
Dobrómyl’, Ukraine

Dobromyl is 57 miles WSW of L'viv (Lvov), 15 miles S of Przemy?l, and is
a city in Staryi Sambir Raion, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine.
It is located some 5 kilometers to the border with Poland.

Dedicated to my brother-in-law, Martin Moszes Kraemer, in honor of his father, Feiwel Kraemer,
and his sister Chana, who were murdered during the Shoah, and his mother Zelda Treiber.

For a map of Jewish Dobromyl, go here.

Feiwel Kramer and family
Dobromil street now
street index
castle stones


Hersh Luzer Kraemer (left) and friend

train Fewel and Zelda
Feiwel Kraemer and his wife, Zelda Treiber

Modern town name:    Dobromil, Ukraine
Latitude and Longitude:    49.5667, 22.7833      49°34' N , 22°47' E
Galician (Austro-Hungarian) Administrative District:    Dobromil
Interwar (Polish) District:    Dobromil
Interwar (Polish) Province:    Lwów

Street map and index of Dobromyl

Books about Dobromyl

Jewish History of Dobromyl

Jews have lived in Dobromyl from 1570. They had
equal rights as merchants and as artisans. In 1612, the
Jews received a charter from the owners of the town
giving them additional privileges. They were allowed
to live in the town and to purchase housing plots.

They were also allowed to build a synagogue and other public buildings.

The big synagogue was built in the Gothic style.
Alongside the big synagogue stood the small
synagogue of the tailors.

In the mid-1700s, Dobromyl had 1,253 Jews.
In 1900, there were 1,845 Jews (out of a total population
of 3,309).

In 1910, there were 2,270 Jews in Dobromyl, 70% of the population.
After WWI broke out (1914), the Russian
army occupied Dobromyl on Rosh Hashanah 5675.
 In March 1915, while the battle for the fortress Pzemysl raged, all
 the Jews were expelled to Sambor. When nearby
Przemysl was occupied by the Russians, the Jews were allowed to
return to their homes.

After the war (1918), Dobromyl became part of Poland
and in 1921 there were 2,120 Jews in the town.
The total population was 3,431. 

During the period of the Polish kingdom, the Jews
engaged in commerce and crafts. Some were in the
export-import business, especially with Hungary.
The Jews established an iron foundry, factories for the
manufacture of soap and matches and many small workshops.
These workshops
produced mainly textiles. 

On the eve of WWII, there were 2,500 Jews in Dobromyl.
 In September 1939, several days after the outbreak of
WWII, Dobromyl was occupied by the Germans.

On September 17, Dobromyl came under Soviet rule in
accordance with the German-Soviet pact. The Soviet administration
harassed the wealthy Jews and the
Zionist leadership. Jewish shops were nationalized and
factories and homes confiscated. All the Jewish
institutions were closed down. 650 refugees came to Dobromyl
 from the German zone. The community
operated a public kitchen and helped them with
 clothes and money.

On June 28, 1941, a week after the German invasion
 of the Soviet Union, the German army occupied
Dobromyl.  The Ukrainians were given a free hand
 to molest the Jews. They attacked Jews, burst into
their homes and looted their property. The big
 all the study-houses and the prayer-house of the
Belz Hasidim were set on fire. The Germans and the
 Ukrainian police hunted down Jewish men. 

On August 8, 1944,Dobromyl was liberated by the
Red Army. Only 25 Jews of the community of Dobromyl survived.

Read more about Dobromyl's Jewish history here:

Beit Hatsufot history of Dobromyl

Yahad in Unum interview on Dobromyl

Execution sites in Dobromyl

Salt mine genocide in Dobromyl 1941:

Genealogical Resources

There are three significant sources of vital records and other documents for Dobromyl:  JRI-Poland Indexing, JewishGen and Gesher Galicia.

The JRI-Poland webpage provides information on what vital records exist  and where they may be found.

The JewishGen page on Dobromyl provides maps and other important links.

Gesher Galicia's page on Dobromyl has cadastral maps, search
functions for family records, and other important resources.

Street map and index of Dobromyl

Cadastral maps of Dobromyl

Ukraine map

A well-known name in Jewish genealogy is Arthur Kurzweil. One of the first contemporary books on on Jewish genealogical investigation is Kurzweil’s  From Generation to Generation: How to Trace Your Jewish Genealogy and Personal History,  which beings with the discovery of his great-grandfather’s picture in the Yizkor memorial volume of the town of Dobromyl, Poland—down through every stage of his laborious past-seeking quest. He traces his father back through the 18th century, his mother “back through some of the most illustrious rabbis of the past several centuries  to the Middle Ages.”  Readers will find information on Dobromyl  helpful, including names of landsmanschaften, libraries, archives, and cemeteries.  

Recently, Kurzweil has worked on a project to help Dobromyl children get a playground,  and he has authored more books (one on Dobromyl recipes) related to genealogy.

Books about Dobromyl

Pictures of Dobromyl:

1903 Dobromyl

Videos of Dobromyl

Life in a Galician Shtetl

Dobromil:  2010-2015

Dobromyl's Jewish Cemeteries:

Google Map location
International Jewish Genealogy Cemetery Project

Affiliated Synagogue:
Name: First Dobromiler Kranken Unterstützungs Verein
Address: 92 Columbia Street, New York, NY 10002
Borough: Manhattan

Burial Societies for Dobromyl
Mount Hebron Cemetery, Flushing, New York
(list of names available)

logo Dobromyl

Kehilla Links Directory


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Copyright (c) 2020 Deborah H. Long
Created January 2020, updated 2024

Without the help of my friend, Natalie Iglitz Mendelsohn, I would not have been able to resurrect the town of Dobromyl.
Thanks to Jan-Felix Kruschina for assistance in translation.

For more information, please contact Deborah Long