Dobrómyl, Ukraine

          Books about Dobromyl




Dobromyl Yizkor Book

 There is at least one known Yizkor book about Dobromil: Memorial book of Dobromil
 ("Sefer zikaron le-zekher Dobromil"), published  in 1964 in Tel Aviv. 
A Yizkor book is a "book of remembrance"
about a Jewish community
that was destroyed in the Holocaust.
Each book documents the town's history and usually gives a necrology (list of the murdered) at the back of the book.
Most of the books were written by survivors from the town, or people from the town

who had immigrated before the war, and were mostly published between 1945 and 1975, and usually written in Hebrew or Yiddish.
The JewishGen website has a 
partial translation of this book online. 

Copies of this book can sometimes be found on auction sites, such as eBay.

Yizkor Book

Dobromil: Life in a Galician Shtetl, 1890-1907

Dobromil, Ukraine) Translation of Dobromil: Zikhroynes fun a shtetl in Galicia in di yorn 1890-1907 Editor: Sha'ul (Saul) Miller. 
Published in New York 1980  Entire translation into English can be found here.

Saul Miller book

Dobromyl's Wall of Memory 

by Katarzyna Sosnowska-Gizinska (Paperback). During the Nazi nightmare, the Gestapo confiscated a certain house in Dobromyl. Using slave labor, the Nazis demanded that the Jewish gravestones be dragged down from the hill where the old Jewish cemetery was located to create a walkway around the house. Over 100 large heavy solid stone engraved Jewish gravestones, some face up and some face down, were brought to serve the muddy books of the Nazis. The gravestones remained as a walkway for over 70 years, until 2016, when they were "liberated" and brought back to the land on which the Jewish cemetery stood. A Wall of Memory was built from the gravestones. This book of photographs tells the story, and offers a glimpse of the town of Dobromyl.  Can be purchased through Target Stores and other websites.

wall of memory

From Generation to Generation
by Arthur Kurzweil. Arthur's family hales from Dobromyl so there are many references and pictures of his ancestral village. Since it was first published in 1980, From Generation to Generation has inspired thousands to pursue the unique challenges and rewards of Jewish genealogy. Far more engaging than a mere how-to reference guide, this landmark book is also part detective story and part spiritual quest. As Arthur Kurzweil takes you along on his own fascinating journey through his family’s past, you’ll learn about the tools, techniques, and the step-by-step process of Jewish genealogical research – including the most current information on using the Internet and the newly accessible archives of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. But even more, after reading this fully updated, revised, and beloved classic, you will undoubtedly be inspired to embark on a genealogical quest of your own!
Generation to Generation

Recipes of Dobromyl 

By Arthur Kurzweil.  The author writes, "In the summer of 2018, I participated in an intensive yet enjoyable week with a dedicated English teacher in Dobromyl, Ukraine, and 18 of her students. As one of the projects during our week together, we decided to create a Ukrainian cookbook — in English." All of the recipes are untested. Each is written in its own unedited style.


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Copyright (c) 2020 Deborah H. Long
Created January 2020

Without the help of my friend, Natalie Iglitz Mendelsohn, I would not have been able to resurrect the town of Dobromyl.
Thanks to Jan-Felix Kruschina for assistance in translation.

For more information, please contact Deborah Long