The Latter Day Saints' (LDS) site ( has over 5600 un-indexed images of school records from Dukla from between 1885 and 1940. (It has later dates as well, but there were no longer any Jewish children in Dukla schools.) These images can be found here:
The 1885 to 1907 images, include five students per page, and
provide in a columnar format: the student's name, his birthdate;
the father's name (from 1885 to 1894) or both parents names if
available (from 1895 to 1907), and in some cases along with a
house number; the year the student entered school; and the years
of attendance and the forms/grades completed. Here is a sample
Beginning with the academic year 1906-1907 and continuing
through 1939- 1940, the school records present an image of each
individual student's progress report card for that school year.
See a sample of such a report card here:
Because these are un-indexed images, they need to be reviewed one image at a time in order to find a particular student's records. This, however, may be less onerous than it sounds. The 1885 to 1907 file of images are presented in birthdate order of the students. A chart has been created of all of these names. Click here The 1906-1907 and later school years are in separate files by school year (e.g., 1906-1907, 1907-1908, 1908-1909, etc.) with the images then grouped within each year's file by classes (there are typically four or five classes found in each school year), and then alphabetically by student within each class.
The Dukla school register and individual progress reports for all Jewish students have now been indexed, and there are plans to make those indexes a part of JRI-Poland‘s searchable public database for Dukla.
The Polish Declarations of Admiration and Friendship for the United States consist of a collection of 111 manuscript volumes compiled in Poland in 1926 and delivered to President Calvin Coolidge to honor the 150th anniversary of the US Declaration of Independence. Included among these volumes are entries from hundreds of elementary schools throughout Poland, including shtetlach in former Galicia that were part of Poland in the inter-war years. Almost every town, village and shtetl that had a school is represented. Almost every pupil in every class signed his/her name.
Each sheet is decorated with a letterhead that reads " Szkolnictwo polskie w holdzie narodowi amerykanskiemu na pamiatke 150-lecia niepodleglosci Stanow Zjednoczonych " [The Polish Educational System in Tribute to the American Nation on the Occasion of the 150th Year of American Independence]. Below this are boxes for the name of the school, location, administrative district, school trustee, school principal and school inspector. This is followed by the signatures of each primary school pupil.
Here are links to the
four pages of Dukla's student signatures in 1926.
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Copyright © (2022) Jeffrey Alexander and Philip Ross.
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