KehilaLinks JewishGen

Revision List of 1858
May 15 1858 of Vilno Gubernia, Sventsini Ouezd, Svir Jewish Society.
First number is the number according to previous, 9th, revision, in 1850.
This work was commissioned 1996 by Arnold Wolff.

The revision list was translated by Anton S. Valdine, a researcher in Moscow.

(Note: all spellings are those of translator. His notes are marked -A.V.)

Family #55

Shimon-Khaim Volfovich KALEKHO BATKHIN  33 (1850)  41 (1858)
his wife Rokha  40  (1858)
his daughter Malka  16  (1858)
his daughter Sara-Beila   11 (1858)
his son Shmuil  8 (1850)  16  (1858)
his brother Jankel  30 (1850) 38  (1858)

Jankel' s wife Leah   38 (1858)
Jankel' s  daughter Zlata   7 (1858)
Jankel' s  daughter Geiga-Rivka   4 (1858)
his nephew Girsha  missed in 1850; 13  (1858)

Family #56

Jalovno Getsel Judelovich BLEKHER  33  (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Peisakh  18 (1858)

     -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Itsik-Jankel 15 (1852)

     -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853

his son Bunim 13 (1852)

     -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his brother Abram  16 (1852)
     -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853

Family #57

Benjamin Leib Girshovich VAINER 26 (1850) 34  (1858)
his wife Feiga-Dvora  35 (1858)
his daughter Sheina-Gea  15  (1858)
his daughter Sosa  3  (1858)
his relative Aizek Voverovich VAINER missed in 1850; 22   (1858)
his relative Mordukh-ankel Davidovich SVIRSKYI 32 (1852) 38  (1858)
Mordukh's wife Merka  22 (1858)

Family #58

Ariy Vulfovich KONOVAL 18 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia

Family #59

Jankel Shliomovich SVIRSKYI  52 (1850)  60  (1858)
his wife Liba  54  (1858)
his son Iser  11 (1850) 19  (1858)
Iser's wife Peska  20  (1858)
Avram-David Zalmanovich SVIRSKYI  26 (1850)  44 (1858)
his wife Etka  38  (1858)
his daughter Sora  20   (1858)

Family #60

Itsik Eliasevich GLEKHER 25 (1850) absent (1858)
Movsha-Leib Itsikovich MENDER 29 (12850) died in 1854
Mesel Gorshovich ZANOROTSKYI 28 (1850) absent (1858)

Movsha Iserovich  (?  -A.V.) 24 (1850) absent (1858)

Family #61

Meer Itsikovich SHINKAR 49 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Abram-David 16 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Itsik 16 (1852)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Mikhel Girshovich VAINER 28 (1852) removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Mikhel' s son Girsha-David (1852)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853

Mikhel' s son Shenshel 6 (1852)

     -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Sheshel Girshovich ZANOROTSKYI  22 (1852)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853

Family #62

Geves Aronovich KRIVITSKYI  57 (1850) died in 1856
his wife Khaya-Lorka 36 (1858)
his son Movsha 30 (1850) 38 (1858)
Movsha's son Israel 8 (1850) 16 (1858)
Movsha's daughter Stirka 7 (1858)

Family #63

Leiba Nikhimovich KRIVONOS 39 (1850) 47 (1858)
his wife Khena 47 (1858)

his daughter Reiza 18 (1858)
his daughter Golda 8 (1858)
Iosel-Movsha Nakimovich KRIVONOS 17 (1850) 25 (1858)
Iosel-Movsha's  wife Chana 24 (1858)
Iosel-Movsha's  daughter Gita Golda 1 (1858)
Iosel-Mikel Leibovich KRIVONOS 17 (1853) absent since 1854

Family #64

Liber-Jankel Beniaminovich KHAET (CHIAT) 33 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Girsh 8 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Mikhel 7 (1852)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his brother Itsik Leib 30 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Girsh Elijakhovich KHAET 37 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Girsh's  son Kaufman 8 (1853)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Girsh's  son Borukh 6 (1853)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853

Family #65

Khatskel Shmerlovich BREITER 46 (1850) 54 (1858)
his wife Eina-Leah 58 (1858)
his son Shmuilo 29 (1850) 37 (1858)
Shmuilo's wife Beila 36 (1858)
(Note: There is a mark that in 1880 they were re-enrolled somewhere,

according to file N 79705 but no data when and no other details -A.V.)
Shmuilo's son Gener 8 (1850) 16 (1858)
Shmuilo's son Abram missed1850; 12 (1858)
Shmuilo's daughter Khana 11 (1858)
Vulf Movshovich-Aronovich SHNAIDER 15 (1852) absent since 1855
his brother Khaim 12 (1850) absent since 1855
Leiba Kaufmanovich CHERVIN 29 (1850) absent since 1855
Zalman-Leib Ioselovich SVIRSKYI  32 (1852) absent since 1855
Aizek Dovnovich SVIRSKYI   30 (1852) absent since 1855

Family #66

Mikhey Shenshielovich ZLOTOEBKO 42 (1850) absent since 1855
his son Shifko missed 1850; 18 (1858)
Shifko's wife Gnesa 20 (1858)
Vulf  7 (1858) (not identified in any other way -NCH)
Khaim Shiaovich RUSHETSKYI  30 (1851) 43 (1858)
Khaim's wife Sora 32 (1858)

Family #67

Leizer Abramovich KHAET 35 (1850) 43 (1858)
his wife Feiga 42 (1858)
his daughter Golda-Merka 10 (1858)

Family #68

Khatskel Aronovich REZNIK 45 (1850) absent since 1853

(Note: there is the other mark: re-enrolled in Vilno merchantry since 1894 File N 172/94 -A.V.)
his wife Rolka 48 (1858)
his daughter Khaya-Perka 11 (1858)
his brother Meer 40 (1850) 48 (1858)
Meer's  wife Khana 46 (1858)
Me'er;s sister Itereiza 23 (1858)
Meer's  son Berko 12 (1850) 20 (1858)

Family #69

David Girshovich Zeltser 39 (1850) 47 (1858)
his wife Sosa-Elka 46 (1858)
his son Girsh missed 1850;  16 (1858)

Family #70

Girsh Berkovich SVIRSKYI  40 (1850) died in 1855
his wife Meita 52 (1858)
his daughter Stirka 18 (1858)
'his daughter Nakhama 15 (1858)
his son Borukh 25 (1850) 33 (1858)
Borukh's wife Gitka 26 (1858)
Borukh's daughter Tsivia 5 (1858)
Girsh's son Zundel missed1850; 20 (1858)
Zundel's wife Lea 17 (1858)

Family #71

David Gavesovich KURNITSKYI  28 (1850) 36 (1858)
his wife Chana-Leah 35 (1858)
Kopel Aronovich KURNITSKYI  26 (1850) 34 (1858)
Kopel's mother Khana 54 (1858)
Kopel's wife Nakhama 32 (1858)
Kopel's daughter Tauba 5 (1858)
Kopel's daughter Gite-Beila 1 (1858)
Kopel's sister Stirka 13 (1858)

Family #72

Mikhal Movshovich MEKHER 33

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Movsha-Zalman 18 (1852)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Don 6 (1852)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his wife's brother Jankel Zalmanovich 35 (1852)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Jankel's son Mikel 16 (1852)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Khaim Khnanionovich  MELER 32

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853

Khaim's son Leizer 10 (1852)

     -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Khaim's briother  Goel 26 (1852)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Mikhey Movshovich MELER 20 (1853)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853

Family #73

Shmul-Abram Ioelovich BERGER 32 (1850) 40 (1858)
his  wife Shimka  40 (1858)
his daughter Basia 19 (1858)
his daughter Enta 17 (1858)
his daughter Perka 15 (1858)
his daughter Dvora 8 (1858)
his daughter Reiza 2 (1858)

his son Girsh 15 (1854) 19 (1858)

    (Note: -removed somewhere in 1880 A.V.)

Girsh's wife Itka 19 (1858)

(Note: -removed in 1880, file N 1058/80 -A.V.)

Family #74

Kaufman Zalmanovich CHERVIN 48 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Zalman 22 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Leizer 18 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son David 15 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
his son Erukhim 13 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853

Family #75

Aizik Dovnovich SVIRSKYI  26 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Itsik Berkovich Zalmanovich SVIRSKYI  35 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Itsik's  son Berko 16 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853
Itsik's  son Jankel 14 (1852)  soldier since 1853
Girsh Lipkovich SVIRSKYI  30 (1850)

    -removed to land-workers of Ekaterinaslaw Gubernia in 1853

Family #76

Osher Tuvikovich SVIRSKYI  30 (1850) 38 (1858)
his wife Khaika 33 (1858)
his daughter Riva-Malka 10 (1858)
his brother Vulf LIPMAN  28 (1850) 36 (1858)

(Note: as written in the Revision List A.V.)
his wife Riva-Malka 33 (1858)

his daughter Peska 12  (1858)
his daughter Rokha 9 (1858)

Family #77

Judel Zalmanovich FISHER 38 (1850) 46 (1858)
his wife Malka-Keila 43 (1858)
his son Abram 8 (1850) 16 (1850)
his daughter Zlata 11 (1858)
his sister Tsira FISHER 50 (1858)

Family #78

Berko Davidovich MELTZER 30 (1850) 38 (1858)
his wife Nakhama 36 (1858)
his daughter Basa 4 (1858)
his daughter Perka 1 (1858)
his (brother as written in 1858

Note: - corrected in 1866 26.12, file N 394/66 -A.V.)

son Gersh-David missed in 1850; 17 (1858)
(Note: since 8.4.1867 re-enrolled in Sventsiany 2d guild merchantry, file N 11/67 -A.V.)

Family #79

Berko Davidovich KOTLIAR 29 (1850) absent (1858)

Family #80

Borukh Israelovich BERGER 28 (1850) 36 (1858)
his wife Khaya-Dvorka 33 (1858)
his daughter Khana 12 (1858)
his son Jankel 8 (1858)

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