This list is part of " List of Jews from Kotzman and Kotzman
vicinity who perished during the Holocaust":
David, son of Rabbi Yehoshua, his wife Frieda and their son
2. Rabbi VAYS Ben-Zion Shochet and Bodek (Religious Butcher) and
3. Dr. IVANIR, his wife, children and his brother Mordechai
4. ORINGER Yosef, Elka, Sarah, Zeev-Wolf and Yehoshua
5. BERGER Mendl and his wife
6. BIRNBAUM Meir, Ester-Rachel, Sarah and Frieda
7. BERLER Menachem - Mendel, Rivka and Chaia
8. The sisters GOTFRIED, HILLMANN and the brothers GOLDNER
9. DAUBER Asher - Entschl and Rivka
10. HEITNER Avraham, son of Mordechai Leib, his wife Bella daughter of
11. DAVID Yekhezkel KUNIE and Kehila (Khila?)
12. HEITNER Bella, daughter of Scheindl
13. HILLZENRAD Yehoshua, Miryam, Yitzhak and Leah
14. SINGER Sarah and Mina
15. TAUBER David and Rivka
16. LICHTENHOLTZ Chaia - Rachel
17. LAUTMAN Malka and her daughter Z'eni
18. MELER Chaim - Berish, Mordechai and Arie - Leib
19. MUNSTER Menashe, son of Ya'akov and his son Ya'akov Schlomo
20. NUSSBAUM Yehoshua and Malka
21. FELIKS Golda, daughter of Eliyahu
22. FREIND David, Slova, Mendel and Regina
23. PROSTAK Mendel and Bluma
24. FRIED Fischel and his wife Henia
25. PASTERNAK Shmuel - Feivel, his son Moshe and his daughter Sarah
26. PEPPER Sarah daughter of Shimon.
27. PEPPER Bat-Sheva and her daughter Miryam and Golda daughter of
28. KUGLER Yona,Shprinze, Shalom, Feige, Izik Taube and Avraham
29. RASLER Eliezer son of Chaim and his wife Breina daughter of Shlomo.
30. RUBINGER Avraham and Montzia.
31. ROSENBERG Michael and his wife Itta.
32. RICHTER Chaim - Shlomo son of Moshe.
33. ROSENBLATT Israel son of Shlomo, his wife Sarah, Shlomo, Moshe,
Avraham, Pesia and Zvi.
34. SHEKHMANN Shalom and Scheindl.
35. ZIMMER Benish, Rivka, Feige, Henia, Dvora, Nachum and Beila.
36. ZIMMER Avraham, Elisha, Yishayahu, Scheindl and Mintzia.
37. KREIMEYER Yekhezkel, Orna, Mina, Chaim and Sarah. KREIMEYER Freida.
38. TREISER Chaim son of Mendel - Ya'akov, his wife and his four
39. TREISER Yitzhak-Leib, his wife and his sister Akia.