Kehilalinks Pochep Russia


 Important Links                   

JewishGen Locality Page for Pochep, Russia.

Google Maps showing Pochep, Russia.

JewishGen Family Finder shows 70 hits, 46 researchers for town of Pochep.

NEW: Mitzvatemet Catalog of Jewish Burials, Burials in Pochep. Photos of matzevot from the Jewish Cemetery of Pochep.

Chernigov Gubernia Document Translation Project. This project will translate and index family list documents from the Chernigov gubernia (including the city of Pochep within the Mglin uezd) from 1882 and 1888 and some other years.  

Chernigov Genealogy Group website includes maps of Chernigov gubernia, lists of towns, surname lists, maps,  index of documents available through LDS Library, even some family trees. This site was down for several months, but it has returned as a valuable research site.

Jewish Virtual Library: Chernigov

Jewish Virtual Library: Bryansk

NEW: Yahad in Unum: In Evidence. Map links to photographs of locations and exerpts of interviews regarding the 1942 Nazi massacre in Pochep.

Yad Vashem Untold Stories: Prewar history of Pochep, the Nazi massacre, commemoration of Jewish victims.

Wikipedia: General history of Pochep from the 15th Century.

Pochep, Home of Our Ancestors: Another look at Pochep by Beth Galleto.

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Compiled by Beth Galleto
Last Updated July 2024
Copyright © 2017  Beth Galleto