
part 2

They were guarded and watched by the white arm banders, the squad of Linkuva and by local policemen. For one week the women, children and elderly were kept as a prisoner. On 6 August 1941, they were forced to leave their prison and to take their luggage and to go to Morkakalnis. This all under strict supervision.  Some hundred meters of the spot, the Jewish women, children and elderly were forced to undress and to walk further. When they arrived at Morkakalnis and saw the big and long hole, already dug (by local peasants, who were forced to do this by Simkevicius, Gigevicius and others), the women realized what would happen and they started to scream and to cry. The guards belonging to the squad of Linkuva and to the squad of Petras Pozela made sticks of branches and beat the women, children and elderly. Some of the women were raped.

Both squads did the shootings, in groups from five human beings per time.    

The Germans took photographs, filmed and supervised the scene.

After the murdering of the Jewish women, children and elderly, the pit was covered with earth. The blood was still to be seen everywhere , especially on the trees. Some of the clothing and shoes and other belongings stayed on the spot and the next day when Zenonas Gegeckas watched the spot, he and also other children discovered clothes, some shoes, hair combs and other personal objects.  The blood was still to be seen everywhere and Zenonas was completely devastated, realizing what had happened to his dear friends


The spot where the Jewish women, children and elderly people were shot.
The Rubensteins are in front of this spot.
A total of 400 Jews from Pakruojis and surroundings (Ligum and Linkuva) were murdered in the Morkakalnis Forest. 

   to part 3

Copyright © 2005 Dora Boom

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