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Home of our Ancestors!
Dubiecko is located at latitude 49° 49´ longitude 22° 23´, West of Przemysl and NorthEast of Krosno. On the Galician map on the right Dubiecko is in the red circle.
If you are interested in the area, the main web site has many more stories and photographs, so please visit Krosno area website.
My great grandfather (Joseph Scheiner) was born in
Dubetsk...and this page is dedicated to the Scheiner Family. For
more information on them, click here .
I hope fellow researchers will find all this interesting and helpful. As with any genealogical research, this is an evolving project. And it evolves best when others become interested enough to participate. Please send your family stories, photographs, comments or questions to Jeff Alexander
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(Polish) Miasto, pow.Przemysl, siedziba sadu pow., sad okr.
Przemysl, 1793 mieszk (12 km) Bachorz, linja kol.
Dynow-Przeworsk, Urzad miejski, 1 church Rz kat, 1 gr. Kat.
Stow. Rekodzielnikow. Targi: na bydlo, nierogacizne, wyr.
Bednarskie I manufakture. Miyny. Bednarstwo.
(French) Ville, distr. De Przemysl, siege du trib. De distr.,
trio. D'arr-t Przemysl, 1763 habit. (train) (12 km) bachorz,
ligne de Dynow-Przeworsk. Office municipal. 1 Cath., 1 gr.
Cath., Assoc d'artisans. Marches: pour bestiaux, porcs,
tonnellerie et tissus. Moulins. Industrie de la tonnellerie.
The following is the beginning of an English translation... with the assistance of Schelly Pollero:
Maire (mayor): Pawel Drzewinski.
Corps des pomviers volont. Medecins: Machczynski, Heur. Dr
(chir), Mayer E. dr., Blird Maurycy dr.
Avocats (lawyers): Goldstaub Art, dr. -Schneider Leon dr.
Notaires: Tymcik W.
Sages-Femmes (mid wife): Pawlic M
Pharmacies (druggists): Grudzewski J.
Tonneliers (coopers?): Attak J, ciurkiewicz F, Gaska Fl, Gaska
Fr, Gaska S, Karpinski I, Kowalski A, Muryczka P, Staszkiewicz
J, Ulanowski F.
Ferblantiers: Wiplich I.
Tissus (fabrics): Knoller, S, Silberman J, Staszkiewicz M.
March de bestiaux (cattle market): Aufang J, Furst J, Kupferman
Hotels: Schimmel N.R.
Charrons: Dudek J.
Forgerons: Deregowski J, Laszkiewicz A, Szpunar R
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In 1992 the US Commission reported on all the cemeteries in Poland. The report included the following information on the Jewish cemeteries:
Dubiecko, 33 km from Przemysl lies at 22.23/49.49. The Orthodox cemetery is north of the town. The current population is less than 5000 and there are no Jews. In 1921, 977 Jews lived there. The cemetery is isolated with no marker or sign, reached by turning directly off a public road rand it is open to all, no fence or gate. It is 0.62 hectares in size. There are fewer than 20 stones, in their original locations but toppled or broken; some sandstone. The property is used for agriculture. .It was vandalized during WWII.
The cemetery now is under the official oversight and ownership of FODZ- the Foundation for Jewish Heritage in Poland.
Click to see the 2006
travelogue for current photographs and story by Bernice
Frand Bernstein
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This wonderful Yizkor book has been
translated and you can see the entire translation at
To encourage you to read this chapter, here are a few small
"I shall never forget the little town of Dubiecko. When I remind
myself of Dynow, I must remember Dubiecko, as it is impossible
to remember one twin and not mention the other.
....From Dynow to Dubiecko is 9 miles (14 kilometers).
...Moshe Marshalek (see note 1 by Bernice Frand below) and his
Klezmer band had enough time on a Saturday night after Shabbat
had ended, to arrive by foot at a wedding in Dynow.
...Dubiecko is located on the river San, close to Przemysl.
....In the Synagogue there was great joy. A bright light shone
from the huge gas lamp , and a warm Jewish atmosphere radiated
all around.
....Piety and Chasidism shone from every corner.
...On Shabbat morning after davening (praying) we were invited
from one house to the other for Kiddush. We could hardly drag
ourselves back to the Synagogue to the table of the Rebbe.
This wonderful Yizkor book has been translated and you can see the entire translation at or you can read it online in its original hebrew and yiddish at the new york Public Library (
Note 1: Bernice Frand Bernstein, October 2005, wrote: On the
Dubiecko website it reads Rav Moshe Marshalek and his klezmer
band. Actually, the band was under the leadership of my great
grandfather Leib Frand. Moshe was an entertainer/comedian. He
would travel with the band making announcements and warming up
the band.
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There were many landsmanshaften societies in New York
I do not believe that these societies are still in existence. However, we have found two cemetery plots they owned, which, from the incorporation papers, was a prime purpose for Landsmanshaften. The first is at Mt. Zion Cemetery (Path 15left,gate9), Erste Dubitzker Chevra, Bnai Reb Mendel Mariles Indep. Lodge and the second at Baron Hirsch (secE,gate10) on Staten Island. If anyone has information on these plots, please contact us.
And we just got lucky. Just last month (November 2003) I
received a wonderful email from the granddaughter of one of
the original members of the First Dubietzker Chevra Bnei
Reb Mendel Marilles....organized December 27, 1901. Soon
after the lovely tiny book
came in the mail from Judith Peck (more on Judith's family,
the Welts and Eichners in the genealogy
The Foreword explains the purpose of the organization: "Enjoying by virtue of law the right as free citizens in the land of liberty, equality and justice, and with a view to elevate to a higher plane the fundamental, noble qualities of friendship, morality and brotherly love, benevolent organizations are founded which are instrumental in making their members better known for their good comradeship. The First Dubietzker Chevra Bnei Reb Mendel Marilles was formed and brought into being with the idea and purpose of teaching the most important of humanitarian principles and worthy deeds to be applied for the benefit of those less fortunate brethren who may require some measure of comfort and encouragement in times of distress and adversity".
Thus elected were Loan Fund Officers, a Cemetery Chairman, Shiva Committees, to administer sick and Death benefits. The death benefits were detailed in the book, for members, their wives and minor children. These benefits included a grave, a hearse, a coffin, shrouds, and 2 cars. Marriage outside of the faith revoked membership. Some of the rules I did not understand, for example: In the event that a proposed candidate's wife is pregnant, he shall not be admitted during the period of her pregnancy.
The Constitution begins: This Chevra shall bear the name "First Debietzker Chevra Bnei Reb Mendel Marilles" and should never be changed so long as 7 members in good standing remain in the Chevra. All transactions at meetings, as well as the minutes and communications, shall be conducted in either Jewish or English. Regular meetings of the Chevra shall be held twice a month... .
Here the names that the Book contained:
The following listings were contributed in January 2009 by Larry Feld, the current President of the Chevra. Note that the Mt. Zion listing is available directly from the cemetery which also includes the date of burial (query the society at, this is the only listing for the Baron Hirsch Cemetery plot.
Family Names Of Former Members Buried In Baron Hirsch and Mt. Zion Cemetaries
The following is a list of the Dubiecko immigrants to the United States (most of those who came via Ellis Island, 1892-1924); it is alphabetical by SURNAME, and contains the SURNAME, first name, town (Dubiecko), the year of immigration and the age of the immigrant.
There may be some updates, so if you want to see a list of immigrants who came to New York from any Shtetl during the period of greatest Jewish immigrantion, the directions are below.
It is relatively easy to do the query using Steve Morse’s wonderful web page on JewishGen: . Here are the steps:
I feel that I have reached a dead end but
I would certainly be glad to hear from anyone with additional
information and share the family tree. Milton H. Wollman,
Philadelphia, PA
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Great Grandfather Josef SCHEINER was
born in Dubetsk in 1858. Josef married around 1855
Frieda Necha KANDEL (daughter of Josef KANDEL and Sura
LANGSOM) circa 1880 and
settled in her shtetl, Strzyzow. When the shittach was made,
Josef KANDEL promised his future son-in-law that he would make
him the Schochet in Strzyzow. Something went wrong. I never
found out what, but the story came down that another
son-in-law became the Schochet. A few years later, Josef took
his wife and son and emigrated to the United States.
Josef SCHEINER (Born 1858) was the eldest
son of Naphtuli SCHEINER and Sarah GREEENBERG.
His siblings were Channuch (born 1868) who emigrated to
Israel, and Tsipora (born 1870) who came to New York.
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My great grandfather Leib Frand was married to Breindel Knoller. (Her family may have been from( Prysemysl). They resided in Dubiecko. They had nine children: Chaskel Frand, my grandfather, Israel, Gitel,(Sara) Meir Wolf, Lazarus, Joshua, Hannah, Isaac and Naftalia. Lieb also had two stepbrothers Isaac (Itchak) and Mordecai. They had the same mother but a different father. Gitel and one of her brothers came to the United States in 1903 and 1904 respectively but returned to Dubiecko. Reason unknown. Leib Frand died in 1930 in Dubiecko. Naftalia died in World War I. Joshua lost a foot while in service with the Austrian Army during World War I. He was living in Vienna, Austria prior to World War II with a cousin Klohilda Eichner. Klohilda died in 1941 in the Shoah. Joshua’s fate is unknown. In 1939, Joshua sent my father. Jacob Frand, a letter telling him how bad things were and begging my father to send him money. I have the original letter written in German.
Leib, my great grandfather was called Leibish the musician. He came from a musical family. His father Solomon graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory of Music. Leib had a Klezmer band comprised of all his children. Each child played an instrument such as the violin, viola, drums, flute, bass, clarinet, horn, etc. Leib could read music, which was unusual at that time. The band was hired for weddings, festivals, circuses, etc. not only in Dubiecko but also in Dynow and other surrounding shtetls. In the summer time they were hired to play at the former Krasnicki estate in Dubiecko.
Chaskel Frand married Tylle Aaron (Arm, Aron, Aran, Arem)* June 17, 1902 in Dynow. She was the daughter of Moses and Blima Arem (this was the spelling of her last name on their marriage certificate) of Dynow. They had nine children: Schlomo, Blanche, Jacob, (Yaccov) Solomon, Ruth (Ruthala) & Schmuel (twins), Elaine, (Elka) and Milton. Schlomo, Blanche and Moisha died at early ages in Dubiecko in the early 1920’s of diseases prevalent at that time..
Chaskel sailed to the United States in 1907 but returned to Dubiecko shortly thereafter. He than immigrated to the United States in 1927 where he took up permanent residence. His wife, Tylle, died in Dubiecko September 1, 1932. His children Jacob (1921) Solomon (Sol)** and Ruth (1930) Elaine and Milton (1933) immigrated to the United States. Chaskel, Sol, Ruth and Elaine (prior to their marriages, spelled their name with a ‘d’. Jacob and Milton spelled their last names with a ‘t’. Sol Frand was the one of the founders of the La Mirada Symphony Orchestra in La Mirada, California. Sol played the violin. His daughter, Theda, who plays the viola, continues to play in the orchestra.
Chaskel eventually immigrated to Israel in
1955. He lived in an old age home called Bet Avot, located in
Carmel. While at the home he formed a trio/quartet and
entertained the residents. He died in Israel July 23, 1962 at
the age of 87 and is buried in a cemetery in Haifa.
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Great-grandma Esther died in New York City in May 1925. Her Daughter Dora’s husband is Aaron Baum. The couple had fourteen children, six of whom were born in America. Less than half of the fourteen children lived long enough to have children of their own. Dora and Aaron arrived in America in 1899 along with four sons: Solomon, Jacob, Louis, and Isaac. Solomon played the violin and Jacob probably had artistic potential as he worked as a barber, which requires good hand-eye coordination. American-born son Joseph graduated from Cooper Union with a degree in Art. Joseph’s granddaughter Paula inherited the family artistic skills.
From photographic evidence it is likely that
other Frand and Baum family members were in Galicia at the
start of World War II, but nothing other than given names on
the back of surviving family photographs is known about them.
For more information, contact Richard Baum.
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Tomer Brunner in Israel sent me images of a list of schoolchildren in Dubiecko in 1939! What is so fabulous is that the book contained the child's name, birthplace, birthdate and parents names!! Most of these children were born in Dubiecko, and living in Dubiecko with their parents; the format is gromada/gmina/powiet and the vast majority children were born in Dubiecko(Gromada), Dubiecko (Gmina), Przemysl(powiat); where there was another birth town or residence town mentioned, it is noted in the table below.
The original images were rather difficult to read, and some of the Polish terms I have been unable to translate. In those cases I used a ?. If anyone can help with some of the terms, like dvora,, rdona, parobek or zarab, please email me.
Surname,First | Birthdate & place | Father | Mother | Father’s Trade | Mother’s |
Apt, Israel | 8/1/28 | Favoruiker, Josef | Apt, Estera | Handler=merchant/peddler rgb | Zona |
Apt, Moses | 8/14/25 | Apt, Josef | Apt, Estera | Handler=peddler,merchant | Zona |
Apt, Brucha | 1/25/30 | Apt, Eliasr | Schwalb?Schmalz?, Mala | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Apt, Chaim | 11/23/29 | Apt, Fischler | ? Estera | zegarmistrz=watchmaker | Zona |
Apt, Freida | 8/14/27 | Apt,Eliasr | Schmalz, Mala | Kupiec=Merchant | Zona |
Apt, Mariam? | 1/2/31 | Apt,eliasr | Schwalb, Mala | Krawiec=tailor | Zona |
Apt, Necha | 7/18/31 | Javoniker, Josef | Apt,estera | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Aufang, Abraham | 11/23/24 | Aufang, Baruch | Bernstein, Brandla | Kupiec=Merchant | Zona |
Aufang, Blima | 10/11/27 | Aufang, Baruch Eliasr | Bernstein, Brandla | Kupiec=Merchant | Zona |
Aufang, Golda Pesla | 4/17/29 | Aufang, Baruch Eliasr | Bernstein, Brandla | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Baruch, Sala | 5/21/25 | Baruch, Checkel | Raps, Slia? | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Beck, Dvojra | 6/3/32 | Beck, Byner | Leiner, Mindla | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Beitel, Sussel | 4/15/30 | Beitel, Benianein | Raps, Dvojra | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Bernstein, Dvojra | 4/24/27 | Schaffer, Chaskiel | Bernstein, Estera | szklarz=glazier | ---- |
Bernstein, Maier | 11/11/25 | Bernstein, Moses | Rubinfeld,Estera | przekupien =peddler, dealer | Zona |
Bessen, Chana | 4/14/32 | Bessen, Osias | Feit, Meriem | Rolnik=farmer or Robotnik=worker Simon | Zona |
Bessen, Simon | 3/9/29 | Bessen, Osias | Feit, Meriam | rolnik=farmer | Zona |
Betram, Nekune | 6/12/26 | Btp Shram | Meller, Pesla | -/- | zdora |
Bobker, Samuel | 7/12/26 Babice/Krsyrcra | Bobker, Sygmunt | Raps, Sala | Kupiec=merchant in Babice | Zona in Babice |
Brandler, Miasre | 12/10/27 | Brandler, Isaac | Betram, Feiga | Handler= zboza corn/grain peddler Przedmiescle | Zona fnedru? |
Brandler, Moses | 4/22/29 | Brandler, Isaac | Betram, Feiga | Handler= zboza corn/grain peddler Przedmiescle | Zone pnedu |
Bronner, Beniamin | 10/28/29 | Bronner, Berl | March, Tauba | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Bronner, Brandla | 10/3/24 | Bronner, Berl | March, Tauba | Larobiel ? | Zona |
Bronner, Jakub | 1/26/27 | Bronner, Berl | March, Tauba | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Eichner, Berl | 11/23/25 | Eichner, Wolf | Frand, Sara | Wozura? | Zona |
Eisbart, Leisor | 8/25/25 | Eisbert, samuel | Rubinfeld, Chaja | Kupiec=Merchant | Zona |
Eisbart, Ryfka | 5/8/31 | Eisbart, samuel | Rubinfeld, Chaja | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Fass, Rubin | 4/15/31 | Udenn?, Joel | Fass, Maricia | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Fass, Schulem | 9/17/27 | Uldcen?, Joel | Fass, Merica | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Favorinker, Ryfka | 3/31/26 | Faroruiker, Faubiel | Rubinfeld, Chena | Handler=peddler,merchant | Zona |
Favorinker, Sara | 3/18/25 | Faroruiker, Yankiel | Rubinfeld, Chena | Handler=peddler,merchant | Zona |
Feierczier, Moses | 10/18/26 | Feierczier, Josef | Rubinfeld, Chaya? | Kupiec=Merchant | Zona |
Feit, Amalia | 10/10/27 | Feit, Leizor | Schimmel, Chaja | Landsarreve? | Zona |
Feller, Salomon | 2/24/29 | Feller, Moses Maier | Eta | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand | Zona |
Frand, Brandla | 12/7/25 | Frand, Leisor | Gromet, Ryfka | B?robo? = ? worker | Zona |
Frand, Abraham | 1/19/24 | Lipper, Jakub | Frand, Lyla | -/- | Bez zajgeia |
Frand, Chana | 5/24/28 | Frand, Leizor | Gromet, Ryfka | Besrobon? | Zona |
Frand, Isaak | 2/25/27? | Frand, Israel | Apt, Etla | Beszob? | Zona |
Frand, Jochret | 1/29/30 | Frand, Samuel | Kalter, Brandla | Blacharze tinsmith | Zona |
Frand, Maier | 6/28/26 | Junger, Jakub | Frand, Scheiva | Beirob? In Brzuske | Zona brzuske? |
Frand, Meriam | 10/6/27 | Frand, samuel | Halter, Brandla | Blacharze tinsmith | Zona |
Frand, Samuel | 4/2/25 | Frand, Israel | Apt, Etla | beerob.. | Zona |
Frand, Tilla | 9/5/32 | Frand, Israel | Apt, Gitla | wyrobnik -day-laborer | Zona |
Freifeld, Natan | 11/17/24 Kanucuga | Freifeld, Samuel | Thura, Feiga | drobny kupiec= chandler=merchant/peddler,candlemaker in nienadow | Zona in Nienadow |
Friedman, Gitla | 1/11/31 | Stein, Jakub Leiser | Friedman, Chaje | Handler=peddler | Zona |
Friedman, Hersh | 8/14/28 | Stein, Jakub Leiser | Friedman, Chaje | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Friedmann, Gitla | 3/25/27 | Friedman, Schame? | Weinberger, regina | Kupiec=Merchant | Zona |
Grunbaum, Chaja | 1/21/29 | Grunbaum, Pinchas | Hammel, Taube | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Gromet, Feiga | 12/11/25 | Gromet, Leib | Kalter, Feiga | B?raja? | Zona |
Gromet, Freida | 9/11/27 | Gromet, Leib | halber, Feige | Taziebz? | Zona |
Gromet, Moses | 3/27/30 | Gromet, Leib | Halter, Golda | Strui r? tasis zedosze? | Zona |
Grossmann, Golda | 12/11/27 | Akl, Maier | Grossman, Gela | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Grunbaum, Berl | 11/15/30 | Grunbaum, Pinkas | Hammel, Taube | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Grunbaum, Leib | 11/15/30 | Grunbaum, Pinkas | Hammel, Taube | Krawiec=tailor | |
Hammel, Gitla | 1/14/25 | Hammel, Checkel | Hammel, Estera | krawiec = tailor | Zona |
Hammel, Mendel | 12/27/26 | Hammel, Hersch | Rubinsohn, Freida | Przekupien=peddler | Zona |
Hammel, Reisla | 6/6/27 | Hammel, Crdel? | Hammel,estera | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Hammel, Zainvel? | 3/29/25 | Hammel, Sersch | Rubinsohn, Freida | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Hammer, Jakub | 12/24/25 | Hammel, Gedaile | Staier?, Lea | Krawiec/tailor | Zona |
Hammer, Josef | 3/16/30 | Hammer, Gedaile | Stein, Lea | krawiec = tailor | |
Hammer, Sara | 10/30/26 | Hammer, Gedaile | Steien, Lea | Krawiec=tailor | Zona |
Harfenist, Josef | 12/10/23 Piatkowa/Dobromyl | Harfenist, Isaac | Schimmel, Amalia | Handler=merchant/peddler= in Nienadow | Zona in Nienadow |
Harfenist, Mirla | 7/27/27 Nienadow/Krsyrcra | Harfenist, isaak | Schimmel, Amalia | Handler in Nienadow | Zona in Nienadow |
Harfenist, Kielmann | 10/20/25 Przedmiescle | Harfenist, Markus | Orgel, Sara | Lan… Przedmiescle | Zona? in Przedmiescle |
Harfenist, Lyrna | 6/25/27 Przedmiescle | Harfenist, Markus | Orgel, Sala | Handler in Przedmiescle | Zona in Przedmiescle |
Harfenist, Pesha | 5/18/24 Koszlowa | Harfenist, Markus | Orgel, Sara | Handler=merchant/peddler of koiu Przedmiescle | Zona in Przedmiescle |
Hark?Mark/stark?, Leib | 8/9/30 | Wipplich, Israel | Fass, Scheindla male | Blacharz=tinsmith | Zona |
Herbstman, Necha | 9/22/30 | Herbstman, Gershon | Schimmel, Sara | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Herbstmann, Josef | 10/17/24 | Herbstmann, Gerschan | Schimmel, Sara | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Herbstmann, Mechel | 12/10/26 | Herbstmann, Gerschorn | Schimmel, Sara | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Hock, David | 1/12/28 | Hoch, Moses | Neumann,Sala | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Holz, Maryla | 5/30/27 Lviv/Lviv | Holz, Maurycy | Grutz?, Sylvia | Lekarz=physician | Zona |
Honig, Hersch | 7/4/29 Sienna p(near) Jaroslaw | - | Honig, Sale | c-grunblatt,jakub (guardian?), handler=merchant/peddler | - |
Jaroniker?,Hersch | 7/2/23 | J?aroniker,b.p. Osias | Sand,Genendla | -- | Rdona? |
Javorniker, David Hersh | 7/27/32 | |
Javorniker,hena | - | - |
Junger, Moses | 5/28/29 Brzuske/Bircra/Dobromil | Junger, Jakub | Frand, Schejra | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand in Brzuske | Zona in Brzuske |
Junger, Feiga Pesla | 5/4/31 Bruske/Bricrz/Dobromil | Junger, Jakub | Frand, Scheine | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand In Brzuke | Zona brzuske |
Kalter, Checkel | 12/30/26 | Melber,chaim osias | Herbstmann, Estera | -/- | Zclo? |
Kalter, Juda | 5/21/27 | Pels,moses | Melber,Golda | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Kalter, Maier | 12/10/25 | Bbp Melber,chaim Osias | Herbstman, Estera | --/-- | Zona |
Kanner, Lipe | 10/16/32 | Kanner, Eisik | Frand, Chaja Gitla | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Kanner, Schyja-lei | 12/1/29 | Kanner, Eisik | Frand, Gitla | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Kasser, Isaak | 5/2/l32 | Kasser, Herch | Javoniker, Chana | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Kornfeld, Berl | 3/24/24 | Kornfeld, Josef | Lan, Dvojra | szewc=shoemaker | Zona |
Kornfeld, Blima | 11/10/31 | Kornfeld, Simok? | Kornfeld, Mindla | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Kornfeld, Chaja | 12/7/24 | Kornfeld, Simon | Kornfeld, Mindla | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Kornfeld, Laja | 2/28/26 | Kornfeld, Josef | Lan, Dora | szewc=shoemaker | Zona |
Kresch, Chaje | 7/27/27 | Kresch, Schane | Schimmel, Mala | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Kresch, Malka | 8/24/30 | Kresch, Abraham | Hoffman, Chana | Parobek=farmhand? | Zona |
Kresch, Minella | 5/25/25 | Kresch, Abraham Eliaser | Hoffner, Chana | Introligatorzy= Book binders | Zona |
Kresch, Naftali | 8/13/32 | Kresch, Schame | Schimmel, Mala | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Kresch, Salomon | 8/24/30 | Kresch, Abraham | Hoffman, chana | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand | Zona |
Kresch,Sara Gitla | 2/21/31 | Kresch, Schlome? | Schimmel, Pela? | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Lan, Jakub | 5/14/32 | Kornfeld, Simon | Lan, Dora | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Lan, Leisor | 9/23/28 | Kornfeld, Josef | Lan, Dvojra | szewc=shoemaker | Zona |
Lichtbach, Dorotia | 6/5/27 Nienadowe/Kryice | Lichtbach, Chune | Fun?fer, Amalia | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand | Kraney? nienadow |
Lichtbach, Jakub | 1/3/26 Nienadow/Krsyrcra | Lichtbach, Chune | LichtbacH, Chuna | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand | Kzarcey? Jvicnadoe? |
Lustig, Naftali | 10/12/24 Przedmiescle | Lustig, Jonas | Steppel, Syma | Handler in Przedmiescle | Zona Przedmiescle |
March, Pinia | 12/16/27 | W?ipplid, Israel | Fass, Scheindla | blacharz=plumber, tinker | Zona |
March, Abraham | 6/16/35 | Specht, Joel | Harsh, Pesha | -- | zdora |
March, David | 10/28/24 | March, Rafael | March, Lea | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
March, Feiga | 12/14/26 | March, Aron | Rubinfeld, Pesla | Krawiec=tailor | Zona |
March, Jakub | 2/3/28 | March, Aron | Rubinfeld, pesla | Krawiec=tailor | Zona |
March, Schyfra | 12/18/26 | March, Rafael | March, Lea | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Mark, Osias | 6/26/24 | Zipplich, Israel | Fass, mala? | blacharz=plumber, tinker | Zona |
Melamed, Abraham | 8/7/29 | Melamed, Herman | march,sussla | piekarz=baker | Zona |
Melamed, Rachela | 10/17/25 | Melamed,Herman | March,Sussla | piekarz=baker | Zona |
Mund, Laja | 5/3/24 | Mund, Symche | Hu?aller, Gitla | drobny kupiec= chandler=merchant/peddler,candlemaker | Zona |
Mund, Isaak | 6/17/27 | Mund, Symche | Spalter, Gitla | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Neuman, Balcia | 9/18/26 | Hock, Moses | Neumann, Lola | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Rappaport, Sala | 7/6/30 | Rappaport, Nissen | Rubinfeld, Rachela | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Raps, Dvojra | 5/4/25 | Raps, Samuel | Rabner, Frieda | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Raps, Eidla | 5/4/26 | Schimmel, Osias | Baruch, Ella | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Raps, Isarus? | 5/26/27 | Raps, Samuel | Spiegal, Freida | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Raps, Lea Ruchla | 11/3/31 | Raps, Samuel | Rabner, Freida | Kupiec=merchant | z… crossed out: Mylnie spisana |
Raps, Ruchla Lea | 11/3/31 | Beitel, Beniamin | Raps, Dvojra | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Raps, Sacha Berl | 1/22/28 | Schimmel, Osias | Raps, Etla | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Raps, Wolf | 2/25/31 | Raps, Samuel | Rabner, Freida | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Reder, Moses | 4/29/27 | Reder, Samuel | ?Estera | Larob? | Zona |
Reder, Ryfka | 5/20/32 | Reder, Samuel | Estera | Be?zrobot? = ? worker | Zona |
Reder, Samuel | 4/12/25 | Reder, Samuel | Reder?, Estera | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand | Zona |
Reder, Wolf | 11/22/29 | Samuel | Estera | Larob? | Zona |
Reich, Basia | 12/7/22 | Reich,Jonas | Rachelie Rosenfeld | handlarz bydlo= cattle peddler | Zona |
Reich, Chaja | 7/25/30 | Reich, Mendel | Schimmel, Sara | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Reich, Isaak | 6/13/25 | Reich, Osias | Weiss, Sczka? | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Reich, Josef | 7/28/24 | Reich, Jonas | Rosenfeld, Rachela | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Reich, Myta? | 5/4/30 | Reich, Osias | Weiss, Serka | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Reich, Simon Schaja | 7/8/32 | Reich, Osias | Weiss, Serka? | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Ringel, Cipra | 7/17/30 | Ringel, Berl | Goldman, Chaja | piekarz=baker | Zona |
Ringel, Osias | 10/25/32 | Ringel, Samuel Berl | Goldman, Chaja Meriem | piekarz=baker | - |
Ringel, Sussel | 3/2/29 | Ringel, Berl | Goldman, Chaja | piekarz=baker | Zona |
Rotenberg, Abraham | 3/23/28 | Rottenberg, Hersch | Scheiner, Cypora | Besr? | Zona |
Rubinfeld, Baruch | 7/10/29 | Rubinfeld, Moses | Scherr, Tauba | Frideu | Zona |
Rubinfeld, Estera | 2/23/27 | Rubinfeld, Maier | Bleuchfeld, Gitla | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Rubinfeld, Feiga | 8/11/30 | Javorniker, Jankel | Rubinfeld, Chena? | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Rubinfeld, Laja | 10/9/28 | Rubinfeld, Maier | Bleichfeld, Gitla | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Rubinfeld, ulerc? | 1/26/31 | Rubinfeld, Maier | Bleichfeld, Gitla | Handler=merchant/peddler/peddler | Zona |
Salik, Brandla | 11/6/28 | Salik, Meilech | Grunblatt, Necha | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Salik, David | 5/4/24 | Salik, Meilech | Grunblatt, Nech | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Schaffer, Gavriel | 11/7/28 | Schaffer, Leizer | Hoch, Mala | nauczy rel zy = teacher (of jews) | Zona |
Schaffer, Hersch | 3/15/31 | Schaffer, Leiser | Hoch, Mala | nauczy rel zy = teacher (of jews) | Zona |
Schaffer, Nehune | 2/25/27 | Schaffer, Leisor | Hoch, Mala | nauczy rel zy = teacher (of jews) | Zona |
Scheiner, Leib | 7/30/26 | Scheiner, Mendel | Schreber, Elka? | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Schimmel, Berl | 4/6/28 | Schimmel,simon | Wenzel, Breindla | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Schimmel, Schame | 4/6/28 | Schimmel,simon | Wenzel, Brindla | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Schimmel, Wigdor | 12/30/28 | Schimmel, Israel | Gerscleufeld, Machla | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Schneck, Sprinza | 5/27/32 | Schneck, Israel | Spalter, Estera | - | - |
Schwalb, Berl | 11/6/31 | Schwalb, Eisik | Lustig, Sita? | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Selig, Rosia | 7/13/29 Drohobyche | Selig, Berl | Bessen, Tauba | Kupiac/merchant in Drohobych | Zona |
Spinner,markus | 1/27/28 | Spinner,Sindel | Neumann, Mala | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Spinner,pinkas | 11/23/26 | Spinner, Sindel | Neuman, Mala | Kupiec=merchant | Zona |
Stein, Ruchla | 7/20/23 | Stein, Jacub | Friedman, Chaja | drobny kupiec chandler= merchant/peddler,candlemaker | Zona |
Strassler,Berl | 10/16/24 | Strassler,Leib | Raps, Estera | przekupien=peddler, dealer | Zona |
Sturm, Brandla | 2/19/25 | Sturm,david | March, Scheindla | Berzaps? | Berze… |
Sturm, Chaje | 11/24/2? | Sturm,david | March, Scheindla | Bersajie? | Bezrobi? |
Talmud, Pescl | 2/17/32 | |
Talmud, Chura Ruchel | - | Zona |
Taubenfeld, Brucha | 12/19/31 | Taubenfeld,samuel | Schwied? Ruchla | - | |
Taubenfeld, Meilech | 7/1/25 | Taubenfeld,samuel | Schimmel?, Rachel | Handler=peddler,merchant | Zona |
Wasserstein, Naftali | 4/22/29 | Billet,susse? | Wasserstein, Sussla | - | |
Wein, Hinda | 3/14/26 | Wein,Eliasr | Lustig, Brandla | Handler=merchant/peddler | Zona |
Weiss, Osias | 9/22/30 | Meier | Estera | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand | Zona |
Weissman, Sussla | 12/23/27 | Weissman btp berl | Hoffner, Debora | -/- | Zona |
Wenzel, Schyja | 11/15/24 | Welt,mendel | Wenzel, Estera | Be?zrobot? = ? worker | Zona |
Wenzel, Beila | 7/15/30 | Welt,mendel | Wensel, Reisla | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand | Zona |
Wenzel, Berl | 5/6/27 | Welt,mendel | Wenzel, Reisla | Zarob? =? Parobek?=farmhand | Zona |
Winter, Estera | 3/9/29 | Winter,abraham | Behrain, Lajka | B?robo? = ? worker | Zona |
Winter, Yankiel | 3/9/29 | Winter,abraham | Behram, Lajka | B?robo? = ? worker | z… |
Wischner, Dine | 11/3/26 | Wischner,moses | Schimmel, Golda | Keefepie? | Zona |
Zeller, Samuel | 3/23/32 | - | Zeller, Eta? | Btaderiz?? | Zona |
Zellerbrant, Blima | 3/24/24 | Zellerbrant,nachman | Schimmel, Sara | - | Zdora (widow?) |
Zellerbrant, Josef | 6/29/25 | Zellerbrant,osias | Korn, Sabina | Krawiec=tailor | Zona |
Zellerbrant, Neche | 8/3/30 | Zellerbrant,osias | Steinnictr?, Syma | krawiec = tailor | - |
Thanks to Moshe Wasserman, we have a listing of the voter records for the Parliamentary Elections from the town of Dubiecko in 1870.
Titles on the pages:
The following is the table derived from this fabulous find.
Imie et nazwisko | glowne zatrudnienie | Nomer domu | |
First name & surname | Main employment | House # | tax |
76 | Anfang, Getsel | Spekulant (speculator) | 28 | 2/80 |
80 | Biles, Jakob | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
79 | Bleichfeld, Dawid | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
4 | Fass, Leib | Gosprodarstwo(farm) | 186 | 15/73 |
103 | Frant, Majer | Spekulant (speculator) | 40 | 1/95 |
19 | Frant, Majer Chil | Rzynkarn/rsynharn? | 50 | 6/30 |
72 | Hammel, Herz | Krawiec (tailor) | 136 | 2/85 |
60 | Hammer, schulim | Spekulant (speculator) | 64 | 3/55 |
70 | Hasenfled, Sender? | Spekulant (speculator) | 184 | 3/10 |
73 | Hassenfeld, Mozess? | Gosprodarstwo(farm) | 95 | 2/85 |
46 | Henzel, adam | Adjunkl? | 159 | 3/98 |
15 | Intrator, C?rya | Gosprodarstwo(farm) | 118 | 7/76 |
11 | Intrator, Yankel | Spekulant (speculator) | 58 | 9/47 |
59 | Jaworniker, Majer | Spekulant (speculator) | 18 | 3/55 |
44 | Kalter, Dawid | Spekulant (speculator) | 52 | 4/10 |
82 | Kalter, naftuli | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
81 | Kalter,Chaim | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
28 | Kessler, ette | Spekulant (speculator) | 39 | 5/8 |
53 | Kupfermann, Josel | Spekulant (speculator) | 53 | 3/66 |
83 | Leidner, Dawid | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
85 | Mat?amind, Mechel | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
9 | metter | Snekars? | 60 | 10/52 |
22 | Motyl, Jakob | Bednarz (cooper) | 124 | 6/5 |
14 | Motyl, Yosef | Bednarz (cooper) | 63 | 8/16 |
30 | Motyl,Ksuvery? | Trafikant | 38 | 4/96 |
78 | Multan, mordko | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/70 |
86 | Neumann, Srul | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
48 | Ottinger, Srul | Spekulant (speculator) | 57 | 3/90 |
87 | Rapport, Chaim | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
50 | Raps, etu Leib | Rzernik? | |
56 | Reich, Mendel | Spekulant (speculator) | 59 | 3/62 |
20 | Roth, marya | Spekulant (speculator) | 138 | 6/78 |
27 | Scheinbach, mozes | Spekulant (speculator) | 93 | 5/42 |
55 | Scheiner, Mendel | Spekulant (speculator) | 41 | 3/62 |
18 | Schimel | Rzynkarn/rsynharn? | 15 | 6/82 |
6 | Schimel, Aron Hersz | Spekulant (speculator) | 26 | 12/62 |
88 | Schimel, Hersch | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
34 | Schimel, josef | Gosprodarstwo(farm) | 167 | 4/63 |
5 | Schimel, Leiser | Spekulant (speculator) | 12 | 13/33 |
84 | Schmiel, Josef | Spekulant (speculator) | 82 | 2/62 |
52 | Schmiel, Josef Boruch | Rzernik? | 70 | 3/69 |
54 | Schmiel, Josel Juda | Szynkarz? | 25 | 3/62 |
23 | Schwarz, Letze? | Spekulant (speculator) | 56 | 5/94 |
114 | Sobol, Jozef | Zarobnik | |
35 | Wajdal, Josef | Bednarz (cooper) | 178 | 4/62 |
45 | Wasserstein, Naftuli | Spekulant (speculator) | 52 | 4/10 |
There are few records still existing for Dubiecko. It
was a town with a large Jewish population in the 1800s and
early 1900s.
In 2018 Moshe Wasserman formed a group to research
Dubiecko's notary records. For a minor charge, i was able
to add my Dubiecko surnames to the list. As far as we
know, no group has ever done this. Moshe hired two
researchers (the first did not work out well) and gave the
list of Surnames to the researcher with the instructions
that he photocopy any notary records with these surnames.
The second batch of records came from a researcher hired
by Peri Swaniger in 2018.
Act No | Given name and surname, occupation and job of sides | Subject of deal or case with value and stamp used |
103 | Hersch Meilech Weinberger, owner of property, living in Ruska Wies and Gerschon Hofner, merchant, living in Iskan. Witnesses: Piotr Karpinski and Antoni Karpinski - townsmen living in Dubiecko | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 12 Mar 1877 by which Hersch Meilech Weinberger sold 3/4 morgen of land under No. 63 in Iskan to Gerschon Hofner for the price of 25 zloty with the right to register it in court. Stamp of 50 cent. |
230 | Jedrzej Zajaczkiewicz owner of farm and Herszko Hoffner, producer, both living in Iskan. Witnesses: Piotr Karpinski and Franciszek Karpinski - townsmen living in Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 4 Sep 1877 by which Jedrzej Zajaczkiewicz sold 7 pieces of land - 1/8? morgen under No. 7 in Iskan to Herszko Hofner for the price of 30 zloty with the right to register it in court. Stamp of 50 cent. |
314 | Maryanna Mielnik - owner of land and Gerschon Hoffner - merchant, both living in Iskan. Witnesses: Michal Komaniak - farmer from Iskan and Piotr Karpinski - townsman from Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 3 Jan 1878 by which Maryanna Mielnik sold 2 pieces of land - about 1 morgen under No. 20 in Iskan to Gerschon Hofner for the price of 80 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. |
356 | Iwan Komaniak and Gerschon Hoffner - both living in Iskan. Witnesses: Piotr Karpinski and Franciszek Karpinski - townsmen living in Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 17 Apr 1877 by which Iwan Komaniak sold 1 morgen of land under No. 69 in Iskan to Gerschon Hoffner for the price of 80 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. |
373 | Danko Papinko - owner of land and Herszko Hoffner - merchant, both living in Iskan. Witnesses: Piotr Karpinski and Antoni Karpinski - townsmen living in Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 14 May 1878 by which Danko Papinko sold 3/4 morgen of land under No. 51 in Iskan to Gerschon Hoffner. Stamp of 50 cent. |
394 | Piotr Kucab - farmer from Tarnawka and Leiba Hoffner - merchant from Iskan. Witnesses: Szymon Król - farmer from Tarnawka, Piotr Karpinski - townsman from Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 9 Jun 1878 by which Piotr Kucab sold 2 pieces of land - 1 1/2 morgen under No. 12, 13 in Tarnawka to Leiba Hoffner for the price of 30 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. |
752 | Jan Tyciak - owner of land from Ruska Wies and Menasche Hoffner - merchant from Iskan. Witnesses: Piotr Karpinski and Antoni Karpinski - townsmen from Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 20 Feb 1880 by which Jan Tyciak sold 1 piece of land - about 1/2 morgen under No. 17/27 in Ruska Wies to Menasche Hoffner for the price of 16 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. |
782 | Leiba Hoffner - owner of property in Tarnawka. Piotr Karpinski and Franciszek Karpinski - townsmen from Dubiecko. | Legalization of bill of exchange of 310 zloty signed in Dubiecko 19 Mar 1880, payable on 1 Jan 1881 accepted by Leiba Hoffner. Stamp of 94 cent |
790 | Wasyl Iskanin, Pawel Iskanin - farmers from Ruska Wies and Herszko Hoffner from Iskan. Witnesses: Jan Grubiniak - farmer from Ruska Wies and Piotr Karpinski - townsman from Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 28 Mar 1880 by which Wasyl Iskanin and Pawel Iskanin sold 2 pieces of land - for 8 garniec of grain under No. 56 in Ruska Wies to Gerschon Hofner for the price of 17 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. |
823 | Piotr Kucab - owner of land from Tarnawka and Leiba Hoffner - merchant from Iskan. Witnesses: Szymon Król - farmer from Tarnawka, Piotr Karpinski - townsman from Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 14 May 1880 by which Piotr Kucab sold 1/2 morgen in Tarnawka to Leiba Hoffner for the price of 20 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. |
842 | Piotr Kucab - owner of land from Tarnawka and Leiba Hoffner - merchant from Iskan. Witnesses: Szymon Król - farmer from Tarnawka, Antoni Karpinski - townsman from Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 16 Jun 1880 by which Piotr Kucab sold 1 piece of land (overgrown by young pines) - 3/4 morgen under No. 13 in Tarnawka to Leiba Hoffner for the price of 20 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. Stamp of 50 cent. |
852 | Oleksa Iwanicki - owner of land in Ruska Wies and Menasche Hoffner - merchant from Iskan. Witnesses: Wasyl Tekocz - farmer from Ruska Wies, Piotr Karpinski - townsman from Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 4 Jul 1880 by which Oleksa Iwanicki sold 1 piece of land - about 1/2 morgen under No. 25 in Ruska Wies to Menasche Hoffner for the price of 38 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. |
911 | Tekla Caban - owner of land and Leiba Hoffner - merchant, both from Iskan. Witnesses: Iwan Bulik - farmer from Iskan, Piotr Karpinski - townsman from Dubiecko. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 26 Nov 1880 by which Tekla Caban sold 1 piece of land - 1 1/2 morgen under No. 40 in Iskan to Menasche Hoffner for the price of 48 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. |
922 | Iwan Tchórz - owner of Land in Ruska Wies, Menasche Hoffner - merchant from Iskan. Piotr Karpinski, Antoni Karpinski - townsmen from Dynów. | Legalization of buy/sell contract signed in Dubiecko 3 Dec 1880 by which Iwan Tchórz sold 1 piece of land - 600 fathoms in Ruska Wies to Menasche Hoffner for the price of 15 zloty. Stamp of 50 cent. |
The following are three lists taken from the Yad Vashem website in March of 2013.
These lists are from Yad Vashem; they were found by Bill Leibner and Phyllis Kramer in 2009. While a copy of the documents have Been on this web page since 2009, it was only in 2014 that Richard Baum offered to create a table of names (thank you Richard!); the table is below the list images. Note the source lists are typewritten, but very difficult to read.
The primary list was survivors from Dolny Szask region:
The second list is from the Dolny Szask region:
This third list is of survivors in
the Szczecin area:
Selig Selig Selig Selig
Surname | First Name | Father |
Mother |
Born |
Birth Place |
Listed with Same parents; (occupation) |
Aigler | Dawid | Aron | Sara | 1921 | Wroclaw | |
Aigler | Abraham | |
1909 | Wroclaw | |
Ajdler | Abraham | |
1909 | Wroclaw | |
Anker | Naftali Daniel | Laiby | Czarny | 1946 | |
Apt | Estera | Majer | Mirjam | 1899 | Wroclaw | |
Apt | Estara | Majer | Mirjan | 1899 | Bialara | |
Aufgang | Zefja | |
1922 | Wroclaw | Jakub (1883) |
Aufgang | Saija | |
1922 | Wroclaw | |
Aufgang | Jakob | |
1883 | Wroclaw | |
Aufgang | |
Azriel | Chana | 1918 | Wroclaw | |
Beck | Pesla | Moses | Sara | 1879 | Wroclaw | |
Bek | Pezla | Mozes | Sara | 1879 | Wroclaw | |
Bek | Chana | Chaim | Gustawa | 1931 | |
Berglas | Dawid | Hirsz | Sara | 1921 | Wroclaw | |
Berglas | David | Hirsz | Sara(?) | 1921 | Wroclaw | |
Berner | Iser | ?rje | Fajge | 1906 | Walorzych | |
Berner | Issor | Arie | Fujga | 1906 | Walbrzych | |
Betram | Jerichan | Wolf | Zusel | 1885 | Dubiecko | |
Betram | Jita | Moses | Chana | 1890 | Dubiecko | |
Surname | First Name | Father |
Mother |
Born |
Birth Place |
Listed with Same parents; (occupation) |
Betram | Pinkas | Jerichan | Jidy | 1928 | Dubiecko | Chana (1922) |
Betran | Ozjas | Jericham | Jita | 1912 | Dubiecko | |
Betran | Gitel | Nison | Sara Berner | 1909 | Blazowie | |
Betran | Moses | Ozjas | Gitel | 1940 | Biroza | |
Bleichfeld | Ezriel | Izra | Chana | 1927 | Wroclaw | Estera (1926); Selig (1918) |
Bleichfeld | Azriel | Izrael | Chana | 1927 | Wroclaw | Estera (1920); Zelig (1918) |
Bock | Chaim | Samuel | Sara | 1888 | Walbrzych | |
Bock | Cypora | Chaim | |
Walbrzych | |
Bock | |
Leib | Cypora | 1898 | Walbrzych | |
Broner | Nojzesz | Borel | Toba | |
Uzierzonion | |
Celer | Zysla | Joel | Rywa | 1917 | Saidnica | Handel (1918) |
Celer | Saynon | Mendel | Pola | 19?5 | Saidnica | |
Celerkraut | Sara | Saynon | |
1889 | Saidnica | |
Celerkraut | Blima | |
1927 | Saidnica | |
Celler | Zysla | Joel | Rywa | 1917 | Swidnica | Mendel (1918) |
Celler | Szymon | Mendel | Pella | 1945 | Swidnica | |
Cellerkraut | Sara | Szymon | |
1889 | Swidnica | |
Cellerkraut | Blma | Nachman | |
1928 | Swidnica | |
Czaran | Anker | Jonas | Sime | 1923 | Dubiecko | |
Dajchner | Mania | |
Unlbrxych | |
Dajchner | Majer | |
Unlbrxych | |
Eck | Chaim | Samuel | Sara | 1886 | Walorzych | |
Eck | Cipera | Chaim | Gusta | 1922 | Walorzych | |
Eck | Gustaw | Leib | Ciper | 1898 | Walorzych | |
F?ss | Chaskel | |
1902 | Jawer | Hinda (103); Ryfka (1913) |
Fass | Chaskiel | |
1903 | Jawor | |
Fass | Hinda | |
1905 | Jawor | |
Fass | Rywka | |
1943 | Jawor | |
Feld | Ita | Abram | Jidea | 1906 | klodzke | |
Feld | Lawi | Mozes | Ita | 1937 | |
Saloman (1928); Samuel (1931) |
Feld | Mozes | Samuel | Bajla | 1938 | |
Feld | Volf | |
1939 | klodzke | |
Feld | Ita | Abrun | |
1906 | Wroclaw | |
Feld | Levi | Mojzesz | Ita | 1937 | Klodzko | Salomon (1928) |
Feld | Mojzesz | Samuel | Bajia | 1908 | Klodzko | |
Feld | Samuel | |
1931 | Klodzko | |
Feld | Salomon | |
1931 | Klodzko | |
Feld | Wolf | |
1929 | Klodzko | |
Frant | Jenta | |
1924 | Swidnica | Chaja (1928) |
Frant | Jenta(?) | |
1924 | |
Frant | Chaja | |
1928 | |
Freifeld | Gerczen | Samuel | Feiga | 1927 | |
Freifeld | Samuel | Leib | Ruchle | 1896 | Walorzych | |
Furst | Markus | Moses | Chana | 1905 | Dubiecko | |
Furst | Chaje | Jerichem | Jidy | 1908 | Dubiecko | |
Furst | Zusel | Markus | Chaja | 1939 | |
Grinblat | Sabina | Markus | |
1912 | Legnica | |
Surname | First Name | Father |
Mother |
Born |
Birth Place |
Listed with Same parents; (occupation) |
Grinblat | Chaim | Jaku | |
1905 | Legnica | |
Grinblat | Markus | Chaim | |
1930 | Legnica | |
Hamel | Rywa | |
1925 | Chojnan (?) | |
Hamel | Genia | |
1935 (?) | Chojnan (?) | |
Hamel | Handel | |
1927 | Chojnan (?) | |
Hamel | Hersz | |
1900 | Chojnan (?) | |
Hamel | Frydz | |
1902 | Chojnan (?) | |
Hammel | Riwen | |
1925 | Chojnew | |
Hammel | Mendel | |
1927 | Chojnew | |
Hammel | Genin | |
1935 | Chojnew | |
Hammel | Hyrsz | |
1900 | Chojnew | |
Hammel | Fryda | |
Chojnew | |
Herfenist | Jozef | Izak | Mala | 1923 | Walorzych | Mina (1927) |
Herfenist | Mania | Leib | Reizla | 1897 | Walorzych | |
Kalter | Izak | |
1880 | Walorzych | Ruchla (1883); Sara (1933) |
Kalter | Izak | |
1890 | walbrzych | |
Kalter | Ruchle | |
1883 | walbrzych | |
Kalter | Sam | |
1933 | walbrzych | |
Kojs | Fryma | Berek | Tauba | 1918 | |
Kornfeld | Lazar | Szymon | |
1920 | Swidnica | Lowa (1936); Diana (1933) |
Kornfeld | Lazar | Saymon | |
1920 | Bwiinica cholowkarz | Leba (1936) |
Kornfeld | Jakob | |
1933 | Bwiinica cholowkarz | |
Landber | Fira | Mordke | Golda | 1922 | Wroclaw | |
Lauberfeld | Lea | Bencion | Rajzln | 1896 | Klodzko | |
Lauberfeld | Bencion | Jakob | Lea | 1920 | Klodzko | |
Lorgerfeld | Lea | Benzion | Rajzla | 1896 | klodzke | |
Lorgerfeld | Benzion | Jakub | Lea | 1920 | klodzke | |
Low | Simche | Israel Mendel | Frimet | 1900 | Chodorow | |
Malber | Maeia | |
Walbraych | |
Mandel | Chana | Abraham Jozef | Sprince | 1912 | Dubiecko | |
Mandel | Henia | Chumn | Chana | 1938 | Dubiecko | |
Moja | Fryma | Berek | Tauba | 1918 | Klodzko | |
Surname | First Name | Father |
Mother |
Born |
Birth Place |
Listed with Same parents; (occupation) |
Rabinson | Fajwal | |
1905 | Chojnon | |
Raps | Majer | Herz | Basia | 1925 | Dziorzoniow | Freida (1931) |
Raps | Besia | Berl | Estera | 1896 | Szidnica | |
Raps | Herz | Szyja | Feiga | 1897 | Szidnica | |
Raps | Ajzyk | Nachman | Chana | 1908 | Wroclau | |
Raps | Majer | Hersz | Basia | 1923? | Dzierzonew | Fryda (1921) |
Raps | Basia | Berl | Ester | 1896 | |
Raps | Hersz | Szyja | Fajga | 1897 | Dzierzonew | |
Raps | Majer | Horua | Banial | 1925 | Daiorzonion | Fryda (1921) |
Raps | Peraz | Bzyiz | Feiga | 1897 | B?idnica | |
Raps | Hennia | Berl | Kutere | 1895 | B?idnica | |
Raps | Ajxyk | Nachman | Chana | 1908 | Wroclaw | |
Rubifeld | Rywa | Jakub | |
1932 | Legnica | |
Rubifeld | Jakub | Efroim | |
1897 | Legnica | |
Rubinfeld | Chaja | Jakub | Lena | 1932 | Szidnica | |
Rubinfeld | Samson | |
1874 | Nowa Ruda | |
Rubinfeld | Chaim | |
1930 | Nowa Ruda | |
Rubinfeld | Fajjga | |
1886 | Nowa Ruda | |
Rubinfeld | Chaja | Jakub | Lena | 193? | Dzierzonew | |
Rubinfeld | Samson | |
1874 | Noua Ruda | |
Rubinfeld | Chaim | |
1920 | Nova Ruda | |
Rubinfeld | Feiga | |
1885 | Nova Ruda | |
Rubinfeld | Chana | Jakob | Lena | 1932 | B?idnica | |
Rubinson | Fajwel | |
1905 | Chojnow | (szkladrz) |
Rubinson | Feiwel | |
1905 | Chojnow | |
Surname | First Name | Father |
Mother |
Born |
Birth Place |
Listed with Same parents; (occupation) |
Schimel | Sara | Leizer | Feige | 1881 | Dubiecko | |
Schimel | Pinkas | Samuel | Chana | 1901 | Dubiecko | |
Selig | Haim | Berek | Baila | 1935 | Klodzko | |
Pola | Berek | Tauba | 1929 | Klodzko | |
Berok | Moses | Chaja | 1885 | Klodzko | |
Markus | Berl | Tauba | 1924 | Klodzko | Samson (1936); Sara (1927) | |
Tauba | Szymon | Szeindle | 1887 | Klodzko | |
Selik | Reis | Berek | Baila | 1935 | klodzke | |
Selik | Pola | Berek | Tauba | 1929 | klodzke | |
Selik | Brek | Mozes | Chaja | 1885 | klodzke | |
Selik | Markus | Berek | Tauba | 1924 | klodzke | Samson (1936); Sara (1927) |
Selik | Tauba | Szymon | Szaknala | 1887 | |
Stein | Chaja | Jakub | Marja | 1890 | |
Szapar | Estere | |
Wroclaw | |
Szmidt | Mirla | Aron | |
1896 | |
Szmidt | Rachela | Mozes | |
1935 | Swidnica | Regina (1938); Chana (1938); Pesla(1924); Chaja (1928) |
Sznid | Mirla | Aron | |
1896 | Snidnica | |
Sznid | Racinla | Moses | |
1935 | Snidnica | |
Sznid | Regina | |
1938 | Snidnica | |
Sznid | Chana | |
1938 | Snidnica | |
Sznid | Pesia | |
1924 | Snidnica | |
Sznid | Chaja | |
1928 | Snidnica | |
Szymel | Mozes | Naftali | Adela | 1904 | |
Szymel | Dora | Dawid | Mirjam | 1907 | Walorzych | |
Szysel | Moses | Naftali | Adela | 1904 | Halbrzych | |
Szysel | Dora | David | Mirjam | 1907 | Halbrzych | |
Surname | First Name | Father |
Mother |
Born |
Birth Place |
Listed with Same parents; (occupation) |
Udem | Leizor | |
1909 | Chojnew | |
Udem | Etl | Leizor | Mirl | 1938 | Chojnew | |
Udem | Mirl | Heruz | Chaja | 1908 | Chojnew | |
Uden | Lajzer | |
1909 | Ohajuon | |
Uden | Etla | Lejzor | Mirla | 1938 | Ohajuon | |
Uden | Mirla | Horaz | Chaja | 1908 | Ohajuon | |
Uden | Ruwan | Joel | Mirjam | 1938 | Ludnikono | Szalom (1929) |
Udez | Ruwen | Joel | Mirjem | 1936 | Ludwikawo | Szalow (1929) |
Wasserstein | Abram | Berek | Dwajra | 1929 | Wroclaw | |
Wasserstein | Blima | Lazer | Rachel | 1921 | Wroclaw | Brucha (1922), Mina (1921) |
Wasserstein | Abraham | Lazar | Rachela | 1914 | Wroclaw | Naftali (1922); Chaja (1919) |
Wasserstein | Rachale | Efroim | Hindle | 1886 | Wroclaw | |
Weisman | Zysla | Berek | Dworja | 1929 | Legnica | Blima(1921); Brucha (1922); Mina(1921) |
Weissman | Zala | Horak | Dvora | 1929 | Legnica | Blima (1921); Brucha (1922); Mina (1921) |
Zagdman | Chana | Nute | Lea | 1908 | Wroclaw | |
Zagdman | Froim | Mozes | Chana | 1936 | Wroclaw | Ginia(1938), Naftalai (1945); Liza (1944) |
Zagdman | Mozes | Froim | Szejna | 1907 | Wroclaw | |
Zeidman | Chana | Nuta | Lea | 1908 | Wroclaw | |
Zeidman | Froim | Moses | Yhana | 1936 | Wroclaw | Ginia (1935); Naftali (1945) |
Zeidman | Liza | |
1944 | Wroclaw | |
Zeidman | Moses | Froim | Szelma | 1907 | Wroclaw | |
Zimmer | Szyja | Joel | Etla | 1908 | Wroclaw | |
Ziner | Szyja | Joel | Etla | 1908 | Wroclaw | |
Surname | First Name | Father |
Mother |
Born |
Birth Place |
Listed with Same parents; (occupation) |
Up until 2019, Phyllis Kramer (OBM) developed and maintained this KahilaLink. Phyllis did a wonderful job documenting and sharing information about this shtetl. Starting in July 2021 Jeff Alexander is trying to fill Phyllis’ shoes. Please contact Jeff Alexander for anything related to this shtetl
Copyright © (2022) Jeffrey Alexander. All rights