


( Continued)


Items 65 - 96 out of 127

Number of
family members
64 Yochelovich, Gilel   6 Owns a house
65 Yoselovich, Ber   2    "
66 Bai, Abel   3    "
67 Bai, Mordchel   5    "
68 Bloch, Shmuel   4    "
69 Sergey, Ber Wolf   5    "
70 Gurvich, David   4    "
71 Itzikovich,  Meyer   2    "
72 Katz, Tevel   4    "
73 Katz, Michel   3    "
74 Grin, Yosel   3    "
75 Mark, Meyer   3    "
76 Milcher. Girsh   4    "
77 Aron, Girsh   4    "
78 Posel,  David    4    "
79 Grin, Chaim Movsha   3    "
80 Shavkiansky, Lazer Leib   3    "
81 Bloch, Leib   3    "
82 Vornansky, Yosel   4    "
83 Mark, Volf   6    "
84 Yavnelovich, Mordchel   3    "
85 Zalmanovich, Movsha   5   Well-to-do
86 Zalmanovich, Ruvel   1    "
87 Aron, Abram   3    "
88 Rudaitzky, Movsha Leib   3    "
89 Gluch, Mendel   5    "
90 Posel, Shmuel   3    "
91 Zalmanovich, Bentzel   3    "
92 Mistakenly omitted from list

93 Leibgersky, Aron Meyer   1    "
94 Abramovich, Movsha   4    "
95 Aron, Benjamin   2  Poor
96 Lan, Sheftel   5    "

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Webpage compiled by  Sam Aaron   February 1999    Last  Revision: Jan 2006

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