People in Ushpol

These wonderful photos of Ushpol in the 1920's and 1930's were made available by Ruth Stern.  Ruth's mother Shprinzte brought these photos with her when she emigrated to Israel in 1935.  They give us a amazing perspective on life in Ushpol in the years before World War II. (the descriptions come from Ruth)
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Students and teachers, year unknown

A group of Jewish friends in Ushpol


Hashomer Hatzair 



Hashomer Hatzair 

Branch of Maccabi Ushpol, 1930

 Ushopol Maccabi in Vizhun, 1928

Youth Group in Uzpaliai

This photo, contributed by Arky Berkal, belonged to his Dad but we don't know the original source.  Dad, Abe Berkal, is the source of the identifications.

4 - Bella Margolis Berkal; 8 - Bailka Fisher Gordon; 9 - Chaya Lotta's sister; 10 - Meerka ?; 14 - Motkeh Fisher; 15 - Chaya Lotta Shapiro, wife of Mendel Shapiro; 18 - Zlotka Shapiro, daughter of Meir Itzhak Shapiro; 19 - Bailka Eidelman; 20 - Wolf ?; 21 - Shlomo Shapiro, son of Meir Itzhak Shapiro; 22 - Altkeh Shapiro, daughter of Meir Itzhak Shapiro.

(See Fisher/Shapiro page Fisher/Shapiro page for more photos of Bailka and Motkeh)

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