Dimshitz, S. 1935. Yidden in FSSR. (Jews in the USSR) Moscow.
Ehrenburg, I. 1980. The Black Book.
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Feldman, Dmitry Z. "Archival Sources for the Genealogy of
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from Yiddish by Rabbi Amram Prera.
Grimstead, Patricia
Kennedy. 1988. Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the USSR. Princeton
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(No.16, 1969)
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The Hebrew Press:
Chaim Freedman's translations of articles which appeared
in several Hebrew newspapers that circulated in Russia during the second half
of the nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Hundert, Gershon David and Bacon, Gershon C. 1984. The Jews in
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Materialy Dlia Anti-Evresiskikkkh Porgromov v Russii. 1923.
(Materials for the History of anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia, Vol. II,) St.
Petersburg (Petrograd). pp 541,542. In Russian.
Nikitin, Vikro N., Evrei Zemledeltsy 1887. (Jewish Farmers;
Historical, administrative, legal and day-to-day conditions in the colonies from
the time of their origin to our day, 1807-1887). In Russian.
Viktor N., Evreiski Poselenia 1894. (Jewish
Yevreiskiya Zemledyelcheskiya Kolonii, in
also in book form, St. Petersburg,
Livne, Zvi.
Mokotoff, Gary and Sack, Sallyann Amdur. 1991. Where Once We
Walked. Avotaynu, Inc. Teaneck, NJ.
Morrissey, Evelyn. 1937.
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Orshanski.1877. Yevrei v Rossii, pp.
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in Israel. Tel Aviv. Pages: 531 Languages: H, Y
RAGAS REPORTS, Vol. II, #2 in a
background article on the development of the Jewish Farm Colony project.
RAGAS REPORT, Vol. IV, #2, has an
article by Vladislav Y. Soshnikov on the sources in the Moldovian National
Archives in Kishinev for Jewish records including town and farm records;
RAGAS REPORT, Vol. V, #1. an
excerpt from Fond 134, opis 3, #528 from Moldovian National Archives in
RAGAS REPORT, Vol. V, #1, Spring
(1) Feldman, Dmitry Z. "Archival Sources for the Genealogy of
Jewish Colonists in Southern Russia in the 19th Century"
(2) Summary by Mr.
Feldman of a monograph by V.N. Nikitin published in 1887 in St. Petersburg,
"Sources for 19th Century Jewish Genealogy Concerning Jewish Farmers".
Rhode, Harold and Rhode, James. "Russian Sources in Western
Libraries". Avotaynu VI,/4.
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Resources for genealogical Research in Russia,". Avotaynu:XVI/1/23
A.D. Megilat
Rubinov, I. M . 1907. Economic Condition of the Jews in Russia.
Reprint Ayer Company Publishers. (Good historical overview of Jewish
Sistermaticheski Ukazateil' Literatury o evreakh na russkom
yazike (A systematic Index of the Literature of the Jews in the Russian
Language) microfilm at New York Public Library
Soshnikov, Vladislav.
"Jewish Agricultural Colonies in Russia". Avotaynu: XII/3/33.
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Yarmolinsky, Avrahm. 1928.
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