A ShtetlThis town is northeast of Plansk and southwest of Ciechanow. This is in Warzawa district.
A town that had about 1,000 Jewish inhabitants before the holocaust, now there are none.
Many perished in death camps, some emigrated to Israel, the United States and elsewhere.
I hope that you will find this web page interesting as well as informative.
This web page will contain pictures of the town and people.
This web page is in memory of mother in law
(Chana Zryb Schack)
1902 - 1992
and my father in law
(David Louis Schack)
1904 - 1960They were married in 1926 in Brooklyn, New York.
The following are links that you might find useful.
This page was created by Larry Blum and Debbe Hagner on March 23, 2001. If any question about this page, please contact Larry at