View of some leaning stones |
Another view too distant for reading
inscriptions. |
This stone too worn & the angle too
steep to read |
Stein reads:
"the dear man his house [???]
to the poor and destitute
engaged in charity
provided] to the underprivileged and needy
row saying something about his spoken words and people
straight and good honorable his name
Bandet or Bandat son of
on the day [unclear] Eyar of the year 56[8]5 or 56[9]5
his soul be bound by the bond of life
Ied] "[הא]יש היקר ביתו ת[???]
פתוחה לעניים ודלים
עשה צדקות תמיד
[????? ל]כל נדכה ונצרך
[???] פיו ל[ר]זל אנשים מיל[א]
[???] הישר טוב כבוד שמ[ו]
ברוך בענדעט בר'
[א]בהרם באלאסטאצקי
[נפטר] ביום ??? [אי]יר שנת תר[פ?]ה / תר[צ]ה
The previous stone, before clearing off weeds |
Here is buried our dear father Kalmen, son of
Meir, died in the month of Tishir 567- or 569-. Read by Leah Cohen. |
The previous stone before clearing plants around
it. |
The next 3 images are closeups of
portions of this stone. The surname is Maharshak or Marshak.(Read by
Leah Cohen & Shahar Stein) |
[unclear] became the head
[unclear] gifted with [her children?]
[unclear] hardship/ poor her heart the cradle
and her house open to the poor and strangers
The Death took our honor
but in our hearts still remains the image of, our
mother Mrs Etyl daughter of Mr Israel Z'L
died on 5th Tevet of the year 5698 or 5695
may her soul be bound by the bond of life
[???] כד? היתה לראש
[??]ה מכשרת עם ילדיה?
ל[?]לקשה יום לבה חיק ע[?]
וביתה פתוח לעני ולג
המות לקח את כבודנו
אך בלבנו צפון דמותה? של
אמנו מרת עטיל
ב"ר ישראל ז"ל
נפטרה בה' טבת שנת תרצח/תרצה
Here is buried
our dear and esteemed father
[an unclear row something but our heads , tears
and death]
Versed in the Torah and god-fearing
his name is famous
while our break is present
he was taken from her soon after
our teacher Avraham Shimon
son of Yizhak Z"L
Died 20 or 22 in Av 5675
May his soul be bound by the bond of life
אבינו היקר והנעלה
ראשנו דמעת מות
המצויין בת[ורה] ירא ה'
שמו מפורסם לתהלה
עודנו שבר לשברנו
[??]לקח ממנה במהרה/זוהרה
מוה' אברהם שמעון
ר' יצחק ז"ל
נפטר כב אב/כ באב שנת תרעה
Leah Cohen read Moshe Aryeh (or
Aharon) ben Yosef, and could read the line "died
with a good name", but not the date which usually follows
it. |
Leah Cohen read "... our dear father,
our master and teacher, Reb Yoel, son of R' Sholem Shachne, OB"M." Then
possibly a last name, Tevit, or "from Tevit". Died 6? Shevat 5688 or
5488. 28 January 1928 or 17 Jan 1728. Given the age of most of the
other stones, the recent date seems far more likely. |
Here is buried our dear mother,
devout and complete in her fear of God, M. Sheyna (not quite certain;
the center letter's not clear) Freyda, daughter of
Reb Eliyahu, passed away on 3 Mar Cheshvan 5692. May her soul be bound
to the bonds of life. (The date is 14 Oct 1931) Read by Leah Cohen |
The next image is this stone, closer up. |
Leah Cohen, Geradline
Tsiporah Trom, and Yehuda Atlas all agree the father's name is Nachum.
Yehuda Atlas thinks Nachum had a second name Yehuda or Yehoshua. The
man buried here may be Yosef or Avraham. Shahar Stein could only make
out the word "Kadosh" = Holy, and a partial date, 13 Eyar. |
This stone is so worn, it's hard to tell it ever
had an inscription. |
So is this one. |
The angle's bad. There are hints the top of this
stone is interesting. |
The lighting is too contrasty, but this one may
also be very worn. |
Stone before clearning off debris; it's been
cleaned in the next image. |
(Head)Stone for
Moh. Shmuel son of Mr Avraham D.(ied) 26 Tishrey
5644 L.
May his soul be bound by the bond of life.
am not sure about some of the Abbreviations so did not include in the
think that the
the 5000 needs to be included in the years count.
after that there are what i thought was
now i think it is
beginning of the Abbreviations תנצבה
in this stone continues on the last line
איש תם וישר
מוה' שמואל ב[ר']
אברהם נ' כו' תשרי
שנת תרמד ל תנ
Read by Shahar Stein and Tova Levi
A grouping of stones |
The given name
may be Moshe (Zach Rothblatt) and his father's name Baruch (Geraldine
Tsizporah Trom). There may be a given name but the grass is in the way. |
This photo isn't legible. Fortunately the next
photo is of the same stone at a better angle.
Aharon son
of Shmuel - read by Yehuda Atlas. The year is 1887/1888 - read by Noni
Bodini; Geraldine Tsiporah Trom saw 5645 or 5648
read by Shahar Stein":
abbr) Here is buried
an honest and straight man
remembered G_D and his Mitzvas kept faithfully an
honest life (abbr) our teacher Ahron (abbr) son of Mr. Shmuel ______ 1st
Tishrei 5648
(abbr) may his soul be bound by the bond of life
איש תם וישר
זכר ה ומצותיו
שמר באמונה חיי
ישרים מוה אהרן
בר שמאל ____ א
תשרי שנת תרמח לפק
image by Shahar Stein |
Fallen stone, showing base as well. |
The surface is too weathered to read. |
Duplicate of previous stone |
A closeup of the text on the stone
below, which is
probably the one in the image 3 up from this one, too. |
Read by Shahar Stein. There are two people
buried under this stone.
Left side
Common to both sides:
Here found their respectful rest
The great in Torah and observant
Yitzhak (or Jacob) Aharon |
Right side
Tzvi |
פה מצאו מנוחתם כבוד
מנהיגי התורה והיראה
התמימים והישרים
This stone's weathering makes it illegible |
This stone is mostly buried and quite
overexposed |
Mostly buried |
View of several stones |
Quite buried in dead vegetation |