Sokolovsky and his gang, who led the pogrom in the Kamenny Brod
The material was provided by Viktor Vakhovsky
(Novograd-Volynsky, Ukraine)
According to the pages of the history of the newspaper
"Volynsky proletarian" about the pogrom in Kamenny Brod

Exactly two years ago in Kamenny Brod Novogradvolynsky Uyezd, a detachment of the bandit Sokolovsky,
known in Volhynia, over one hundred workers of the local porcelain factory were brutally massacred, all
the while showing an example of perseverance, discipline and devotion to the idea of a proletarian revolution.
Even in the time of the nightmare rule in Volhynia, the lackey of Petliura's bourgeoisie, the stone-Brodsky
workers organized an underground regional committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and conducted active
work to organize underground cells in Novohrad-Volynsky and neighboring counties and propagate the idea of communism.
With the advent of Soviet power, the district revolutionary committee of Novograd-Volyn was set up from the above-mentioned
district committee, headed by comrade Naumov, leader and inspirer of the stone-Brod workers in their struggle for the holy
idea of communism.
Thanks to the treacherous activity of Petlyura's agents Comrade Naumov, Comrade Slepak, the Pre-Revolutionary
Party, and other staunch exemplary comrades, on July 9, 1919, heroically fell at the hands of enraged fists that
came out with rifles, braids, axes to fight communism.
Terrible then, clouds hung over the Soviet republics. Denikin was approaching Kiev. Ukraine was swept by a wave
of kulak uprisings, all the dark forces crept out of their holes and sizzled maliciously in different ways.
The writer who worked in the Novograd-Volynsky district had to endure a nightmare while surrounded and persecuted
by a gang of bandits. Lonely, divorced from comrades in party work wandered ...
"Volyn Proletarian" N 5 9/07/1921, p.-2
July 28 in the provincial revolutionary tribunal will hear a loud case of the pogrom in Kamenno-Brody. More than 30 witnesses are summoned in the case.
"The Volynian Proletarian" N 19 July 26, 1921, p.-4
Yesterday in gubrevtribinalal began hearing a loud case about the pogrom in Kamenno-Brody. 12 accused were brought to the case. A detailed report in tomorrow's issue.
"The Volyn Proletarian" N 22 July 29, 1921, p.-4
July 28 in Gubrevtribinal began hearing a sensational in its time the case of a nightmarish pogrom in
Kamenno-Brody (Novograd-Volynsky Uyezd).
In the dock 12 defendants: I.Baginsky, L.Vasilevich, A.Soloshchuk, A.Shevchuk, K.Svintsitsky, V.Vasilevich,
Wilhelm and Nikolai Konkulevsky, V.Eismont, V.Veksel, Y.Shimansky and Kozakov. The indictment depicts this
case in the following way: on July 9, 1919, under the influence of national enmity, together with several
concealed persons during the investigation, the first 8 accused organized a gang of several hundred armed
people with the aim of organizing a Jewish pogrom in Kamenno-Brody (Novograd-Volynskyi County). Having
appeared with the above-mentioned gang as its leaders in the mentioned Kamenny Brod, the defendants collected
about 200 local Jewish men in the square. On the field a few versts from the place the defendants subjected
them to beating, with 137 shots killed and 9 injured by rifles . The defendants were charged with participation
in the pogrom of the Jewish population.
The last defendant Kozakov is accused of having taken an active part in the uprising by encouraging residents
to participate in the pogroms of Jews and Communists in early July, by mutual agreement with the leaders to beat
the Jewish population. On July 9, during the pogroms of the Jewish population, he called on the peasant rebels
to beat up the Jewish workers and taking part in the murder of Gershonov, the owner of the Kamenno-Brodsky factory ...
"The Volyn Proletarian" N 23 July 30, 1921, p.-3
Leaders of the pogrom: Baginsky and Solokh. 137 Jews were killed. Witness Sakharov, Breiman (14 years old).
Kicked: Kickelhoff, Schwartzer. [There is a testimony].
"The Volyn Proletarian" N 24 July 31, 1921, p.-4
On July 31, 1919, a huge pogrom of the Jewish population took place in Kamenny Brod Novograd-Volynsky
Uyezd, resulting in the death of 137 people wounded 9.
The pogrom was made by a gang consisting mainly of peasants located 2-5 versts from the Kamenny-Brod villages,
with active participation and residents of Kamenny Brod.
The investigating judge established that this gang was part of the insurgency, which at that time engulfed the
Novograd-Volynsky district.
The raid on Kamenny Brod was organized with the close participation of the secretary of the Kamenno-Brodsky
Revkom Adamovich and the pre-factory of the faience factory of Andrei Kazakov, who is there. The latter, knowing
of the impending pogrom, reassured the workers that no danger threatened. At the same time, Adamovich ordered
that all rifles, both workers and factories, be demolished in the Revolutionary Committee.
The next day on July 9, a gang broke into the town, Soloch Soloshchuk, Anton Shevchuk, Baginsky, Valentin
Vasilevich, Svintsitsky and Shimansky joined at once.
The gang, with the active participation of these individuals, began to drive Jews out of the apartments and
drive them to the square to the plant.
Here the leader of the gang of bandits Bykov invited Kozakov to take from the crowd those workers who are needed
for the plant.
In response, Kazakov said that there are enough unemployed Russians, and he does not need Jews, and that he will
present a list of those who need to be released.
An hour later, Bykov approached the crowd with Kazakov and the latter handed him a list of persons to be released.
On the release of 5 people, according to this list, a crowd of Jews was built and she was driven into the forest.
On the way Soloch Soloshchuk and Anton Shevchuk, armed with revolvers, several times stopped the crowd, counted it,
and Shevchuk, holding a revolver in his outstretched hand, loudly expressed doubts about the ability to cope with
60 rifles with a crowd of 180 people.
Arriving in the forest, a crowd of Jews were offered to go home, but as soon as they turned to leave, they were
followed by bursts of salvoes.
The first shot Svintsitsky. From these shots the crowd fell to the ground, then appeared with a bag on his head
Ludwig Vasilevich seeing that many are still alive - he offered to finish everything off. After these words, a
savage massacre began.
Bayonets, pitchforks, braids, clubs and everything that was in their hands began to finish off the Jews ... Not
limited to finishing off still alive, these persons removed their clothes from the dead and chose everything from
their pockets.
Having done a dirty business, the gang broke up.
The next morning two riders appeared from the forest, who drove up to the house of Solokh Soloschuk. After a while
the indicated riders came out together with Solokh Soloshchuk and Shevchuk and headed for the place.
At this time, a burial took place at the cemetery of the corpses of those killed the day before. On the road the
horsemen Soloshchuk and Shevchuk met the family of the chairman of the Novohrad-Volyn Revolutionary Committee Comrade.
Kiselgoff-Naumova, and, seeing her, Shevchuk and Soloshchuk rushed to her and demanded to indicate the location of
Kiselgoff-Naumov, whom they must kill. The frightened family began to shout "Dad, Dad." At this time, Kiselgoff, who
was hidden in a few steps in the grass, fired in the direction of the specified bandits, and then killed himself with
a subsequent shot. Shevchuk and Soloshchuk tore the bars from the fence, rushed to Kiselgoff and, pulling his corpse
by the legs, began to mock him and beat the dead body with rods. Soloschuk at the same time shouted: "Dog dog death"
and "Here's a commune." After the pogrom, Shevchuk was the rebel commander of the township, and Kozakov went to the
rebels' congress in Novograd-Volynsk, from where he came as the factory owner.
Artemy Vasilievich Solokh-Soloshchuk, 56 years old - |
Anton Shevchuk, 24 years old - |
Kaetan Isidorovich Svintsitsky, 28 years old - |
Valentin Antonovich Vasilevich, 23 years old - | Shooting.
Andrei Arkhipovich Kozakov, 44 years old - |
Yakov Ivanovich Shimansky, 44 years old - |
Nikolai Timofeevich Konkulevsky - 5 years;
Eismont Vladimir Mikhailovich, 17 years old - 3 years old;
Vikent Wilhelm Eifromovich, 17 years old - 3 years;
Wilhelm Nikolaiovich Konkulevich, 21 years old - to justify.
"The Volynsky Proletarian" No. 25,