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A Thora scroll in a recess in the wall
The Mosonmagyarovar Jewish cemetery and the attached ceremonial hall are in
excellent condition. Both were renovated some years ago with the help of
former residents from all over the world. In the ceremonial hall is a Thora
scroll, four panels with the names of Holocaust victims and a memorial
plaque of soldiers who fell in the 1st world war. The inscription above the
Thora scroll reads as follows:
The Jewish community of Moson owes a debt of gratitude to our Jewish brethren, local and worldwide,
who with unselfish work and monetary contribution, enabled the restoration of the cemetery, August
21, 1990.
The translation of the Hungarian inscription at the top of panel 1 reads: "Remember the martyrs of
Mosonmagyarovar, victims of barbarism let loose on mankind. They perished far away from their
beloved and their homes in deportation and forced labour camps."