From Evreskaya Entseklopedia (c. 1900)
Translated by a Russian immigrant
[Howard typed this from manuscript supplied by Ed;
English needs to be improved and we have located a more uptodate version of the book].
[English "improved" by Jeff Malka]
Regional center (from 1795) of Minsk's Province. Role of Jewish class at the end of the 19th century can be seen from the following numbers:
On revision of 1847, there existed in the region the following Jewish communities:
In 1864 in the region there was 5,131 (8 synagogues and 22 congregations), and in Igumen aside from above 1,531 Jews (1 synagogue and 3 congregations).
On the count of 1897, in the region, inhabitants were nearly 235?? Of which 28,920 of Jewish nationality; amongst these, in Igumen there were inhabitants 4,573, of which 2,817 were Jews. From places in the Region, with no less than 500 cities, Jews presented the biggest percentage relative to other nationalities:
Most common occupation among Jews is – sales and manufacturing of clothes.
Jewish schools in 1904 in Igumen: 2 men's and 2 women's.
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