The Director of the Central Office in North Rhine-Westphalia for the Investigation of National Socialist Mass Crimes at the District Attorney Dortmund.
45 Js 15/62 Dortmund, 30 June 1970
Preliminary Investigation underway
The Kriminalhauptkommisar Kurt Schulz-Isenbeck [address given in original],
born 23 October 1912 in Unna/Westf.
defended by Attorney Hartwich I [address given in original]
is indicted of:
on July 1941 in Lida/USSR having assisted materially in the premeditated
as well as cruel and devious killlings of at least 90 people.
The accused, who was a member of Einsatzkommando 9 as SS-Obersturmfuehrer, is accused of having executed a mass shooting in Lida/USSR on 5 July 1974 as one of the leaders of a squad of Einsatzkommando 9 on the orders of the leader of the Kommando, at that time the SS-Obersturmbannfuehrer Filbert, during which, in the framework of realization of the “Final Solution to the Jewish Question” by the then national socialist government, at least 90 male Jews, mostly of draft age, under the excuse they were being taken to forced labor or registration, were collected and subsequently shot near Lida in a field of bomb craters. The Jewish victims were shot in groups of 5 by carbine salvos from the back, so that the next victims, waiting close by, were forced to witness the deaths of their fellow victims.
The crime, punishable according to section 211 of the old & new
statutes, 49, 73 Abs. 1 StGB
Significant findings of the investigation & preliminary inqury
A. Personal circumstances
and evolution of the accused
B. Prehistory
of the crime
I. The national socialist
policy on annhilation of Jews
Establishment, organization and assignments of the Sonder [Special] &
Einsatzkommandos in gerneral
Einsatzkommando 9
C. The mass executions
of 7/5/1941 in Lida
Admissions of the accused
Evaluation of the admissions
E. [sic]
Legal evaluation
F. Jurisdiction