


Journal page written in Yiddish
English translation by
a new researcher and friend, Jeremy Grant
(see following)


                     From Our Finance Secretary.

With heads held high we stand today and contemplate the fine, great and sturdy building, which we have all helped to construct in the course of the  30 years since the noble society, the "First Volochisker Benevolent Association" was founded. There's not enough space in this whole journal to contemplate fully the 30 years hard work it took to build up the society. I just want to point out a few facts and very important events from the
past 30 years. The progress which we have made is really beyond description. Many
longer-established benevolent societies would have wished for themselves such rapid expansion as we have seen. True, the labour was tough, and all the ... brothers and officers have given a great deal of time and all their energy to make the society as fine and healthy as possible. But "work makes life sweet", and for this reason every one of us holds the society in great affection.

This year it was resolved to purchase another piece of land in the Montefiore Cemetery, and we are proud to announce that we managed to make a deposit of $7,400, and we still have a tidy capital left in the savings bank. In 1936 a decision was taken, with the support of all the members, to raise the subscription-fee from $4 to $5 a quarter, that the society might be better able to meet all its responsibilities to every single member of the extended family. Moving our meeting room from down-town to the beautiful ... Temple is one of
the most important events in the history of the First Volochisker, and coming together for a meeting in such a beautiful temple, well, that speaks for itself!

In 1934, the outing on September 12th to consecrate the new cemetery was such a moral and financial success that everyone who gathered was very enthusiastic about the whole enterprise. And now to finish off this year's work, it was resolved to erect a monument in the new cemetery. This monument will be one of the most beautiful monuments, and  we shall be able to associate the name of our beloved society with it for many generations to come. We all pride ourselves in the fact that our work has always been crowned with success.
And now we prepare to celebrate our 30 year jubilee with a banquet. Our hearts are full of joy, and we hope that the work of the First Volochisker will continue. It is my hope that that we shall all be together with our families to celebrate the 50th jubilee in the best style, and that joy and happiness will ever remain among our families.

                                Yours, Sam Trugman

 (Samuel Trugman, grandfather of Helen May emigrated from Volochisk in December 1909 and arrived in the United States on January 16, 1910)

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Copyright by Estate of Samuel Trugman 2000
This page is authored and maintained by Renee Gottesman and Helen May.
We welcome all corrections,additions, and comments .
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Last updated 10/25/2000

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