Rabbi Ezekiel of Svisloch son of Abraham Hayim Katzenellenpogen.
ABD and Rabbi of Svisloch wrote an approbation to Mar'ot HaTzovz'ot by Moses
Zeev, published in Grodno, 1810. ABD Bialystok. His son Abraham born about
1804 settled in Drohitchin.
 | Rabbi Meir Yona of Svisloch first
published a volume of the classical halachic
work "Ha-Ittur", (written by Rabbi Isaac ben Aba Mari of Marseille, a
contemporary of Maimonides), in 5634 (1836) died at the end of the 19th C. |
 | His son Rabbi Motye |
 | Shneur Zalman Pines rabbi in Svisloch died 1903. |
Rabbi Yossef
Rosen - Son-in-law of Rabbi Dov Ber Galov, Rav gaon ,
great in Torah, famous. Born born in 1865 he was elected Rabbi in Sveslich
1903, He immigrated to the United States and in 1926 became Rabbi in
Passaic, NJ. He died 1954.
Rabbi Mordechai Idelberg Rabbi Mordechai Idelberg had a
son named Shlomo. Schlomo Idelberg was a Professor of Medieval Jewish History
at Yeshive Univeristy in New York.
Rabbi Chaim Jacob Mishkinski the last rabbi of Svisloch.
Murdered with the community 1942.
Rabbi David Mejzel
Rabbi Ahron Kotler, born Svisloch 1892 and moved to the United
States in 1940. His father Shneur Zalman Pines had been rabbi in Svisloch.Rav
Aharon Kotler, Z'tl, was one of the great torah leaders in America and the
founder of the great yeshiva in Lakewood, NJ.
Scholar Hirsch ben Mordecai Edelmann 1805 - 1858, born in Svisloch was a
scholar of Hebrew manuscripts at Oxford University. Encyclopedia Judaica has a
From George Sackheim, Skokie, Illinois: "On my family tree I
have the following rabbis from Svisloch: Irving Agus born February
8, 1910 in Svisloch; Jacob Agus born November 10, 1911 in Svisloch; Early
1800's: Abraham Katzenellenpogen; Ephraim Katzenellenpogen; Ezekiel
Katzenellenpogen; Chaim Miszkinski.