Archival resourCes
Which Archives has Which Records
Bialystok District under Poland and
Wolkavysk Grodno District under Russia
subsumed under Bialystok District by the
Archives in Grodno
Grodno National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno
2 Tizengauza Square
Grodno 230023, Republic of Belarus
Tel: 375-0152/44-94-66 or 47-28-56
Census: National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno 1811
Voter Lists: National Historical archives of Belarus in Grodno 1823;
1827-1838 Fond2 /Opus3 / Delo520; 699
Kahal/Jewish Community: Archives National Historical Archives of Belarus in
Fond/Opis/Delo: 2/32/289
Volkovysk Grodno Belarus Fond 100-Opis 1-Dyelo (file) 169 Grodno (NHAB)
list of Jewish residents in Svislock 1897 |
Archives in Warsaw
Jewish Historical Institute
ul. Tlomackie 3/5
Warszawa 00-090 Poland
Tel: 48/22/827-9221; Fax: 48/22/827-8372
Immigration Jewish Historical Institute: 1929-1939 (POLISH ALIJAH PASSPORTS TO
: 115
in Grodno
Grodno Oblast Archives
84 Dzerzhinsk Street
Grodno 230005, Republic of Belarus
Tel/Fax: 375/0152/72-24-43 and 47-04-92
Holocaust Grodno Oblast Archives
(Grodno2) 1944 (LIST OF JEWS KILLED)
Fond/Opis/Delo: 1163
National Historic Archive of Belarus
 | Every year about 140 persons submit requests for research of their
genealogy to the National Historic Archive of Belarus. Among the
clients of the Archive are both Belarusians and citizens of other
countries. The average cost of such requests ranges from US $ 200 to $
500. |
 | The National Historic Archive also processes about a thousand
requests for copies of birth, death and marriage certificates. |
 | Today the Archive has 1.3 mln. documents in its possession with
the oldest one dated back to the 14th century. The latest documents
are from the year 1917 and the items after this year are stored in
regional archives of Belarus. |
 | Additional information on the National Historic Archive can be
found on the web-site of the Embassy at
Liverpool Jewish Archives are at the Main Liverpool Central
Library Records Office. The Jewish archives go back to 1780. In these
archives are booklets and listings of almost all of the Jewish
cemeteries and who was buried there. They typically detail date of
burial, name, address of person at death, age and plot number. The
problem is that almost all of it is in written form and in English
and/or Yiddish. Although almost entirely in English, it is handwritten
in script form. One has to look at the details very carefully to get
spellings correctly. One of the problems is that these documents (and
there are many), which cover almost all of the Jewish cemeteries from
early 18th century to current date are not allowed to be taken from
the Library archives. They can only be viewed on location and only
with special permission and only via appointment. >
If you find something of interest in which you want to view, you
must obtain permission to view them. In order to do this one must
write to the Chief Rabbi, explaining whom you are and why you need to
view the records. If he agrees, you get a letter giving you the
permission. You then go back to the LRO and present your letter with a
form telling them the indexed item you want to view. They retrieve it
usually very quickly, within half an hour. The records are for
reference only and you cannot remove or photocopy them. You can
however take photographs of them. I will be starting a searchable
website some time next year. The web site will be called "Liverpool
Jewish Archives" and will contain a search screen allowing searches of
all the registers. Source: Berny Goodheart e-mail:
. I have also collected digital photos of gravestones from the
 | Broadgreen Jewish Cemetery : (not indexed 1999) Tel. 0151
709 3431 |
 | Deane Road Cemetery (closed) tel. 0151 709 3431 |
 | Edge Lane Drive Cemetery: Edge Lane Drive, Liverpool,
Merseyside, L13 5SD. Tel: 0151 2283127 |
 | Greenbank Drive : |
 | Lowerhouse Road Jewish Cemetery : Tel 0151 733 2297 |
 | Princess Rd Congregation Cemetery at Shiel Rd. (not
indexed 1999) |
 | Rice Lane Cemetery
: closed) tel.
0151 733 2292 |
 | Springwood Cemetery : tel. 0151 733 5871 |
Society of
M.B. Hickey (MIss)
Research Assistant
Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7BA
Tel: + 44 020 7251 8799 fax: +44 020 7250 1800
visit our web site on
Contact the Research Assistant
Albert Montefiore Hyamson
Contains the surname SWIFT
According to
the libraian a search can be made & copy of any entry for SWIFT can be
sent to you on receipt of the library search/copy fee of £11.00 (£8.80
for members quoting their membership number). Payment can be made in
sterling or by VISA/MASTERCARD.
Please enclose a postal address where the results may be sent. You
will also be asked to complete and return a copyright declaration
form which will be enclosed with the results.
Svisloch Information can be found in the following Libraries, Archives
and Organizations according to WWWW
Chamber of the Holocaust,
Mount Zion, Jerusalem. Israel
A Guide to Yivo's
Landmanshaften Archives, NY 1986.
Yad Vashem Part I, vol III
Yad Vashem Part 3, vol V
Church of Latter Day Saints
Family History Library
Jri/Poland has a searchable database of these
film numbers.
Suggestions for search.
Use Daitch-Mokotoff system first and then refine the search by using a
single spelling for names you are interested in. See the Timeline on
this site for time period when Svisloch was part of Poland, part of
Prussia and part of Russia. This influences the District, the Province
and the Gubernia when searching for records.
Samples "SHVIFF" (Daitch-Mokotoff)
from the JRI-Poland database
Town: Bialystok PSA BM1888-99
Gubernia: Grodno / Province: Bialystok
(records in Fond 264 in Bialystok Archive)
Located at 53°08’ 23°09’
Last updated August 2001
Surname |
Givenname |
Year |
Type |
Akt |
Father |
Mother |
Remarks |
Moisej Gersz Lejbowicz |
1888 |
B |
351 |
Lew Mowszowicz |
1889 |
B |
4 |
Samuil Lejbowicz |
1893 |
B |
42 |
Abram |
1894 |
B |
108 |
Mowsza Ajzykowicz |
Leia Szaowna Joselowna |
1898 |
B |
12 |
Chaja Sora Ajzykowna |
1890 |
M |
112 |
Sroel Eliow Chaimowicz |
1890 |
M |
112 |
Gitlja Ickowna |
1893 |
M |
13 |
Jankel Szewelewicz |
1893 |
M |
13 |
Chana Ajzykowna |
1893 |
M |
132 |
Elija Sarewicz |
1893 |
M |
132 |
Fanni |
1899 |
B |
37 |
Mowsza |
Town: Bialystok Births 1877-79,82 Marriages 1879-82 Deaths
Gubernia: Grodno / Province: Bialystok
Located at 53°08’ 23°09’
Last updated December 2001
Surname |
Givenname |
Year |
Type |
Akt |
Father |
Fathersurn |
Mother |
Motherfath |
Mothersurn |
Film |
Comments |
Dina Rochla |
1880 |
M |
53 |
Ajzyk |
1191364 |
Michel |
1880 |
M |
53 |
Szmuel |
1191364 |
Girsz Lejb |
1882 |
M |
101 |
Icko |
1618509 |
Jacha Brajna |
1882 |
M |
101 |
Jankiel |
1618509 |
Fruma |
1881 |
D |
362F |
Elio |
1618509 |
Etel |
1882 |
D |
137F |
Ajzyk |
1618509 |
Town: Bialystok D1874,76,77,84-86 V1884-86 M1866-78,83-86
Gubernia: Grodno / Province: Bialystok
Located at 53°08’ 23°09’
Last updated August 2001
Surname |
Givenname |
Year |
Type |
Akt |
Father |
Mother |
Film |
Comments |
Fejgla |
1876 |
D |
33F |
Ajzyk |
1191936 |
Mowsza Wolf |
1883 |
M |
31 |
Josel |
1618510 |
Fejga Bejla |
1883 |
M |
31 |
Mine |
1618510 |
Town: Bialystok 1912 Voter List
Gubernia: Grodno / Province: Bialystok
Located at 53°08’ 23°09’
Last updated May 1998
Surname |
Givenname |
Year |
Type |
Ref |
Fathername |
Hirsh |
1912 |
V |
BIAa5512 |
Itsko |
Hirsh |
1912 |
V |
BIAa5513 |
Yossel |
Partheni |
1912 |
V |
BIAa5417 |
Ivan |
Shaya-Yosel |
1912 |
V |
BIAb1156 |
Hersh |