


(Continued )


Items 97 -127 out of 127


Number of
family members
97 Shach, Nochum    1   Poor 
98 Berelovich, Shmerel   2    "
99 Kalnutishker (?), Itzik   1     "
100 Shatz, Berel   4    "
101 Gailis,Yankel   4    "
102 Aron, Aizik   1    "
103 Aron, Aizik son of Michel   1    "
104 Posel, Itzik   2    "
105 Zilberman, Faivel   2    "
106 Rudaitzky, Faivel   3    "
107 Ber, Shlom   2    "
108 Latzkovsky, Shimel    2    "
109 Zilber, Abram Movsha   2    "
110 Rosiensky, Ovsey   2    "
111 Gailes, Shlom   3    "
112 Rivkin, Benjamin   1    "
113 Pagorsky, Yosel   4    "
114 Aron, Yavnel   2    "
115 Grin, Chaim Leib   2    "
116 Gluch, Nosel   2    "
117 Shpitz,Leib   3    "
118 Shach, Faivel   3    "
119 Shvekshniansky, Abram Eliash   2    "
120 Mark, Shimel   4    "
121 Mark, Lazer   3    "
122 Mistakenly omitted from list . .
123 Orelovich, Orel   2    "
124 Gailes, Faivel   3    "
125 Shwartz, David   2    "
126 Shwartz, Orel Itzik   4    "
127 Kaplan, Movsha   4    "

  Items  1-32      /   Items 33-64    /    Items 65-96


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Webpage compiled by  Sam Aaron   February 1999    Last  Revision: Jan 2006

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