Interview: transformation from the city of Svislovich, Grodner area.

Correspondent: Abraham Ain of New York.


General information:

1. Name and family: Golka Novik

2. Daughter of Hershel Novik

3. Business in Svislovich: In house with parents

4. Business of father: forest work

5. Building: Cheder



7. Year of immigration: 1908

8. Age at time of immigration: 25 years

9. Married? Yes

10. Children? No

11. Place of immigration: USA

12. To whom? To husband

13. Reason for immigration: To be with husband

14. Who from the family, first immigrated and where? 3 brothers - in Chile

15. Traveled alone or with family? Together with husband

16. Did you travel directly to your destination or did you stop on the way? Direct


In the new House:

17. Date of arrival: 1908

18. City: New York

19. Business: painter

22 In which city did he move. Did he change his business? A. her husband

founded a paint store B. makes a good life



25. Amount of children: 4 children - 3 sons and 1 daughter

a. 2 sons are in middle school and college and Talmud Torah

b. 1 son graduated college. He is a journalist.

c. Daughter is in middle school

26. Occupation of children:

a. one works for united Jewish Appeal as social worker

b. one is a book keeper

c. works for the newspaper "The Post" as journalist

d. daughter worked for the government as a book keeper.

27. Marriage status of children:

a. two sons are married

b. one son and one daughter are not married

29. The education for the children in the family - the Jewish interests:

a. very warm to the parents

b. interested in Jewish questions


Golda Novik was married in 1908 and after the marriage she and her husband

came to America. She lives an orthodox life. The children had a religious

education. In the house they read Jewish journals. Golda Novik wanted to go to

her brothers in Chile. Everything was ready. However, instead she went to

America with her husband. All the expenses were paid by her rich brother in



Example of letters

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