Michalovce Other |
~ Miscellaneous Items ~ |
Following are miscellaneous items of genealogical and/or historical interest. |
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~ Audio Interview of Karolina (Lina) (née MOSKOVIC) KATZ ~ b. 1895, Nagymihály, HU |
Copyright ©2009 by Marshall J. KATZ, USA, all rights reserved, reproduction prohibited in any form. Courtesy of the Heinz History Library and Council of Immigrant Women of Pittsburgh. (Grandmother of Marshall J. Katz) |
Introduction: Listening to this interview, conducted in 1976 when "Bubbe" Lina was 82 years old, could easily be your ancestor talking and will give you an insight into life in Nagymihály (Michalovce), the perils of World War I, family relationships, impact of religion, and life events such as marriage and childbirth until 1923 when she immigrated to America with her husband and two small children. Also, issues encountered after arrival in New York City for a couple weeks before moving first, to Kittaning, Pennsylvania, and then to Leechburg, Pennsylvania (both approximately 30 miles north of Pittsburgh). There are questions regarding opinions and life in America and other general topics of interest to the interviewer. |
Notes and clarifications to the audio: |
a. | This audio recording was made in 1976, probably using a portable tape recorder and with the interviewer seeming to have a cold, please excuse her voice. |
b. | "Bubbe" Lina was born 1895 in Nagymihály, Hungary; today Michalovce, Slovakia. |
c. | The fine work she talks about to make some money is "lace making," handiwork with intricatly sewn designs. |
d. | When Czech soldiers stormed into her house, her father and brothers weren't home; she told them they had died. |
e. | A Czech soldier hit her hard in the ribs with the wooden butt (stock) of a rifle and she suffered all her life from that incident due to broken ribs. |
f. | Birth of a son, Lajos (Leonard), and daughter, Malvina (Margaret), in Europe, occurred in her husband's village of Klucsárka, Czechoslovakia (today Klyucharki, Ukraine, near Mukacheve). She had three more children after arriving in America: Victor, Joseph and Rose. |
g. | Initially, her father was against her immigration to America, but later changed his viewpoint. After her marriage, she and her husband went to Prague, Czechoslovakia, to obtain the necessary immigration documents. Because her husband was a prisoner of war in Russia during WWI, their paperwork was delayed by a year until the authorities were satisfied he was not a Bolshevik. |
h. | Lina arrived in America in 1923 at age 28 with her husband, two small children and her younger brother, Miksa MOSKOVIC, age 16. SS Mauritania passenger manifest, 1923 |
i. | When she answers "when my husband left me," she meant "when he died" (in Leechburg, Pennsylvania, 1944). |
j. | After her husband died, she managed their clothing store by herself 1944-46, assisted by her eldest son and daughter. Her other sons were in the service during WWII, one in the Army and the other in the Navy. Shortly after WWII, after all of her children had married, she sold the building and business in Leechburg, Pennsylvania and moved to the East Liberty section of Pittsburgh, Pennsylavania to be closer to her children and grandchildren. |
~ Archive Information ~ |
Researching our family histories in Slovakia is no simple task. Given the various country changes and internal district changes in recent history, records are dispersed around the world in various archives and private collections.
Besides searching JewishGen's vast databases, following is what we have learned that is available in the archives in Slovakia. We would appreciate hearing your about your personal experiences and findings in the archives so that we can add the information here for all concerned. |
For any questions or if you have anything to add, click HERE to contact me. |
Available Holdings |
~ World-Wide Jewish Communities of Interest ~ |
Following are towns and villages listed alphabetically by country —some with a web site on JewishGen— which may assist you in your genealogical research. |
If you have content for any place listed below, click HERE to e-mail me. [ Please include the town or village name in the subject line. ] |
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~ Useful Links ~ |
Below are miscellaneous links of genealogical and/or historical interest. Always check the various JewishGen databases as new records are constantly being added. |
If you find a link of interest to all or a broken link click HERE to contact me. |
NOTE: Clicking a button or link will open a new page. |
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Compiled and created by: Marshall J. KATZ, USA with assistance from Lina (née MOSKOVITS) KATZ Amos Israel ZEZMER, France and the following JewishGen members/descendants and contributors of Michalovce Jewish families: Margaret (née KATZ) DAVIS Eugene FOSSNER, USA Rosalie FROST, USA Melanie GRIMES, USA Marshall J. KATZ, USA Myra (née MOSKOWITZ) SONENBLUM, USA Judy PETERSEN, USA Jacob ROSEN, Jordan |
Updated: 13 September 2021 |
Copyright ©2009 Marshall J. KATZ All rights reserved. |
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