laurel, etc.

The people revolted and threw the power of tsar in February 1917.

Soviet power was established in 1918, and April 14, 1919, the first elections to the Soviets. Summer - August 8 - The Red Army withdrew s.Pokotilovo. They began hosting Petlura, Makhno and other gangs.

September 2-7, passed through the village of iron flow of illustrious 45th Strelets Division, commanded by Grigory Kotovsky. From September 24 to December 31, 1919 in the village continued Denikin terror. In the first half of January 1920 has been exempted from s.Pokotilo Denikin. Hoisted the red flag of the Soviet government.

In the years 1912-1920 the revolutionary committee headed Petrenko Gabriel Secretary was Lischipovsky Cyril. In May 1920, in the village of a committee of independent peasants, were organized by Polishchuk Sozonov Petrenko Gavrilo Zhidkevich Xenia, Alex Abramov, Havavchuk SIMPLE, Parshakov Michael etc.

In 1928, in the town was founded four farm, based on which in 1929 there were two farm: Ukrainian and Jewish.

In 1930, the two merged into one collective farm named after the Comintern. Chairman of the kolkhoz was Romanschak Andrey. At this time, the farm operated the party organization in the 5-6 people, led by Fedot Gorenko and Komsomol organization of 32 people, whose secretary was Rudenko Vasily Petrovich. The majority of residents were poor. There were 25 middle peasants, 3 - kurkulskih, others - independent farmers. The enemies of the socialist system, like in arms to destroy the leaders of the farm. Son got Panosovich Michael fired several shots from a revolver. He shot a Komsomol group of Communists led by Andrei Fyodorovich Vihristyukom and injured farm chairman Romanschaka AI

At that time, the farm was 9 molotarok, 12 sevalok, harrows, plows. The first tractor drivers were Rudenko Stepan Mikhailovich, Petrenko Yefim Rudenko Basil Vihristyuk Andrew Vikhrenko Mihtod Dobrovolsky Alex. In 1939, the group visited the town Pokotilov Union Agricultural Exhibition. This village council chairman Vykhristyuk AF Ivanov hog woman Nastasya Balanyuk Evgen Kochubei Vasilina.

During the prewar five-year plans had been considerably strengthened the economic base of the kolkhoz. In 1939, the power plant was built. Rich was a collective farm workday. Grown culture of the village. The village has a library and a seven-year school, a room which was built in 1928 and a hospital. Life became prosperous farmers.

In 1941, the peaceful labor of the Soviet people was interrupted by the war. August 13, 1941 s.Pokotilovo was occupied by German fascist invaders. All the people stood up to fight the enemy. To work in the rear of the group was left communists - Vikhrenko VM Parshakov Michael Dyshlenko Ivan. But all of them from the first days of the occupation were under strict surveillance by the Gestapo, and in 1944 were taken out of the village. Vikhrenko VM has long been in the concentration camps. In contact with the guerrillas Stepovenko Martha, who worked in the dairy section. She helped pass the partisans in the woods milk, sour cream, warm clothing.

During the occupation, the Nazis destroyed the entire Jewish population and Jewish houses turned into piles of clay and stone. Town center, where the Jewish population lived, was turned into solid ruins.

During the Great Patriotic War in the ranks of the glorious Soviet Army fought bravely against the enemies of the residents of our village. Among the participants of the war, many were awarded orders and medals. Among them: the Beetle OF, Karvatsky AN Gulinskii OO, Tabunchik P., holder of the three Orders of Glory - Chornokon Europium Ivanovic.

In March 1944, Pokotilov was liberated by the Soviet Army from the Nazi invaders.

During the fourth five-year plan to overcome difficulties caused by war, drought in 1946, the villagers have made significant progress in the postwar reconstruction. In 1948, the farm has strengthened its economic base, and in 1958 the collective farm named after the Comintern has teamed up with a neighboring farm named eighteenth party congress Orlova. This year, the MTS bought different cars and agricultural equipment for $ 1 mln. In 1961, on the farm all the land there im.Kominterna 4253.4 hectares of arable land. Most of the land is reserved for cereal crops. Besides grain farm growing technical and fodder crops. Very good livestock development. In farm animal houses are built with sturdy avtopoilkami and lighting. In 1963 was built 4-row barn, where all processes are mechanized. The best workers were machine operators - Poshtar Victor Petrenko Yefim Lyushnik Boris: milkmaids - Kuhar Antonin Papirna Catherine Ocheretny Alexander, Garden Sofia; hog woman - Anastasia Ivanova and others

At the end of the seven-year farm grew 27 kg / ha of wheat, 48 kg / ha of maize, 250 kg / ha of sugar beet, 130.7 centners of meat, 407 centners of milk, 26,300 sht.yaits. Increased culture and welfare. The village has two libraries, a hospital for 15 beds, a high school, where 320 students learn, the club with 250 seats, 4 shops, a cafeteria, two kindergartens, X-ray room. Completing the construction of a new district hospital for 15 seats, built in s.Tarasovka club with 300 seats. In 1960, the whole street Pokotilov grew settlers. In s.Pokotilovo Orlova and water-supply system.

In s.Pokotilovo in 1984-1986 built office, kindergarten, 10 houses, also built two houses in s.Tarasovka and 2 - in Orlova. In s.Pokotilovo 80 m asphalt paved road, Orlova laid asphalt on the main street. In 1997 he built another house in s.Pokotilovo and one - in Orlova.

In 1996 he conducted raspaevanie collective property. The peasants received plots of land shares. A small part of the peasants began to work the land on their own, most of the farmers gave their shares to the local economy. On the territory of the village council was formed five farms - F.G.Magdichanskoy, ZV Magdichanskogo, V.V.Kordon, T.I.Kordon, M.S.Kordon.

Many natives s.Pokotilovo dispersed to all corners of Ukraine. They do not forget about their village, providing opportunities sponsorship. Among them - Nikolai A. Jankowski, Chief Director of "Styrene". With 29.03.1991g. selected member of the Supreme Council of Ukraine. With it, in 2005, renovated pokotilovskoy school.

At this point in the territory of the village council works pokotilovskoe and Orel post office. There are 5 outlets: in s.Pokotilovo running 2 prodtovarnyh store, one department store, in Orlova - 1 prodtovarny in s.Tarasovka - 1 prodtovarny. All outlets are bought or leased to local businesses. On the territory of the village council works pokotilovskoe preschool, seasonally in Orlova - kindergarten. In s.Pokotilovo running school in which a student learns to 131, a cultural center, and Orlova - country club.

At this point in the territory of the village council functioning SEC "Field-4" (average number of 170 people).

The biggest problem at the moment is to reduce the population. Residents of the older generation are dying, and the birth rate is very low. Many residents of the village is to work outside of the village council. In 2007, developed severe environmental conditions, and therefore SEC "Field-4" was a low yield.

2007 could be a year of Orlova. He paid more attention to the social aspect of the village council: repaired bridge over Yatran, poured zherstvoy almost a kilometer of the road within the village, conducted patching roads to the village 1.5 km paved road. Conducted appropriate job for the meeting and producing documents for opening in Orlova zherstvy quarry and stone, which soon will work and will make it possible to open up new jobs. In the future, in Orlova by private entrepreneurs to build a sanatorium for treatment and rest, and 20 hectares of gardens will be laid.

In 2008 we plan to install s.Pokotilovo monument to our fellow-countrymen, the gentleman of the three Orders of Glory, who bravely defended their homeland from the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War - Chornokonyu europium Ivanovich. The plans of the village council - the central street lighting s.Pokotilovo, improvement of cemeteries, in s.Tarasovka planned full range of work, above all - pour zherstvoy road to the cemetery.

  • The Encyclopedia of Jewish Life Before and During the Holocaust’, volume 2, p. 1011. Center for Jewish History.



  • Pokatilovo early history




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