Twentieth Century Maps
By Deborah Glassman, copyright 2004

Automobile Map of the Polish Period

1928 Polish Road Map for Novogrodek region (high-resolution version)

Three Maps from 1914

This is from a map by G. Peltier called Les Provinces Baltique that was released for publication in 1915 and completed around two years earlier.

1915 Polessie (high-resolution version)

1914 Atlas: Lyakhovichi is circled in red near the Grodno border (high-resolution version)

This map was supplied by the generosity of Tomek Wisniewski who has brought together a superb historical and cultural gallery of Polish materials.

1914 Topographical Map of Lyakhovichi area in German (high-resolution version)

Maps created in the investigation of Lyakhovichi property records in the Minsk Archives. These property records covered from 1878-1912 and it is not immediately clear if they represent any single year of that period.

Property records maps (high-resolution versions: 1 2 34)

Map of Belarus (high-resolution version

Lyakhovichi Road Map in 2000 (high-resolution version)

1940 Jurisdictional Map (high-resolution version)

The 1929 aerial view of Lyakhovichi is courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration from the Records of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Record Group 733, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.

1929 Aerial Map of Lyakhovichi (high-resolution version)

Street Map from Lyakhovichi Yizkor Book (high-resolution version)

Detail from Lyakhovichi Street Map in Yizkor Book

Brest Region with Districts from 1939