
Keith Peltz's map from memory of Shumsk

Keith Peltz was born in Shumsk in 1906 and came to the United States in 1921. He settled in Omaha, Nebraska, where he died at the age of 94. In the 1980s, more than half a century after Peltz last saw Shumsk, he drew the map below for a relative who was traveling to the area. The handwritten text is transcribed below the image.

Keith Peltz's map of Shumsk


My Birthplace Shumsk As I Remember It

Text on the Left Side:

Here was the Oliker Bethamedrosh.  (This was the study hall/synagogue of the Oliker Hasidim.)

This street was called New Town

The Russian Cemetery


Here was a Russian church

Here was the Rabbi and family.
Lamid (?) Alter’s sister Sheva married the Rabbi’s son

Here is the house that belonged to Grandpa Leyb.
And we Alter and Aster and family lived in.
Entrance; Front Porch

This was the Shumsk address:
Mostechika Shumsk
Kremenetsko Oyesoa
Volinsky Goberne


Where Piney and family lived

Here was Grandpa Mendel’s house

This was a center plaza.

Here was the brewery located.

Text on the right side:

Here was a privately owned park with fruit trees. Also he owned the distillery.

Here was a Polish church.

Next door was your uncle Loser and family.

Grocery store and dry goods stores

All kinds of little shops

The big synagogue
Market square

Here was the Sander Gandler residence and flour store

Here there were fruit stands.


Residences, also a hotel

Bath house

This was called the Grabley

This street led to the mill and the lake

Here was a little town called Rachmanov

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