
1954 Pleasantville NJ
American shul where newcomers were
welcomed. These are all Jewish Farm kids. |

fresh off the boat from Germany learning
the Chicken business
David (Jakobovitz) Jacoby right. Isaac
(Isi) Ehrlich, a PEZ dispenser
in hand, a new American kid !
kids were raised by wolves, us by
the chickens.

1955 Atlantic City Convention Hall
at farm convention/new products
Sandy, Blanche-Bleema, Wolf,
Joe-Yossel, and Isaac -isi Ehrlich me. |

Wolf Ehrlich calming a bird
Chickens frighten easily, a calm
chicken lays more eggs.

1958 roadside stand Eggs and
dressed Chickens |
1959 McKee
City Farmers Congregation
Model Passover.
Rabbi Meyer Zeff escaped
camp prisoner then arrived here via
kno wn for his fiery
sermons (in Yiddish !!)
Thanks for Isaac Ehrlich
for use of his photos and the stories
Isaac Ehrlich |
